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Sudan Tribune

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Speaker Wani says SPLM committed to separate South Sudan

By Isaac Vuni

December 24, 2008 (JUBA) — The Speaker of Southern Sudan Legislative Assembly (SSLA) James Wani Igga told a religious celebration in Juba that the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement is committed to achieve an independent state in southern Sudan.

James Wani Igga
James Wani Igga
Igga emphasized commitment of SPLM to securing sovereign state of South Sudan. However, he added that there are many individuals including Southern political parties, seemingly, have failed to understand role of SPLM towards separation or unity of the Sudan during the forth coming general election scheduled for next year.

The speaker was addressing youth full congregations and southerners at SSLA premises to mark the fourth Christmas after signing Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) that ended 21 years devastating civil war on 9th January 2005.

He further said “SPLM/A didn’t go to bush simply to waste time but rather have concert plan of liberating discriminated, oppressed and marginalize southerners by successive regimes in Khartoum.”

The head of Juba parliament noted that the comprehensive peace agreement “has a lot of enemies including southerners who are out to destroy the CPA at any cost while some letting their buttocks to be stamped simply to betray people of South Sudan aspiration”. But he cautioned that “SPLM will never allow spoilers to carryout their sinister by purporting to be supporters of SPLM/A” during the forth coming national election scheduled for net year.

The speaker went to say “there are many individuals including some southern political parties who have failed to understand position of SPLM towards forth coming 2011 referendum, alleging that SPLM is neither for separation nor unity.”

Igga elucidated that SPLM/A that fought for 21 years will never surrender at the last minute from establishing sovereign state comes 2011 referendum.

“If those in Khartoum think they could dishonor the CPA in the same way they did to Addis Ababa and other agreements, it will be a great deserters to them. So together let’s fully implement the CAP for realizing interest of South Sudanese;” pleaded Speaker Wani.

The Speaker further assured the congregation that the government of southern Sudan will never surrender until CPA is fully implemented and encouraged southerners to elect competent leaders who cherish interest of south above individuals.

He also noted that when SPLM came to Juba on 5th April 2005, there were few men who either took refuge in Khartoum or fled to foreign countries while few remaining were seriously dehydrated beside denied rights to conduct funeral in their houses compared to present glittering faces resulting from GOSS efforts yet many selfish southerners are deliberately denying what SPLM did for people of south Sudan.

However, Speaker acknowledged that some SPLA soldiers are cheating and looting innocent fellow citizens especially in Juba capital compounded with land grabbing influenced by some senior government officials whom he did not mention by name or ethnicity, likely to divide southerners unless ownership of land clearly define in GOSS interim constitution. “Forgive them, they do not know what they are doing”, Igga requested.

He urges each southerner to contribute individually by their talent for rapid reconstruction and development of South Sudan and refrain from blaming the semi autonomous government for their quick expectations than giving time for it to realize changes for people. “If God has given it selves seven days for creation of the world, why not give GOSS ampoule time? The Speaker wondered.

He further disclosed that SSLA has so far enacted 27 laws and more bills expected before general election scheduled for next year but SPLM do not know when it will be conducted.

On behalf of the August house, James Wani donated 7000 Sudanese pounds to representative of religious groups who participated in the Christmas Carol.

The President of Southern Sudan government Salva Kiir Mayardit, a staunch Catholic faithful, left for Nairobi on morning of 23rd December for medical treatment. He was widely lauded for constructive decision of appointing Nhiel Deng Nhiel as minister of SPLA affairs on 22nd 2008.

Minister of Regional Cooperation, Barnaba Marial Benjamin called on the two peace partners NCP and SPLM to boldly implement the deal to the letter. He cautioned that if Khartoum government was behind derailing implementation of CPA, it will be deserters for them because Goss will never backtrack from what they fought for, he declared

He also appealed to all Southern Sudanese to elect a right people in right place during the forth coming general election scheduled for next year.

Benjamin praised the Southern Sudan Churches leaders for their support during liberation struggle and urges them to continue supporting implementation of CPA to the letter.

On behalf of Goss, Minister Dr. Benjamin donated 8000 Sudanese pounds to religious groups that participated in marking SSLA Christmas Carol 2008 with each getting 1000 Sudanese pound and they are: Kator cathedral choir St. Charles Lwang Choir, Nuer Choir, ECS Dinka Choir, Bari choir, Pentecostal Choir and Golgota music Bund

In accordance with the terms of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement signed on January 9, 2005, the people of Southern Sudan shall vote in the 2011 referendum to either confirm the unity of Sudan or opt to create an independent country.

The people of Abyei shall also vote in the same year to either remain with the North or join the South if it becomes independent, while the people of Nuba Mountains and Southern Blue Nile shall have popular consultations within the North.

Meanwhile the Catholic Archbishop, His Grace Paulion Lukudu Loro appeal to faithful Christians together with Southerners to refrain from evil practices and asked the Churches and the government to work together for common good of southerners and embrace spirit of forgive demonstrated by SSLA.

Prelate emphasized that SSLA should represent cross section of southerners irrespective of their ethnicity or religious affiliation because SSLA has vital role of promoting democracy and also overseeing Executive operation.

He added that while South Sudanese Bishops were in Roma in 1997, His Grace disclosed that South Sudanese Bishops agreed to remain firm and stay with their oppressed and marginalized faithful congregations and challenged the National Islamic Front led government to “Let my people choose” self-determination at time when talking about will amount to one’s dead in hand of ruling government.

Meanwhile on behalf of Episcopal Church of the Sudan (ECS) most Reverend Daniel Deng Bul of Juba, Right Reverend Micah Dawidi Laila describe the occasion as unique in the history of the August House and alleging that SSLA has been dominated for the last three years and eleven months by communist elites who have no respect and love for God.

