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Sudan Tribune

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ICC judges issue an arrest warrant for Sudan president

February 6, 2009 (WASHINGTON) — The Judges of the International Criminal Court (ICC) will soon release a decision in which they agree to issue an arrest warrant for Sudanese president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir, Sudan Tribune has learnt.

Bashir_ICC.jpgThe ruling that could be made public as early as next week will make Bashir the most senior figure to be indicted by The Hague based court.

The Pre-Trial Chamber I which is assigned the Darfur case has been reviewing an application submitted by prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo last July requesting an arrest warrant for Bashir on three counts of genocide, five of crimes against humanity and two of murder

There was no confirmation on which counts the warrant was issued for, but one source suggested that it will include the charges of genocide, which is considered the gravest crime in international law.

Last week the ICC prosecutor sent an urgent notification to the Judges after which they met with him on Tuesday in a closed session along with the court’s Registrar Silvana Arbia along with representatives from the Victims and Witnesses Unit (VWU).

The meeting likely discussed measures taken to discuss risks associated with unsealing the warrant.

The decision, which remains under seal, will be transmitted to the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon shortly according to multiple sources. The ICC prosecutor is currently present in New York.

This week Ban who was present at the African Union summit warned that Bashir must adhere to any decision made by the ICC.

“He [Bashir] should fully cooperate with the decision of the ICC” Ban told a press conference on the sidelines of the summit.

Arab, Islamic and African countries have called on the UN Security Council (UNSC) to defer the indictment to so as not to jeopardize the peace process.

The warrant may make it difficult and even embarassing for world officials to meet with Al-Bashir or to receive him on their territories.

European Union (EU) laws prohibit their officials from meeting with individuals charged by the ICC.

The UN and many other Western embassies in the Sudanese capital have created security plans aimed at protecting their staff from any possible backlash following the decision.

Sudanese officials have pledged to ensure safety of Western missions and UN staff but cautioned that they may not be able to control any outlaws.

The UN Security Council (UNSC) issued resolution 1593 under chapter VII in March 2005 referring the situation in Darfur to the ICC following recommendation a UN commission of inquiry into abuses committed in the war ravaged region.



  • SudanSudan

    ICC judges issue an arrest warrant for Sudan president
    Look at the eye of the man who is about to die soon. Does Omar knows that it hurt much when being persecuted? Please let justice be done and the man must pay the price. Your life is not worth those of million sudanese whom you persecuted to die young. ICC get rid of a killer!

  • Covert

    ICC judges issue an arrest warrant for Sudan president
    It’s about time, Omar Bashire is going to get paid using his own coins, the ICC is closing in with the conventional maneuvers.
    Bear in mind, no one has the best serious look than Saddam Hussein.

  • Dahya

    ICC judges issue an arrest warrant for Sudan president
    The Jalabas’ State annihilation getting nearer:

    Thank Louis Moreno-Ocampo and all justice and equality seekers all over the world for brining hopes to our people and letting us feeling happy which nearly diminish from our hearts.
    Surely one day the justice will take over and as Darfurians we are sure that The Judges of the International Criminal Court will agree to issue an arrest warrant for Sudanese president Omer Al-Bashir because he made unhidden crimes which assist the persecutor to gather enough information about his atrocities including his own words. He is the one who said the western countries media presenters and news reporters are exaggerating in the dead figure and his stupid ness pushed him to say only 11.000 were been killed not 300.000 as reported by western media. What stupid man god.

    When the ICC decision come out the New Sudan will start and I am sure every single marginalised person in Sudan will celebrate the end of the nightmare.

    The ICC definitely will issue the arrest warrant against Al-bashir but the support of the international community, Sudanese veterans and marginalised people will remain vital by all means to put an end to this tyranny.

    We as Sudanese we have to stand up gently to rule the country and let it running again and guarantee better life for our peoples.

    The issuance of arrest warrant against Al-Bashir will remain one of the most crucial days for Darfur people, our brothers in Southern Sudan, activists and all freedom, peace and justice seekers in the entire world.

    Our happiness will complete when we see Mr Al-basher behind the bar and Silver Kirr ruling the New Sudan and all marginalized people participate equally not by colour of their skin or eyes but by the content of their mind.

    Too many peoples all over the world are worried about the consequences of the arrest warrant against Al-Bashir and many Jalabas campaign for this purpose but we are here to say it clearly we knew you very well; you are the sons and daughters of MK Nimr who escape the country when just the fight begun.

    The empty cans always make din.

