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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

SPLM Political Bureau weighs response to ICC indictment

By Daniel Van Oudenaren

January 24, 2009 (WASHINGTON) – The ruling party of Southern Sudan met this week to discuss different scenarios for dealing with the aftermath of the International Criminal Court (ICC) indictment of Sudanese President Omer Al-Bashir, the leader of the northern National Congress Party (NCP).

SPLM_convention_opening_session.jpgAl-Bashir is charged with ten counts of murder, crimes against humanity and genocide, and an arrest warrant on some or all of those counts is anticipated soon.

The former southern guerrillas, who had fought their current peace partner for 22 years, now fear that the Darfur crisis within the north and the related ICC indictments threaten their landmark peace deal, and they are divided on how to use their position in the national government. Salva Kiir Mayardit, the chairman of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM), this month made strong public statements against the ICC move, saying it could unravel the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) signed between the North and South in 2005.

According to a statement issued from the SPLM General Headquarters, the southern leader convened a meeting of the movement’s Political Bureau in Juba, the southern capital. Meeting between January 19 and 20, the leadership resolved to “reiterate the previous position to positively engage the ICC and co-operate with the international community.”

The press release, which was signed by spokesman Yien Matthew Chol Joak, added that SPLM had resolved to “set up a committee under the supervision of its Chairman to monitor and address the situation and urge the NCP to handle the current situation with wisdom and restraint,” referring to northern leaders who have threatened to retaliate against peacekeepers, humanitarian aid workers or others.

Secessionists within the SPLM view the volatile situation in the north as an opportunity to declare the independence of the south, while others adhere to the position of the founder John Garang de Mabior, who tamped down secessionist tendencies in the movement in favor of an ideology of national liberation.

A unilateral declaration of independence following the ICC indictment was one option reportedly considered during a meeting of the Political Bureau ended yesterday, said a source in the Office of the President of Southern Sudan, who indicated that the move would be taken if Al-Bashir abrogates the CPA by failing to implement its protocols, such as border demarcation.

SPLM leaders discussed a declaration of independence as one of five scenarios that could take place in the aftermath of an ICC indictment, he said.

But the leader of SPLM’s northern wing, Yasir Arman, strongly denied that the party had considered a breach with the North. In a communiqué issued yesterday, he said, “This position is not part of the SPLM policy; no common sense, law nor logic may lead us to take a decision on a matter not yet happened, in particular on issues of great significance, such as what is now the case.”

“If the SPLM used to act in such a way it would not be able to come through all this hard way and show a sense of national responsibility, maturity and wisdom,” he stated.

Arman stated that the news about secession aims to create discord among the two parties to the peace agreement or public disturbance and excitement.

Despite the talk of independence, SPLM will remain engaged in the north, said the official statement on the Political Bureau meeting. The party intends to step up its efforts to unite Darfur rebel movements, as well as engage with its NCP partner with “the aim of building consensus on a coherent policy towards Darfur. In this regard, high level SPLM delegation shall visit Darfur to ascertain the views of Darfuri peoples, engage the Darfuri movements and get the perspectives thereof on the peaceful resolution of the conflict, while, interacting with key actors in the region and the International Community.”

The Islamist NCP has sent signals that it intends to rely on SPLM more in reaching a solution to the Darfur conflict. Yet regardless of the outcome of the Darfur civil war, South Sudan is entitled to opt for independence in a 2011 referendum in accordance with the terms of the CPA.



  • Benywut

    SPLM Political Bureau weighs response to ICC indictment
    It was wise for the SPLM to meet and get wider consultation than let its chairman switching the buttons which do not bear collective views of his party.As a common man, NCP should threaten people yet the damage has already been done.
    It would be wise for Mr.President Bashir and his NCP to react within their limits without forgeting that there are many options available in the South, Darfur and international community. Blackmailing is an old story that Bashir need to ask his Comrade Sddame Husein on what happened.
    Doctor John died and the CPA is crippling, therefore, Bashire can go and face his charges and CPA continues or else there will be a lot on the table for Southern Sudan.
    If Mr. President Bashir think his hands are clean, why then pan and tried to plunge the Country in to Chaos for his mess.

    My advise to Mr. Kiir is to avoid panicing and uter statements that are not collective views for the South or his SPLM party. please consult your political Bereau , cabinet and MPs whenever you want to make statement that has national connotation.

    It only make you a puppet when another contradictory statement emerge within 24 hours just like it happened during census.

