Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Notable Zande chief murdered by Ugandan rebels

January 21, 2009 (LONDON) – The chief of Bamani, which lies in Ibba County in Western Equatoria state (WES), was murdered by the LRA in his house at 2:00 a.m. on January 19, said Charles Kisanga, chairman of Western Equatoria Azande Community World-Wide Organisation.

LRA_soldiers.jpgChief Gordon Jalal Ngirimo of Bamani boma in Nabanga Payam was killed along with a woman and two children were abducted two children as the guerillas fled to the forest with loot.

Kisanga, who issued a statement from the United Kingdom based on official and youth sources in WES, decried the act as “barbaric” and called on all able-bodied men of the state “to march for freedom and survival by joining hands with villagers and forming vigilant groups of SPLA Patriotic forces who can patrol all the areas and engage LRA.”

“I’m appealing to the youth and young men of all ages of the South Sudan to register and join the SPLA Patriotic Defence group for WES so that we can take on these terrorists and annihilate them from Equatoria and South Sudan. Our peace today is also the peace for the whole of South Sudan,” said Kisanga.

The Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) in part has moved into Southern Sudan from bases in Garamba National Park in DR Congo, where a joint attack by the three governments of Uganda, Southern Sudan and DR Congo attempted to destroy the guerillas in late December. The LRA has terrorized northern Uganda and other areas since the late 1980s, though there strength was until recently thought to have declines significantly in recent years as support from the Sudanese intelligence apparatus had dried up.

Kisanga said his community appeals to the international community to channel aid for refugees and displaced, who number over 30,000 in WES. He noted that Ezo county alone has 8,000 refugees and displaced people, living with no shelter or food.

“We also appeal for moral and martial support for the people trying to fight the LRA and remove them from Equatoria. We are quite sure the Comprehensive Peace Agreement cannot survive with such atrocities ongoing because the result of insecurity can mean people rejecting CPA and looking for alternatives soon. Hence it can be more rewarding in supporting our people to drive LRA out than singing mere words of support for CPA.”

The slain chief, Jalal Ngirimo, is the descendent of the Zande chief called Ngirimo who together with Gbudue Ngirimo was a warrior who managed to stop conquerors like the Europeans and the Arabs at the beginning of the twentieth century.

“The death of Ngirimo’s son in a simple manner like that at the hands of LRA testify to the suffering of the people of Western Equatoria with nobody to defend them where the GoSS Government is careless and is busy with its tribal politics,” said Kisanga.

Since December 20, 2008 in WES up to 120 people had been killed and over a hundred kidnapped by LRA. Thousands have also poured into WES from Congo DR after attacks there by LRA killed more than 625 people since December 2008, according to reports from local NGOs and officials.



  • Kwaje D
    Kwaje D

    Notable Zande chief murdered by Ugandan rebels
    I am very unset by the killing of His Majesty by this aimless rebels.

    May his soul rest in enternal peace.

    I don’t agree with the fact that Equatoria army is brought to live again because it aims were most like the LRA during the war.

    It is one of the useless army the world can have.

    However, the Government of Self Service in Juba nust act or resign because it totally failed to function. What respect do you have as a leader to remain seated without any services. This would result to rebellion if no action is taken.

  • Pollontino

    Notable Zande chief murdered by Ugandan rebels
    First of all my condolances to entire Zande community and especially the families of the victims; His majesty Gordon Jalal Ngirimo of Babani Boma – Nabanga Payam, a woman whose name is not mention and two children believed to be abducted along and mercilessly killed.

    What a hell going on really with GoSS in Juba??? Who will you govern if people finished since every click of clock goes with life of person in Southern Sudan!!??

    In every state people are slaughtering them selves daily like chicken and you are busy in Juba planting hypocrasy, triblism and corruption among people.

    However, in all these problems you undermine them and go ahead with military join operation on Lord Resisrant Army (LRA) that made it worst since you fell to protect the civilians from LRA retaliation.

    Dr. Riak all eyes are on you. But remember this, Joseph Kony is not interesting in PEACE any more he prepare to die in a gunfight like Angolan unita leader Jonas Savimbi.
    Think wisely about this thugs and terrorists, otherwise there will be no rest in Nothern Uganda, Southern Sudan and Eastern DR Congo.




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