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Sudan Tribune

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Ethiopian troops begin pulling out of Somali capital – statement

By Tesfa-alem Tekle

January 7, 2008 (ADDIS ABABA) — State Ministry of defense on Wednesday confirmed that Ethiopian troops have began leaving Mogadishu, as part of the promised complete withdrawal from the war torn Somalia after two years of intervention.

According to the decision federal government of Ethiopia passed a first-round of Ethiopian troops have began leaving the capital Mogadishu, a statement worded.

Transportation of a first round military logistics and troop belongings are also successfully winded up, the statement added.

The defense ministry didn’t specify an exact day the troops will completely pull-out. But Colonel Gebreyohans Abate, military chief to Ethiopian forces in Somalia reaffirmed that troops will completely leave Somalia after the forces in a responsible way hand over security control of areas under control to Somalia and AU peace keeping forces.

To protect from a possible insurgent attack during pullout the official said that Ethiopian forces will continue taking the ongoing military operation to clear up the Islamist insurgents from areas they are believed to be still active.

Many Somali officials expressed fears that the withdrawal of the Ethiopian troops could create a vacuum in the country and provide an opportunity for the Islamists to overthrow the internationally backed government.

Two years ago Ethiopia entered Somalia to help the weak government of Somalia to oust the Islamic courts which are allegedly suspected of links with Al-Qaida.

When while, fighting among Islamist groups emerged last weeks and making warning that even Islamists could not provide security to this troubled country since 1991.

A group called Ahlu Sunna Waljama last week said that it has killed 188 Al-Shebab fighters and also seized a number of light and heavy weapons in a military mission it carried out in northern Somalia during the past 5 days.


1 Comment

  • Jacob

    Ethiopian troops begin pulling out of Somali capital – statement
    Dear Ethiopian government bravo, bravo you have done your part to your confused neighbor Somaila.These people are only one ethnic group and in top ofr that they are Muslim but they can not governor themselves due to their madness.
    Most of them now have come to South and Sudan as ahold to creat confusion. They come as Kenyans because the knew all the world are aware of their confusions.Southern Sudanese please be an eye to your nation and watch on these people.Yesterday some of them were transported from Jonglei because they came with wrong documents to the State.
    Please begine asking whoever you suspect to be having wrong document.


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