Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Over 10000 Somali refugees flee to Ethiopia – UN

February 10, 2009 (ADDIS ABABA) – More than ten thousand of Somali civilians, mostly women and children fled to Ethiopia since January, the UN refugee agency said yesterday.

The UNHCR said there are some 150 who cross the border since the withdrawal of Ethiopian forces on January 25. “The influx has increased after Ethiopian forces ended their two-year presence in Somalia last month,” said Cosmas Chanda the head of Ethiopia office late Monday.

She further said that the increasing insecurity by the Islamist fighters after the Ethiopian troops motivated the flux.

“Information gathered during informal discussions with many of them revealed they fled general insecurity and fear of mistreatment by Al Shebab.”

Al-Shebab who are on US’s list of terrorist organizations and allegedly supported by Eritrea, captured Baidoa, where is located the Somali parliament hours after Ethiopia pulled its last troops out of Somalia, in January.

In a statement issued earlier last week, Save the Children expected that their number could reach 25,000 during the next weeks.

After two years of presence in Somalia in support of the transitional government, Addis Ababa pulled out its troops from the neighboring due to the lack of international support and the continual infighting between the Somali parties for the ministerial posts and positions.


1 Comment

  • Marial-chol

    Over 10000 Somali refugees flee to Ethiopia – UN
    Somalians are suppose to be reoragnized,supported by African Unoin if the country want to have stability and future in Eastern African. It is a duty of the Eastern Africans’ countries: Kenya, Tanizana, zimbewa and Ethiopia. After that, these countries will extended their acheivements to these countries: Sudan,uganda,chad,Negeria and republic of congo. and other countries in Africa that have problems. This is not right to leave Ethiopia alone to fight the African brainwashed enemy by Arab world. Allowing islamic elements in Somali will cause the whole Africa a problem later,espically Eastern Africa.
    Please,I wish I could be a leader of the African Union, Africa would be a better place to live in this world,this is because Africa leaders did not know how to take example from the Western world. I have the same ideas of the Mahanmed Kidabfi, Africans countried have to united,have one currents; builded African union troops to be very stronger and powerful; resolved her own problems by bringing those who are complaining in every countries in the continental of Africa, on the table; created continental laws against rebellions and human right violation; determinated Africans’ countries from Arab world countries; seperate religions and tribal ideologiies from governing and social or economic affairs.
    Please wake up Africans’ leaders you are letting down your own people, continent and natural resources.
    Understand me better and give me opportunity if you can not do anything for the people of African, if the leaders for the people by the people are perished in Africa.

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