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Sudan Tribune

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Jonglei plans to end unnecessary expenditure

By Philip Thon Aleu

December 17, 2008 (BOR TOWN) — Jonglei Governor pointed out the need to review the expenses of the state in order to reduce employment and increase funds dedicated to the development projects.

Kuol_Manyang_Juuk_10.jpgThe move to review the number of employees, standardizing constitutional holders’ grades and a possible laying-off of elderly staffs aims at ending “unnecessary expenditure,” Governor Kuol Manyang said.

In an hour interview with Sudan Tribune on Tuesday, Governor Kuol Manyang Juuk – who has been listed and approached to head Southern Sudan army ministry by GoSS President Salva Kiir Mayardit – says higher percentage of State’s budget goes to staffs’ pocket, making delivery of basic services difficult.

“To avoid unnecessary expenditure, we have to lay-off the aged staffs; make appropriate grading – because some people promote themselves or being promoted to suffer grades unreasonably. Consequently, money can be served for developing roads, building schools, hospital and drilling safe-drinking water points,” Kuol said.

Jonglei government carried out a surprise roll call early this year; the first time that Southern Sudan’s State cracks down the host of corruption – through ghost and double employees, and over-employment. Millions of Sudanese Pounds have, so far being served following the exercise according to State authorities.

Government of Southern Sudan (GoSS) adopted the strategy and argued other States to copy from Jonglei. GoSS Minister of Labor and Human Resource Development Awut Deng Achuil hailed the effort and said in November that “Jonglei is the priority and role model” while meeting State officials here (Bor Town).

Asked whether the next Governor would implement the policies, Kuol appeared optimistic. “Everything depends on that government’s policy; but of course we have already started,” he said.

While in Khartoum last month, Governor Kuol Manyang says he “managed to secure eleven tractors” that will be availed to “organized farmers.” Eight other tractors –donated by GoSS in Juba, will be released in the same manner. This, he said, will address food insecurity which is directly linked to arms insecurity.

Answering how Jonglei approaching to halt cattle raiding, child abduction and unnecessary killings, Manyang leaves the ball rolling. “It is our responsibility as citizens of this State to end insecurity. It is not the government officials alone to convince the society that peace is good,” he said. “The arms at the hands of civilians are the cause of this [insecurity] and we trying our best to disarm them.”

Manyang elaborated that while he leaves for other position outside the State, Jonglei will continue to attain stability. “It is the interest of Government of Southern Sudan’s President that there should be peace [everywhere in Sudan],” he noted.

He says the best method to address insecurity is for people to understand that “government can not employ everyone.” “People should be encouraged to work like Freelance Journalists. This group (reporters) gets their money from other people’s works and they are happier than anyone,” he said.

Kuol defines a good government as “the one provides security and basic services.” “The most important thing is that we have to provide maximum security to ensure that everyone is safe in order to perform his or her duties with a peaceful mind,” he observed.

He maintains that Jonglei next governor would be expected, citizens say, to implement the set policies and embark on ending what Governor kuol described in his May, 2008’s press briefing as “corruption in government machinery.”

Above all, having maximum security remain a priority.



  • Pandit

    Jonglei plans to end unnecessary expenditure
    General Kuol I’m appreciate your efford in our state and God can help you to crackdown corruption that based on nepotism within the SPLA armed forces. It is accept to us as Jonglei Citizens to think about what can be best for our people. According to my personal belief , in order to bring peace Jonglei government should mobilize her citizens to visit each other, convinced parents to give up their children to go to school, paying teachers, nurses, chieves, and sending qualified teachers, doctors and nurses to all counties within state to help areas that have no a lot of educated people. Those criminals whether Bor, Nuer, Anyuak, Murle and Kachipo should not be forgive if they committed sirous crime against other people and be punish in the eye of public so that to deter such activities. Mayen Ngor is an important man in Jonglei state. People should chose him to work with minister of agricuture or water project minister to bring clean water to Jonglei citizens.

  • Controller

    Jonglei plans to end unnecessary expenditure
    Thank you Mr.Governor Kuol Manyang Juuk.
    you are a skill leader. Many people like the way you have handled the stability of the security in Jonglei State.

    The people of Jonglei State need to understand that peace is always been better than violence.
    Overall, Disarmament should be done to all communities.Then, it should not be all about Lou Nuer Community alone, whom have been Disarmed and left the other Communities with guns on their hands to terrify the defendless Community. It is injustice, and should be done like that a gain.

    Finally, Mr.Governor thanks you for all your hard work you have done for the good of the State, and by bringing the Jonglei citizens together in order to love peace and hate Crimes.
    Thanks you very much.
    By Controller

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