  • Ramkel

    SPLM Political Bureau weighs response to ICC indictment
    This is a very welcoming news that the movement is now talking with one voice than the tired everybody switching of positions by the chairman Kiir. The NCP/NIF need to deal with the ICC and stop blackmailing parties especially, the South by threatening to fail the CPA. Should they (NCP/NIF) attempt to do so after the ICC issue an arrest warrant for Al Bashir, than let the South declare independent at the Parliament in Juba. The South didn’t stop implementating the CPA with its leader John Garang died. Why should Al Bashir case by any different?

  • Henry Wande
    Henry Wande

    SPLM Political Bureau weighs response to ICC indictment
    I think Salva Kiir mada a mistake when he issued a statement on the ICC issue. Kiir should shut his mouth since he is the next man to the president. Kiir should be perpearing himself for the job. For me, president Bashir have done more wose than what Mr Ocombo charged him for. And he should step down.

    On the other hand, if president Bashir thinks he is inocent, why tempering with the ICC. Let him go and clear himself and come back clean.

    CPA is alive and will remain alive with or without president Bashir or Kiir. Therefore, Kiir or Bashir should not be confussing the people of Sudan. Garang is dead and CPA is still alive.

  • David De Dau
    David De Dau

    SPLM Political Bureau weighs response to ICC indictment
    SPLM is a majorly recognized political force in the Sudan. However, the SPLM must move cautiously so that they don’t allow the history of marginalization, Arabisation and Islamization to repeat itself.

    We are what we think! Think tribal or whichever way, you will be what you are thinking!

    Long live, the marginalized people of the North. Long live the people of Southern Sudan and Long live Democracy in the Sudan!

  • Gatwech

    SPLM Political Bureau weighs response to ICC indictment
    Hello Southerners,

    I do agree with President Salva Kiir’s statement against the ICC indictment of AlBashir, at least to delay it for two or three years until 2012. We need to implement the CPA though AlBashir has been playing cat and mouse games with its implementation. We have tough teams that are ready to push AlBashir into implementing the CPA step by step until referendum time.

    Some of you say Dr. John Garang died but CPA did not die. Well, you know what people died when the news broke out that Dr. Garand died in that plane crash. Fortunately, the SPLM wise leadership contained the situation. But don’t assume that the NCP with its AlBashir alive would wisely handle the aftermath of issuance of arrest warrants on their leader. When Dr. John Garang died, those of Salva Kiir, Riek Machar, Wani Igga, Rebecca Nyandeng did a very good job by containing the situation and nominating the replacement without any power struggle or violence against any body, be it NCP.

    But AlBashir is a mad man, I can tell you. His reaction to his arrest warrant would be suicidal since he doesn’t care much about the lives or future of the people he leads in both North and South. He could do the unthinkable by destroying the CPA. Power struggle could also ensue within the NCP or with other Northern polical parties who are not signatories to the CPA. The whole situation would be in chaos. Why do we want such a situation if we can keep on gaining from the CPA until 2012. His indictment is not about the millions of people he killed in the South, but about Darfur who also happened to contribute to killing the Southerners. They also don’t want the South to become independent. I support President Salva Kiir for his wise decision to keep the ICC away.

    Some of you may say he was just afraid to be arrested by AlBashir after his coming back from Washington, DC, so what? May be he did not fear only for his life but for your lives as well. AlBashir is so suspicious person and if Salva Kiir stayed there in Juba without going straight to Khartoum from Washington, DC, and without hearing him say something, he would really suspect him and nobody would predict how he would treat Kiir the next time he goes to Khartoum. Didn’t you watch it on TV that Dr. Riek Machar had to come to Malakal leaving Juba citizens alone so that he could keep the two leaders smilling at each other and defusing whatever feelings they might have kept for themselves since they did not brief each other about the Washington meetings?

    Brothers, peace is better and healthier than war! We need the CPA to match on. Remember that Rebecca Nyandeng once said that she would not mourn the death of her husband, late Dr. John Garang as long as the CPA is on tract. Don’t give her a reason to mourn!!!

  • Toang Tiach Tot
    Toang Tiach Tot

    SPLM Political Bureau weighs response to ICC indictment
    bravo splm bureau this is what we want if there is any problem you should sit together and come out with one option we are happy for what you have done the south is ready to declare inddepenent for mr.Bashir let him go along with ICC we cannot defend our enemy even God may be sad with us if he want to destroy CPA we are ready we can defend our nation and liberate the part which is not under demarcation imagine our fathers of Anyanya 1 fought with Arab with ancient British rifles and if we compare it with this movement our Army is better than Russian Army during world war 2. Any attempt from NCP will lead to the total declaration of independence for south remember the book of ISAIAH IN THE HOLLY SCRIPTURE it say when the banner will be raised the world will know it. NO more unity with Arab any more

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