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Sudan Tribune

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Lou-Nuer community blames army for attacks by Murle raiders

By James Gatdet Dak

February 7, 2009 (JUBA) – The Lou-Nuer community in Jonglei state whose three counties were recently attacked by armed cattle raiders from Murle community blamed the forces of the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) in the state for not protecting the civil population.

Armed Murle cattle raiders last week launched three consecutive raids against villages of Nyan-ngic, Pieri and Tiam, leaving 30 people dead, wounding many more and stealing 5,600 heads of cattle.

In a press release issued in Juba and signed by the Chairperson of the Lou-Nuer Community Council, Gabriel Yoal Dok, it called for mandatory disarmament of the Murle community.

“The Murle Community which is notorious for raiding and abduction of children and women of other communities in the state were not disarmed. They have therefore continued to be the primary cause of insecurity in Jonglei state,” the statement explained.

The Lou-Nuer community of the three counties of Akobo, Nyirol and Uror were disarmed in the first phase of disarmament beginning in 2006, leaving them vulnerable to armed attacks by other communities who are not yet disarmed.

However, voluntary disarmament exercise commenced last year in Pibor County, the administrative HQrs of Murle community resulting to collection of over one thousand rifles, according to the Presidential Advisor on Peace and Reconciliation, Maj. Gen. Ismail Konyi.

The Community Chairperson, Gabriel Dok, who also represents Jonglei state in the Khartoum-based Council of States, blamed the SPLA forces for not protecting the disarmed civilians from the still armed ones.

He warned that such vulnerability may force the Lou-Nuer community to re-arm itself for self-defense. “If GOSS does not take steps to disarm the Murle, then the only option is for all the communities to acquire guns for their defense…,” he warned.

Jonglei state is one of the states mostly affected by inter-community clashes in Southern Sudan in addition to Lakes, Warrap and Upper Nile states.

Government of Southern Sudan (GoSS) has recently stepped up peace and reconciliation conferences aimed at reconciling the warring communities.

Meanwhile, the GoSS Vice President, Dr. Riek Machar Teny, left Juba for Malakal on Saturday to participate in the similar conferences in the state capital, Malakal and Ulang County.

GoSS renewed its call for conduct of intensive peace and reconciliation conferences as well as disarmament of the civil population in the region.



  • Covert

    Lou-Nuer community blames army for attacks by Murle raiders
    Murle is behind powerful regime, no matter what effort made to disarmed them.
    Where do you think Murle gets their weaponry and ammunition?
    This poor community doesn’t have factories that manufacture weapon; the SPLA didn’t supply them, but the Khartoum regime that needs the south fail did.

    They’ll be disarmed today but by tomorrow they’ll have brand new weapons and the cycle goes on and on. There are helicopters taking off and on in their territories with whatever the equipments their proxy needs them to have.

    This is a lesson to the Murle, they better learned to say no, when getting used like horses to harass their neighbors, because no one is going to own severe consequence of their act beside them.

  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    Lou-Nuer community blames army for attacks by Murle raiders

  • Luke Chuol
    Luke Chuol

    Lou-Nuer community blames army for attacks by Murle raiders
    Lou Nuer remain victim of CPA, Dinka are using whatever in Juba and Murle are taking their advantage

    Good for Dinka But time will come No sooner than later

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