Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Darfur JEM delegation to Washington for talks with US officials

January 5, 2009 (WASHINGTON) – The US embassy in Khartoum issued a statement today confirming that a delegation from the Darfur Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) will start a visit to Washington this week.

The embassy said the visit “will take place within the context of U.S. government efforts to encourage all parties to participate in the Darfur peace process”.

Sudanese pro-government media had reported last week that Washington asked JEM to postpone the visit for unspecified reasons.

But the US embassy in its statement denied the reports saying the visit will proceed as planned.

Sudan Tribune has learnt that the delegation will include Gibril Ibrahim economic adviser to JEM leader, Dr. Abdullahi Osman El-Tom who is in charge of the Bureau for Training and Strategic Planning and Ahmed Hussein, JEM spokesperson.

Washington has been pressuring JEM to halt its military activities as well as Chad to stop supporting the rebel groups.



  • nyadeng Garang
    nyadeng Garang

    Darfur JEM delegation to Washington for talks with US officials
    I can see United States preparing Sudan for war ahead of the ICC announcement of arrest warrant againt the Dictator of Sudan.

    The US is in plan of supporting the South and the rebels in Darfur to wage a military action if Al Bashir suspend the Constitution, CPA, and disolved the government as a result of ICC move. A military action that will affect NCP from South and West moving toward Khartoum in which the NCP will fall. This is the regime change United States is planning across the globe and people must be aware of it.

    I’m sure the Darfurians are coming to Washingto DC to be told what to expect with all the United States support in case Bashir disolved the Government of National Unity. This is what Darfurians want since they do not want to see southern Sudan to be separate. The Darfurians will do any thing to keep South from breaking away. This must happen before 2011.

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