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Sudan Tribune

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Western Equatoria receives keys of newly constructed Ministry of Agriculture

By Richard Ruati

December 11, 2008 (YAMBIO) — The construction effort of the Government of Western Equatoria State (WES) is beginning to show dividends with the handing over of the newly constructed Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry in Yambio on December 10, 2008 to the government by the contractor.

governor_inaugrates_agriculture.jpgThe keys to the constructed Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry were handed over to the WES Governor Jemma Nunu Kumba by the Kenyan based Construction Company amid jubilation by the civil servants who had gathered to witness the occasion.

The project fall under the Sudan productive Capacity Recovery Program (SPCRP) and is sponsored by the European Union. FAO, UNOPS and the state Ministry of Physical Infrastructure had played a key supervised and monitoring role during the construction period.

Speaking on the occasion, the Minister of Agriculture Professor Mathew Udo complimented the donor and the contractors for such a gigantic ministry HQs urging it to maintain its competitive edge in consultancy and construction projects in infrastructural areas.

The minister expressed that; “The building may not be enough to accommodate all the six directorates under the ministry.” He also welcomed the dignitaries from Juba, the Ministers of Agriculture Samson Kwaje and Festo Kumbaniduwai of Animal Resources and Fisheries.

The Governor of Lakes State Daniel Awet Akot accompanied the GOSS Delegation.

During her Inaugural speech, Governor Jemma Nunu Kumba said “The construction of the New Ministry building will go a long way towards providing an enabling working environment to the staff of the ministry, improve their performance to achieve the objectives of the Ministry and the state.”

She added that, “The construction and maintenance works on the trunk roads in the state will bolster economic activities, because it will facilitate agriculture produce to the markets, hence giving incentives to the farmers to double their production.”

Jemma stressed that the state appreciates, the provision of tractors promised by the GOSS ministry of Agriculture and Forestry,”We expect that, the tractors are delivered before the end of the year,” she said.

The state governor also appealed to the European Union and other partners to assist the government of Western Equatoria State to construct feeder roads that link key food productive areas to main markets; provision of well fumigated storage facilities at strategic market and distribution centers.

The WES government also appreciates the delivery of logistic support in form of four vehicles and four motorbikes as part of the SPCRP program. The gears will improve the extension services which are much needed by the communities in the rural areas.

However, the governor expressed that; “the vehicles need to be equipped with Codan Mobile VHF radios, tool boxes and other accessories.”

The state agriculture policy focuses more on the rural population.

The governor urged southern Sudan ministries of Agriculture and Forestry, and Animal Resources and Fisheries to assist to assist the Western Quatoria to support projects to train and equip workers with necessities such as motorbikes and bicycles is a priority to facilitate their work.



  • Saaid Nafe
    Saaid Nafe

    Western Equatoria receives keys of newly constructed Ministry of Agriculture
    That is a step forward but not enough. What we need as southerners is Agriculture projects and schemes eventhougth small and smart. Shame for us to have ten ministry of Agriculture and the eleven one is Goss ministry of Agriculture without a single project or Agriculture scheme. Until when are we going to depend our food from foreign countries? I would like to suggest to our Government to stop the outside food especially vegetable so that our people should start producing them inside otherwise our country cultivators will grow weak because the foreigners are producing their croups by modern methods which makes ours not competing in our own markets.

  • Jayo

    Western Equatoria receives keys of newly constructed Ministry of Agriculture

    I am grateful to the government of the people of Western Equatoria for this developmet initiative.This is what we are suppose to hear everyday all over the 10 states of South Sudan.I am sick of hearing about fighting over the senior positions and complain of corruption charges.All the Governors should imitate her Excellecy Jemma Kumba in building their states.I wish the government of Western Equatoria success in their development goal.

    Jayo is from Jongulei Province but have love for all his people of South Sudan unlike other idiots on this website who only cry hatred and tribalism.

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