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Sudan Tribune

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Sudan UN envoy blasts Costa Rica for opposing ICC deferral

February 5, 2009 (UNITED NATIONS) — The Sudanese ambassador at the United Nations (UN) Abdel-Mahmood Abdel-Haleem today lambasted his Costa Rican counterpart describing him as someone “with small mind”.

Sudanese ambassador at the United Nations (UN) Abdel-Mahmood Abdel-Haleem (AP)
Sudanese ambassador at the United Nations (UN) Abdel-Mahmood Abdel-Haleem (AP)
Abdel-Haleem was referring to statements made by the Costa Rican envoy to the UN Jorge Urbina in which he voiced opposition to suspending an upcoming arrest warrant by the International Criminal Court (ICC) against Sudanese president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir.

The ICC judges inching closer towards making a ruling on the charges made against Al-Bashir that include three counts of genocide, five of crimes against humanity and two of murder.

The prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo have alleged in his application submitted last July that Al-Bashir masterminded a campaign to get rid of the African tribes in Darfur; Fur, Masalit and Zaghawa.

Sudan and a number of regional organizations including the African Union (AU), Arab League, Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) and Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) condemned Ocampo’s request and called for a UNSC resolution deferring Al-Bashir’s indictment under Article 16 of the ICC Statute.

But the UNSC appears unlikely to take such a step amid strong opposition from Western veto wielding members of the council.

“Our belief that since the UN Security Council (UNSC) referred the case of Sudan to the ICC, the council took the decision that justice is part of peace in Sudan” Urbina told reporters today at the UN headquarters in New York following a briefing on Sudan.

“Fortunately we had a lesson from former Yugoslavia that we should learn; durable peace is a reconciliation of peace and justice” he added.

The remarks drew an angry response from Abdel-Haleem who described Costa Rica as a “banana republic” in an interview with Reuters today.

“We need no lessons and lectures from ambassadors like the Costa Rican one. His statements here in front of you are totally unacceptable and reflect in no uncertain terms his defeat because they have no logic or consideration for the priority of peace in Sudan” the Sudanese official said.

“He has no standing or justification whatsoever to appear before you here to talk about Article 16 and the need to leave the crazy prosecutor what he is planning to do” he added.

Abdel-Haleem also said that any arrest warrant for Al-Bashir would be like giving “birth to a dead rat that is smelling and no use at all”.

The UNSC issued resolution 1593 under chapter VII in March 2005 referring the situation in Darfur to the ICC. However Sudan refuses to recognize the jurisdiction of the court.



  • Nelson Turdit
    Nelson Turdit

    Sudan UN envoy blasts Costa Rica for opposing ICC deferral
    Mr. Ambassador Abdel Mahmood, you and your stupid president Bashier are nothing in Sudan, you should not describe the situation of arresting Bashir like ”giving birth with dead rat” Southern Sudan or Sudan as whole have its sons and daughters who can run it affairs without Bashir. should anything happen to affect peace lovers because of Bashir, then we are ready to defense interest of our people and CPA for the sake of marginalize groups.

  • Biden Osire
    Biden Osire

    Sudan UN envoy blasts Costa Rica for opposing ICC deferral
    This is real panic to any one listening if you can imagine, no way Bashir must see the ICC and answer the questions placed aganist him by Ocampo,te clock is reading a quater to time for justice to take its shape and here is where all will belief that there is real justice in the world.If Talyar of Liberia,Thomas of D.R Congo, ETC can see the ICC why not sudan too, please ICC hurry up we are becoming impatient of your delay.

  • Nelson Turdit
    Nelson Turdit

    Sudan UN envoy blasts Costa Rica for opposing ICC deferral
    this reply goes to wen de kut ajok.
    Mr. wen de kut,whoevr rule and kill people under his responsibility must go for trial in the Hague base court called [ICC] whether from the South as you mentioned, north, east and far north of this country. we don,t joke with human lives.killing of innocents human being is not a joke or either make you popular, they are not animals. shot up with your fucken president, we want real democracy to come where leaders are chosen by people and criminals rulers must taste the fate of their own making.

  • Nyaopun Aban Aban
    Nyaopun Aban Aban

    Sudan UN envoy blasts Costa Rica for opposing ICC deferral
    Abdel-Mahmood Abdel-Haleem, your days of happiness is over with president Omar Hassan Al-Omar to face arrest warrant by the International Criminal Court. Justice with Arabs is like rotten egg in the cage or(Having a foul odor resulting from or suggestive of decay; putrid)

    Why does Omar al-Hassan Omar behave as the only one way? to laws if he knew there is justice at the global faces.

    Shames on you Al-omar and Abdel-Mahmood Abdel-Haleem to seeked for lobbying forgetting your words “I want them to know it’s me Bashir. It’s on my head I’ll point the finger at Darfur. It’s on my head to know the Sudan”
    “I want them to ash” but, “we wanted you to ash too”

  • antti icc
    antti icc

    Sudan UN envoy blasts Costa Rica for opposing ICC deferral
    Unfortunately, very simple-minded brothers and the people of the South is backward, how you support the arrest of Mr. President who is the symbol of the Sudan, Slaves, You can not be a civilized country because equatorians hate the Nuer and Dinka and the Nuer and Dinka as well as parallel lines do not all agree.
    shame on you dogs

  • Deng Baak Kuot
    Deng Baak Kuot

    Sudan UN envoy blasts Costa Rica for opposing ICC deferral
    Abdel-Mahmood Abdel-haleem is very naive, and he doesn’t understand the rules of laws. he doesn’t deserves to be in UN.

  • Buk Dan Buk
    Buk Dan Buk

    Sudan UN envoy blasts Costa Rica for opposing ICC deferral
    Dear Mr Garabage Can.
    Do you really know your position in UN? I don’t think so, because if you do then wont disrespect yourself like that.
    Your meant job is to know the truth not to cover up. We all know that your brotherhood Mr press Omar El Bashir( Mr Dehumanization) put you on the job and that is why you are trying to defend him. I don’t understand why are you defending a dead man.Is it due to your job? If it is because of your job then my advice to you is to start looking for another because this man is dead.
    ICC are ready to hand him on spot. You know why, because this man kill his own people, he kill his mother, father, sister and so on.
    That meant in the system of justice, a murderor must face the justice. So would you mind to excuse yourself from the fire before we through you on it.
    Try other way Mr Sting, becuase your brother is gone, I am really sorry to say that.

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