    DIM-WITTED President Al-Bashir and all his assistants to ICC

    Bakhit Dahya

  • Nuer

    ICC judges issue an arrest warrant for Sudan president
    How stupid and dumb are these southerners supporting an indictment that will turn on them. If the warrant is going to be issue in one week time against Bashir, that is the end of the CPA and and SPlM/A as well. Then it will be time for Nyanye Three which will lead southerners with a clear objective. Whoever want to remain in the SPLM/A the Dinka movement will pursue their New Sudan Vision. Those who believe in an independence southern Sudan will join me in the struggle against the bastard in the north. You will be welcome with dignity within Nyanye three movement.CPA days are number if Bashir is going to be indicted.

  • Young Patriot
    Young Patriot

    ICC judges issue an arrest warrant for Sudan president
    This is a great news to all those who have lost their loved ones under the tyrannical rule of this brutal dictator! Bashir does not only deserve being indicted by ICC but equally deserves ultimate penalty such as death sentence! Those who kill by sword die by sword!
    For those who are shaky that CPA will collapse, it is pretty clear that CPA is already dying! If there is no border demarcation, absolutely no prior preparations for 2011 referendum and the NIF bloody militarization of border areas like Abyei, then it doesn’t require you guys to be rocket scientist to infer that CPA is dead!
    If he officially declares the state of Emergency and attacks the South, then SPLA should make Unilateral Declaration of South Sudan as a sovereign state.

  • Young Patriot
    Young Patriot

    ICC judges issue an arrest warrant for Sudan president
    Mr Nuer,
    Your myopic statements are misguided! SPLM/A fought a just war to free you and other Southern Sudanese so that you can express yourself the same way you are doing it today! Instead of being grateful for having been liberated from these bloody Arabs, you are making some irresponsible statements! Stop stirring tribal hatred at the time when we are facing the North as Southerners!
    Young Patriot!

  • Nyaopun Aban Aban
    Nyaopun Aban Aban

    ICC judges issue an arrest warrant for Sudan president
    Good news to south, and west Sudan to end wars conflicts. Our belief is to make Sudan in general a best place to rest as “new Sudan”.
    We all know the Sudan is surrounded by Arabs magnetic field that shields us from most of the world friends. So the issue of warrant arrest for president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir may be the part of the solutions to Sudan problem. Insecurity, human rights abuses and extreme poverty in the among localities of Sudan is cause by Omer al-Hassan Bashir reign. if you can think back comparing all the presidents who have rule Sudan.
    For President Omer to face hague will not have link with CPA. Why, he is not the only person to protect CPA implementation. I means without him CPA agreement can be implemented without dot by both parties.

  • Hillary B.M.L,M
    Hillary B.M.L,M

    ICC judges issue an arrest warrant for Sudan president
    If Northerns and their ruling party are good enough then CPA will survive if not then things will turn completely bad. Am not against ICC ruling but what will be the aftermath, yes we say away with Basheir for his bad conducts but let us know that this man will completely not leave the Office unless all Sudanese agree that let he go for the sake of innocent life.

  • Mr. Equal right
    Mr. Equal right

    ICC judges issue an arrest warrant for Sudan president
    Hey folks, look at the eye of a man whose his death is almost at the door.He appears to cry or ask for forgiveness.Let’s all together congratulate Persecutor Luis-Moreno Ocampo for his sincere justice of want to bring the whole country of Sudan out of Bashir’s shoe. Bashire’s impulsive he was not thinking in all of what he was doing but at this moment he seems to be thinking. Nice job Ocampo, this will be a good example, we have a lot of those that hear with their eyes. I don’t care about whatever, those standing beside Bashir said or will say take your aggression to the next level but you still see this man in the death row soon.” Justice delayed,is justice denied” Get this Bashir out of way quickly for Sudanese to feel fresh AIR…………..

