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Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan legislators debate Malakal events with Upper Nile Governor

By Isaac Vuni

February 4, 2009 (JUBA) — Accusation and counter accusations marred greater Upper Nile MPs during briefing by Governor Major general Gatluak Deng Garang last Wednesday in Southern Sudan Legislative Assembly building to iron out what trumpeted between Shilluk and Dinka that took place on January 9 this year.

Each community was on defensive and wanted to poise themselves clean and free of any crime on that day.

The testimonies and reactions from each group were road marks to allow each actor to clean up burning issues in finding comprehensive amicable and tangible solutions to the existing problems that claimed many lives.

The crimes such as killing, cattle rustling and robberies after fingers pointing at each other, the truth gradually unearthed as no community was either spared from killing, lynching and robberies.

Briefing legislators and citizens, Governor Galuwak Deng Garang described incident that took place on 9th January 2009 at Malakal stadium as being unfortunate but was prompted by insecurity situation after Southern Sudan government failed to respond to state authority appeals.

Nevertheless, he said people were disarmed but .few police have no proper guns to protect the people. Earlier Commissioners were instructed to register people carrying illegal guns.

He admitted 9th January incident was real surprise to administrators. A shilluk policeman short and killed an electrical engineer from Dinka ethnic group on January 7 and he was arrested. While at Abanin, 67 houses were torched on 10th January, he added.

An eyewitness Hon. Dok Machar claimed that six people were carrying guns while marching into the stadium but governor said they had deployed many forces to address any upcoming insecurity.

Hon. Makuny Deng wanted governor to explain where development fund for Atak has gone for the last three years ago and also that people of greater Upper Nile are tired of Jonglei state continues creating problems to others.

Hon Benjamin Majak advised MPs to refrain from higher emotions since local government act has not yet been passed to effective establishment than annexing areas of others by the governors. Otherwise, there is a vacuum in administration in greater Upper Nile.

He wondered why the Dinka and shillik decided to fight at time when celebration taken to their state for the first time in GOSS history.

Hon Abuk Payiti Ayik suggested that governor should avail full days for solving disputes in the state. Otherwise she reiterated that southerners fought as one but after peace they are dividing over little resources. Adding that those identified individual creating problems that led to killing of innocent people must be brought to book.

During celebration of forth anniversary of CPA in Malakal regional capital of Upper Nile state, fighting broke out between major ethnics communities allegedly influenced by SPLA soldiers who massacred innocent people on the faithful days.

At least 15 people were reported killed; several wounded recovering from Malakal Teaching Hospital and many people mostly women and children felt to nearby bushes.

The incident took place in present of the President of the Republic, his First Vice-President Salva Kiir Mayardit and invited diplomats among others.

It was alleged that minister of Information of Malakal who is Dinka decided to alter marching arrangement by placing Dinka ahead in marching order implying that they are the owner of Malakal than Shilluk who had been claiming for ownership of Malakal town for many years. The move angered shilluk and led to fierce fighting among the two communities.

Further reports say Dinka soldiers who are majority in Malakal used heavy machine guns, rocket propelled grenade and Klashenkov rifles for massacring unarmed civilians and burned their houses after looting properties including cows.

Government in Malakal remained reluctant and only sent police after many hours to secure the area. The killed people are Amumu Along, Sebit Amum Along, Obec Aban, Cien Ocier, Aban Chol,Ocam Othow,Wadeng Dk Alowng,Amijok Anyang,Ochup Opul, Othwon Yorgeng and Okok Olew. While the injured are Owor Rago and Bol Otwong.



  • Young Patriot
    Young Patriot

    South Sudan legislators debate Malakal events with Upper Nile Governor
    A job well done SSLA! However you should reserve more time for Lakes State Governor who tops the list of failed governors! Lakes State is in deep shit in terms of insecurity and infrastructural development.
    Young Patriot

  • Unifier

    South Sudan legislators debate Malakal events with Upper Nile Governor
    Hormonize and reconcile the people instead of throw accusations and counter accusattions among your selves.None of you is perfect Upper Nile MPs.Well done Southern Sudan Legislative for your efforts.Isaac you are bais in your article.
    Unity oyee,South Sudan Oyee.

  • Revolution-image

    South Sudan legislators debate Malakal events with Upper Nile Governor
    Oh my God,these mps are swearing at each other with mr.x accussing mr.y of inciting the tribal conflicts instead of signing the momentum of understanding,to reach reconciliation which will later on bear resolutions of burying conflicts.
    SSLA settle this issue with the help of judicary.Mps,
    just watch with crossed fingers and witness the unforgetable drama in Malakal,justice will reveal the guity ones with in your areas.Yes,you or neighbour,criminals must face the music beginning with Don Beshir receiving the death threat from ICC.

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