Right Reverend Laila further alleged that Prelate Paulino Lokudu and he were targeted for assassination for demanding self determination to South Sudanese.

He alleged that the presidential assistant and deputy chairman of the National Congress Party Nafi Ali Nafi and Riek Gai Kok, the Presidential Advisor and Vice Chairman of the NCP Southern Division were involved in training some sons of prominent Southern officials in central Sudan town of Medeni, now terrorizing Juba with knives and heavy weaponry under the name of Nigers, while government play down their arrest.

The Minister of parliamentary affairs, Martin Elias Lomuro and the team felt they were not early enough involve in preparation for the Christmas Carol prayer hence they tactically boycotted to avoid conflict of interest within parliament as minister is reported to be present in Juba.

The occasion was colorfully attended by various groups of denominations in Juba and surrounding including African traditional believers who were entertained by Kator cathedral choir, St. Charles Lwang Choir, Nuer Choir, ECS Dinka Choir, Bari choir, Pentecostal Choir and Golgota music Bund.

The Sudan Council of Churches officially registered denomination groups in Southern Sudan are the Catholic Church, Episcopal Church of the Sudan (ECS), African Inland Church of the Sudan (AIC), Presbyterian Church of Sudan and Pentecostal Church of the Sudan in Juba amongst others unregistered scats waiting to grape any available opportunity to promote themselves.



  • Lokorai

    Speaker Wani says SPLM committed to separate South Sudan
    Mr. Speaker, say it aloud and always; that should be done consistently, not new sudan today, separation tomorrow.

  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    Speaker Wani says SPLM committed to separate South Sudan
    See this coward, where have you been since ages until this day. Your speeching was depressing like am sitting in a snow area, by time when i was listening to you. Your the worse Equatoria i ever see in life. Leaving your own family and your tribe of Bari in particular from been abused like an orphans. What a silly man in power. Centtral Equatoria which was home to Goss figures have been abused more then the Eastern Equatoria which has nothing as a figure in this president of Junglese. They can abused the people in Nimule or torit because Logu is not longer in power, accept my ordinary people will apply any of their skills to protect themselves.

    Kiir to Nairobi why? ummm anyway God be with him that is all. Probably the witches of dinkas might have affect him, because they want Koul Juuk and Nhiel Deng tribalism position. Those dinkas who are training their sons to target people in Juba are the main source of seperation in South before the real moment. Their culture of killing people in Lake, Jungle and Upper must not be brought into this city. I warn you to remove the title of city in every part of Greater Equatoria and take it to your wild environment in Jungle, taking the title of city to jungle does not affect the development of Greater Equatoria. The power in South is just power of gun not power of having knowledge and skills for holding power.

    We have individual with a right and genuine knowledge of solving the growing of genocide in particular areas of Nimule, Juba, Yei and Torit. But having someone like James Wani is not a wise move, i will never support any of your idea because you are coward who turn blind to your entire people. ignoring all the matters. Don’t sell us just because of a little piece of bread your getting from this savage of dinkas president. The dinkas have shown us the seperation already and what are we waiting? how many people were shot death and still more will be shot at this christmass. I will never tolerate this killing of innocent Equatorian in cold blood shed. If you mean it lets put it into action, but not just gagging the Equatorians with words, and tomorrow you will hear a killing, murder, violence, land gradding and rapping from other parts of Equatoria. Dinkas are dinkas second arabs, because they have learnt arab culture. The only solution is to put things into action like how they are leaving their villages to Murle. If we have it in action. Sooner they will surrender the beautiful region of Greater Equatoria.

    This dinkas have been taught a worse culture by their enslaves arabs, and they are sticking to what the arabs have taught them. Junglese (dinak) have not experience any pain in my own mother land of Greater Equatoria? and now they destorying my people and their land. It is genuine to understand the current growing of South Sudan genocide, in particular state of Greater Equatoria under savage president of dinkas. we are innocents and we remain innocent in our own land, although how much they have caused. But God is great, he will know what to do, because their barbaric culture is one of the hardest thing to deal with. They have to remove their nasty behaviours and they will earn some credit from me and my people in general. Equatorians believe in unity and dinkas are planning for genocide in Equatoria, eventually they have come to realise that Equatoria is sitting on top of different resources and minerials which will double the quality of jungle, lake and Abeyi oil. I LOVE my nation including it’s people, but am not into their wild behaviours.

    Logic deserve a better nation for all.

  • nguondeng

    Speaker Wani says SPLM committed to separate South Sudan
    Ha!Ha!Ha! Where in hell can disgrace Nyagat bring peace? What a joke a nyagat who became vice-president, Nyagat can not mediate peace with another nyagat like himself. The so-called Dr. Riak Machar Teny is like woman who had committed adultery and husband lost faith in her. Riak surrender to jalaba 1991, went back to Khartoum where he was stamped in his buttocks has a sign of accepting Islam.

    Who can trust Riak now apart from his primitive nuer tribe who are critically ill of permittivity,Nuer are born to claim things including fighting for Ethiopian citizenship, no wonder why the call Nuer because Nuer mean lawless, careless, useless, homeless, and hopeless.

    I think it’s a curse to be born in Nuer a mokdit family your strange behavior you bogus stop now, and seek spiritual counseling you guys suffered from curse from your great prophet Ngundeng because of stealing from Dinka bor.

    Nuer are well known of being fool tribe, drunk age, womanizer like Riak Machar did he left his concubine Angelina Teny and went fucking aid worker who came to feed his starving Nuer tribe. His late sex worker Emma died from Riak sins.

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