Friday, October 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Ugandan rebels attack Congo army near Sudan

January 3, 2009 (KINSHASA) — The Lord’s Resistance Army rebels attacked the positions of the Congolese troops in the Garamba National Park the northeast of the country, near the Sudanese border, local officials stated today.

This attack comes after reports about the withdrawal of the LRA fighters from the Democratic Republic of Congo to the neighboring Central African Republic after fierce fighting with joint troops from Uganda, southern Sudan and the Congo since December 14. But Bangui said it has no confirmation about the presence of the rebels.

Joseph Bangakya, deputy governor of the northeastern province of Orientale said today that 50 LRA rebels had attacked Magero, home of the chief station of the Garamba park wardens, on Friday evening.

He further added that the assailants were looking for “fresh supplies” but the Congolese troops repelled them. Bangakya was not about to provide the details of causalities.

However local authorities indicated that the rebels had retreated to the north of the Garamba park on the Sudanese border.

At least 400 civilians were massacred by the LRA during the last week of December according to the aid group Caritas, but the provincial authorities put the total at 271 with many bodies still to be found.

The United Nations mission in DR Congo (MONUC) indicated the LRA attacks on civilians follows the December 14 joint military operation by the three countries.

The United Nations mission in DR Congo (MONUC) has said the LRA attacks on civilians follows the December 14 joint military operation by the three countries.

The military operation follows the refusal of LRA leader Joseph Kony to sign a peace deal brokered by the southern Sudan government since July 2006.



  • madbantu

    Ugandan rebels attack Congo army near Sudan
    I think they should just give this man amnesty. Thats all he wants. To many people are dying. These armies do not care about civilians or else they would have planned to protect remote villages and civilians before there arial bombardment. again and again and again since december 14th the lra has been killing. while the government says they have taken there weapons and sent them running without food and weapons. if this was the case wouldnt they just rob the villages of goods and medicine, if they were weak and on the run would they have time to kill rape and kid nap or even trade gun shots with soldiers. The ICC’s purpose seem to be prolonging the war. They want there own personal justice they dont care about the people who are dying while kony is hiding from persecution. Not willing to come out with the threat of warrants over his head. who in there right mind would come out of the bush to get tried in court for rape murder and torture. whats in it for him to come from the bush. I think if Kony and his top commanders were offered full amensty they would leave the bush. how could three armies be working together to rid the place of a so called finished group and there are still attacks on civillians going on. this group is said to have only 800 to 1000 fighters. they are travelling with ubductees and families and theyve only caught a few so called ubductees. Whats the difference if they kill him or give him amnesty. the people who were/are the victims wont benefit from kony getting tried in the hague. the people at the hague arent affected by the LRA so they can sit around fore ever with there warrants while people are still being killed. All they care about is another conviction for there new court. its a notch on there belts.

  • The Jungle fire
    The Jungle fire

    Ugandan rebels attack Congo army near Sudan
    Konyi is using gorilla tactic and those government soldier who are after money, they don,t care to protect civilians.
    Civiilians haven,t done anythings, why LRA is after them.
    I think, Konyi himself is not clever enough, He is not educated. He killed my dad, God should keeep watching konyi.One day good news will comes.

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