  • postmortem

    ICC judges issue an arrest warrant for Sudan president
    Good news. It matter not when AU and other Agencies are advocating for the deferral of the warrant of arrest. This is noise without impact. There is no point an egg wrestling with a stone, comeon. When it is officially unsealed and issued sooner than later, they will change the tone of their deferral demands. Before the arrest of Jesus for those who believe and read from the Bible, Peter took an oath not to deny Jesus this is because the arrest and trial of Jesus was a rumour and hearsay. But when the arrest metamorphosised into reality and executed wich led to our saviour’s crucifixion and death, Peter said ” I do not know this man, neither am I one of his followers”.
    AU leaders and NCP supporters will shunn the president as did Peter to Jesus. It is a matter of time when we shall see changes in their lips. In Africa we value life and will not insult a thief at his burial tomb because of the respect for the spirits of the dead. Even if he committed sodomy, he will receive decent burial and accompanied to his resting palace with no grudge. This is what AU is doing because it is just practising their ancestral rich heritage. As soon as Bashir is arrested,they will not bid him farewell to the gallows at the Hague nor will they refer to him again save for those who want to write history. CPA was negotiated while the fire was burning in Darfur and it did not fall within the mandate of CPA. That is why it has never been said that CPA is been violated in Darfur. Let us treat CPA and implement it within its agreed context. It is Bashir and Darfur that is the issue in the Hague.
    When you begin panicking about the collapse of CPA because of Bashir warrant of arrest, then we are making Bashir more stronger in spirit. Remove the drip from Bashir or the life support machine and let him die like any other human being whose brain has been medically declared dead. We should instead stand up and say CPA is not Bashir nor for him. It is ours as sudanese and let us defend it amidst the perceived threats. The indictment of Bashir is an indication of an end to tyranny in the Sudan and Africa.
    When I read the message from the President of America, I understood why they call themselve learned friends.
    For us who value humanity and life, we have nothing to lose than the 2 Million lives lost in the South and those estimated in Darfur. It is only unfortunate that Bashir is made to answer for the sins in Darfur and no justice for the lives lost in the South. With our faith, he may not escape trial by the Almighty since the crimes he committed in the South cannot be defined by any Parliament on earth or the Rome Statute. The Statute providing for Bashir crimes in the South and his subsequent trial after conviction and sentence to death from the Hague are to be found in the Almighty’s Statute. Welcome to Hell the place for your types. I wish you a safe journey it doesn’t matter when you start it though I know a journey of thousand miles begin with half a meter.

  • Akolde Nhiak Jinub
    Akolde Nhiak Jinub

    ICC judges issue an arrest warrant for Sudan president
    Gentlemen and Ladies, please allow me on this web to say a word or two.

    First and foremost, I would like to CONGRATULATE the Judges of the International Criminal Court for their tremendous job. Well done Luis Moreno-Ocampo. The whole world is praising you for doing the real job that a man like you with human heart must do or tell the beast like Bashir that it is time, he faces Justice for all his misdeeds. Life is precious to all, regardless of one’s status. Millions have died in the hands of Al Bashir, It is time we, the living would go on streets to tell the whole world and ICC, thank you very much foryour support, for your help, for your unwaving focuses of our Sudan issues as a divided nation, because of Judis based regime in Khartoum, a very inhumane system and your firm stand with helpless like us the living and the dead!!

    My dear Southerners, time has come that we should be prepared for any eventuality from the bastards of National Islamic Front (NIF) or (NCP) to keep CPA alive or else, it is time we end all the rubbish and unfounded vision of the New Sudan ideology! New Sudan Vision has passed with Late father and Hero Dr. John Garang De Mabior. He did know how to bring it about had he lived till this hour. Now that he is gone, let’s get united under Gen. Kiir’s umbrella for an Unilateral Declaration of Independence (UDI) for South Sudan as a nation. SPLA Oyee, SPLA Oyee, SPLM Oyee, SPLM Oyee, SOUTH SUDAN Oyee, SOUTH SUDAN Oyee! Rumbek Oyee, the cradle of New & South Sudan. The Umbilical of South Sudan: Rumbek. This is where Southerners’ unity was initiated in Dec. 2004!

    Bashir, go to ICC and leave us alone. You have done enough damage that we don’t need more! You were told on several occiasons to stop bloodbath in Darfur and you refused in CAPITAL LETTERS, now is time you face the same music dance, ummmm, hahahaha! Nobody is above God! and nobody is above Justice. There is no Peace without Justice!

  • pills

    ICC judges issue an arrest warrant for Sudan president
    Dear Big head, Philisopher, Nuer, and Young patriot

    Issuance of an arrest warrent against President Bashir is both good and bad news for the people of Southern Sudan.

    It is a good news because justice has finally being applied against the culprit who believed for a long time that nothing could touch him. This also rings a bell of warning to our President Salva Kiir and others that keeping silent over the killings and lawlessness happening all over the Southern states could also expose them one day to the same fate. The ICC mandate is not based on the colour of the skin.

    The news is also bad in its timing. So let us be careful here. President Bashir has no courage to hand himself to the ICC whatever it might cause. This means, he would be more than ready to do away with everything including CPA and elections.

    As the GOSS has proved beyond doubt its impotance and ineffectiveness, you can all guess what scenario would happen in the South when the oil money cease flowing to the corrupted tribal system in Juba.

    Another point to notice is the elections. Alot of Southerners are hoping that through elections changes could be injected into the ailing system, at least, we can send most of the current corrupted officials out of offices. Issuing an arrest warrent against Bashir at this time might jeopardize this hope and serve the interest of the few criminal gang in the GOSS.

    My last appeal goes to the above mentioned brothers. I do believe they are matured enough and good people who can be of great benefit to our nation. Please, stop this war of insults and bad language. When you insult somebody, you are only belittling yourself and bringing shame on your people, the great people of South Sudan. We can settle our differences through intellectual dialogue, mutual respect, and being sensitive to our feeelings. Stop this bad habit please.

