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Sudan Tribune

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JEM rebels and peace mediator discuss confidence building measures

February 4, 2009 (PARIS) — The Justice and Equality Movement and the joint peace mediator today held a meeting in the Chadian capital, Ndjamena to discuss a roadmap for the peace process particularly confidence building measures.

Khalil Ibrahim, rebel leader of the JEM, during a meeting with AU envoy to Darfur Salim Ahmed Salim in the area of Kariarii, near the Chadian border July 8, 2007
Khalil Ibrahim, rebel leader of the JEM, during a meeting with AU envoy to Darfur Salim Ahmed Salim in the area of Kariarii, near the Chadian border July 8, 2007
The meeting comes hours after the withdrawal of JEM troops from South Darfur flashpoint town while the Sudanese army celebrated the capture of Muhageriya pledging to defeat JEM troops in other battles.

A rebel delegation led by JEM leader Khalil Ibrahim discussed with Djibril Bassolé measures to create a conducive environment with the Sudanese government before to begin peace talks under the Qatari sponsorship.

Speaking from Ndjamena where the meeting was held, Ahmed Hussein Adam, the official spokesperson of the rebel movement said today’s meeting indicates JEM commitment to the political solution of Darfur crisis despite the ongoing tension in southern Darfur.

“The meeting discussed the necessary confidence building measures that Khartoum should implement before to negotiate in good faith,” Adam said.

He also added that a meeting could be take place in Doha very soon with a delegation from the government of national unity to discuss these measures.

Last December, JEM handed over to the Qatari government a roadmap to the peace talks. The rebel plan included some measures to be implemented by the government of Sudan before the talks.

These confidence building measures include the release of JEM fighters detained or sentenced after a raid on Khartoum last May, the IDPs protection, the halt forced repatriation of the displaced, and cessation of air strikes on civilians.

The Arab League last September has authorized Qatar to spearhead efforts to bring Darfur warring parties to the negotiating table. Since, Qatari officials and the joint mediator held a series of talks with the main rebel groups in order to prepare for the talks.

The former rebel group of Minni Minnawi that signed a peace deal with Khartoum in May 2006 asks to join the process as independent party but Sudanese government vetoes the demand and says they can be part of government delegation.

Darfur rebel groups still show some reserve toward the Arab League and the African Union efforts to end the six year war in western Sudan. Rebels believe that the peace process should not lead to suspend the indictment of the Sudanese president by the International Criminal Court.

“Dr Khalil Ibrahim clearly underscored during the meeting that peace process should not affect the ICC jurisdiction on Darfur crimes,” said JEM spokesperson. He also reiterated their condemnation to any attempt to prevent the ICC from issuing an arrest warrant for the Sudanese president.

“The leadership of the movement stressed that the ICC is part of the equitable peace process” Adam said.

In mid-July the ICC prosecutor Luis Moreno- Ocampo filed 10 charges: three counts of genocide, five of crimes against humanity and two of murder and accused Al-Bashir of masterminding a campaign to get rid of the African tribes in Darfur; Fur, Masalit and Zaghawa.

The ICC judges are still reviewing the evidence before making a ruling that could come during weeks from now.

UN experts estimate some 300,000 people have died and 2.5 million driven from their homes. Sudan blames the Western media for exaggerating the conflict and puts the death toll at 10,000.


1 Comment

  • william wol
    william wol

    JEM rebels and peace mediator discuss confidence building measures
    Hi! Khalil,

    It seemed that you are giving in so did mini minawi last year, how comes that the lion is already rashed into the house, meanwhile the owner of the house is trying to looks for stick for chassing it.Can it accepts persuasion/politic?

    Just deal with them the way you were doing it and they will call for political solution themselves instead of you accepting their fragile peace process.Nationalist can understand themselves but this helter is not a sudanese completely that is why aways pitless towards citizen for country.

    Please, keep aside negotiation and get rid of SAF from Darfur by any means.


    William Wol

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