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Sudan Tribune

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Egypt FM and spy chief fly to Sudan as ICC decision looms

February 7, 2009 (CAIRO) — The Egyptian government announced today that it will dispatch its foreign minister and intelligence director for talks with Sudanese officials.

File photo showing Israeli former Meretz chairman Yossi Beilin, right, listens to Egyptian Intelligence Minister Omar Soliman, left, and Egyptian foreign minister, Ahmed Abu el-Gheit, center (AP)
File photo showing Israeli former Meretz chairman Yossi Beilin, right, listens to Egyptian Intelligence Minister Omar Soliman, left, and Egyptian foreign minister, Ahmed Abu el-Gheit, center (AP)
The announcement came as International Criminal Court (ICC) judges are expected to release a decision as early as next week in which they agree to issue an arrest warrant for Sudanese president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir.

Egypt’s official Middle East News Agency (MENA) quoted foreign ministry spokesperson Hussam Zaki as saying that foreign minister Ahmed Aboul-Gheit and intelligence Chief Omer Suleiman will arrive in Sudan in the coming days.

“The visit comes is in the framework of continuous consultations between Egypt and Sudan on different levels in light of the general situation in the Arab world as well as developments in Sudan” Zaki said.

Relations between Cairo and Khartoum have been strained after Al-Bashir attended an emergency Arab summit hosted by Qatar to discuss the Israeli assault on Gaza strip.

The summit was boycotted Arab heavyweights including Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the Palestinian Authority headed by Mahmoud Abbas.

Egypt views the summit as a gathering of more radical voices working counter to its efforts to broker a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas movement which is in control of the Gaza strip.

The editor in Chief of Al-Ahram newspaper Osama Saraya who is considered close to Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak described the summit as a “comic play”.

“It was attended by five Arab presidents and the host Emir and a military ruler trying to find a legitimate adjustment to his miserable situation. They represent nothing to the Arab people torn at to what is happening to their brothers in Gaza” he wrote in his editorial.

“President Omer Hassan Al-Bashir attended at a time when he is facing arrest in 108 countries for allegations of committing genocide in Darfur” Saraya said.

The foreign ministry official made no mention of any message being delivered by Aboul-Gheit and Suleiman or whether they would meet with Al-Bashir.

The Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak paid a brief visit to Sudan last November in which he met privately with Al-Bashir.

Some observers in Khartoum have speculated that Mubarak urged Al-Bashir to step down in light of the ICC indictment.

Egypt have criticized the ICC move against Sudan’s president and said that it is a threat to instability in its southern neighbor.

Last July the ICC prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo requested that the judges issue an arrest warrant for Bashir on three counts of genocide, five of crimes against humanity and two of murder.

Ocampo accused Al-Bashir of masterminding a campaign to get rid of the African tribes in Darfur; Fur, Masalit and Zaghawa.



  • Hillary B.M.L,M
    Hillary B.M.L,M

    Egypt FM and spy chief fly to Sudan as ICC decision looms
    Should President omer is cleaver and advice welcomer, then lets listen to those Two who are a bit widely understood the World than him otherwise he should have no way to escape. Mine’s not support to president Omer but i might have understood correctly or wrongly if he actually ask officially to present himself in ICC Court what will happen,could he be willing to give up? could he voluntarily go or should hold on the Presidency?What will be the general Security Condition in Sudan as Whole? Lets Sudanese intelligent and educated people be wise enough.

  • Khot Majok Tuil
    Khot Majok Tuil

    Egypt FM and spy chief fly to Sudan as ICC decision looms
    Counting days and hours is like approaching the bush-fire by Omer,you got no ways to boycott this rewards, you gonna be in hot soup man. And for you the Jalabas either the middle east.inner east or outer east, you are forcing the horst through the kneedle eye.

    We know that you are the opposite side of the same coin. Surely you can’t defeated the angerly lion.

    To let Omer face the ICC court should not interfer with the progress of CPA, listen his grace Amum mentioned very clear that His Exc. Hon the late Dr.John Garang has gone and still we are doing the follow up of his vission leave alone rabbish Omer.

    HE MUST FACE THE COURT the stigma of inocent citizens is on his nect.
    Australia trapp. Madam Zero.

  • Dinka Aliap Chawul
    Dinka Aliap Chawul

    Egypt FM and spy chief fly to Sudan as ICC decision looms
    First of all Egypt has been a longtime supporter of Omer Bashir regime for years politically,socially,religiously,militarily and even humanly. What has happen now? is they tune changing? well talking to Bashir at this time will do nothing to his expected arrest warrant, dear Egyptians.

  • Lu'bang Galaya
    Lu'bang Galaya

    Egypt FM and spy chief fly to Sudan as ICC decision looms
    Woo to you Egypt. No more support for our enemies as you did for the last twenty years. Remeber, we had released many Egyptian prisoners of war. And do you know what? there is a small hill on Juba – yei road called Jebel (hill) Iraq in which we killed many Iraqi soldiers.

    So I am warning you (Egypt) should you happen to give any support to El Bashir militarily, he ehe, we shall eat you plus the bashir men will all the bones in Jesus name,


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