  • Kur

    ICC judges issue an arrest warrant for Sudan president
    I want to add my voice here to say that the blood of the innocent people of Sudan who have been victims of evil for a very long time will now see justice done. This ruling will be the most important event of real change in the world where justice is applied to protect the weakest people on earth- women and children. From now on, rape will not go unpunished, murder will not go unpunished, and above all genocide will not go unpunished.


  • Nuer

    ICC judges issue an arrest warrant for Sudan president
    Ok southerners. I have read all your responses to my comments. With all of you short minded and lack of education and wisdom, you’re are supporting the indictment of Bashir at this time. I’ll like to clarify something here to all you fools. I’m not against the indictment at all but my problem is with the time. Experts on Sudan have agreed with me that this is not the right time in Sudan to go ahead with the indictment. It will be the first time that a head of state is indictement. Therefore, this process was never try in the history of mankind that a head of state and the commander-in-chief was indicted. Therefore, all of you Dinkas have nothing or a successful histories to back up what all you are saying here.

    That’s why I’m saying that all of you Dinkas who responded to my comments are obssess with the SPLM/A just because it was founded by your uncle stupid Garang who is serving his 99 years sentence in the tomb now and decaying. I’m very sorry to say that soon or later, SPLM/A ideology of the New Sudan will diminish in southern Sudan and the Dinkas will be sorry starting with Nyadeng here and new husband Kuol Manyang.

    Going back to Bashir. He should have be invited long time ago when he was slaughtering so many southerners. But, I kind like understand that because the International Criminal Court was founded in 1998-2000 therefore, there was no justice in place. But, at time when southern Sudanese are enjoying the breath of peace, election coming up this year, and referendum in two years. Why would he be indicted now?

    Election is suppose to be coming up soon but assume that Bashir is indicted today, do you all think that there is going to be smooth election this year? No matter what the outcome will be Sudan or southern Sudan will not be stable country as a result of the indictment. T reseaon is that Bashir will resist and use all his power to punish those who stood with the ICC. All of you are dumb for sure because you do not see out the box.

    One other thing is that ICC do not have it own army to get Bashir. They depend on other countries to make the arrest. That process has been too slow allowing those indicted to punish the oppositions in the country for a long time causing suffering. My proposal would that if the ICC decided to go ahead with the indictment, they must go to Sudan within one week to get Bashir otherwise, they cannot just make a statement and stay there in Europe as Sudanese will be slaughtering each other.

    Declaring independence for southern Sudanese as a result will have both positive and negative effects. First, southern Sudanese would have to be ready for the populations that have been living in the north when they are expelled from the north. The north might even retaliate by going after those who are in Khartoum as result of declaring independence. What I’m saying is that we need to declare independence responsibily. All these fool Dinkas talking here are all living in America, Europe, Australia, or outside Sudan. You must think about some of our brothers, mother, fathers, and sisters who are still back here like me and living in Khartoum. There are alot of other reasons why the indictment is at the wrong time but I’m not going to speculate on all of them here.

    One good thing that I have noticed here is that, it become true that the saying that has been going around among the Nuer that ‘one Nuer equal to ten Dinkas.’ It is true because I’m the only one going against about 2 dozen Dinkas. My three sentences make Dinkas to write almost a page in response to my word. I’m proud of who I’m. I’ll never stop down with the SPLM/A until it die in the heart of southern Sudan.

    I don’t think SPLM/A is interested in declaring independence in southern Sudan because that will be the end of the SPLM/A. When southern Sudan declare independence, where will the SPLM go as a party? Will it still operate in southern Sudan? I’ll be really sorry for the Dinka bor as their party die out. The best days of southern Sudanese are coming ahead of them when the SPLM die. I know this writing will piss so many Dinkas off. But, take it for the day. If you want to get me, come to Kampala since I moved out last week. I can’t live in southern Sudan where the SPLM is stealing people money like that guy who ran to London with 3 million dollars. What a shame to Dinkas thiefs. Stealing three millions!!! Sick of you bastards. Your Dinka movement days are numbered.

  • buokdeng

    ICC judges issue an arrest warrant for Sudan president

    The truth can hurt. What is this about Arab, Nubian and African? Can you not choose one ethnicity? Now you can understand why we call you bastards. You are claiming your true identity as being a hybrid between Arabs and Africans. You do not claim one identity and that is what a hybrid is, a product of an unfortunate interaction between two races. Most of you were born by the Southerners and you know that to be the fact. Read the infidels (a book by a Somali Muslim who considered herself Arab before she went to Saudi Arabia) then you will understand your predicament. Do not be angry and have a heart attack, I am just stating the facts as they are. Why do you hide your name if you are proud of your hybrid identity? Your criminal brother the omaaaaaar will be issued an arrest warrant and there after leeches like you will be leaking his wounds.

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