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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

South Sudan takes full control of John Garang Institute

By Philip Thon Aleu

February 20, 2009 (BOR TOWN) – John Garang de Mabior Institute of Science and Technology in Bor town now “officially belongs” to South Sudan, a top official said here on Wednesday. The Institute failed to open as scheduled for February 1, 2009 due the change of administration.

John Garang Institute
John Garang Institute
The Institute Chancellor Prof. Agrey Ayuen Majok told the Sudan Tribune that an agreement has being reached by Jonglei government and ASCOM Oil Company for the compensation of fixed and variable assets at 2.5 million dollar on Wednesday in the State capital Bor town.

Prof. Majok added he is setting things right – including the finances, before announcing a new date to open the second semester for the first year students.

John Garang Institute opened on February 1, 2008 with enrollment of 104 students for Bridging Course of six (6) months ending July 31 that year. Degree programs in Pharmaceutical Technology, Natural Science (Ecology), Forestry and Public Gardening (Agriculture) and Laws commenced on October 1. During the first semester, students were issued identity cards bearing Free International University of Moldova (ULIM), Branch in South Sudan as the Logo without any reference to John Garang Institute.

The Institute, constructed by ASCOM Oil Company in a separate agreement with the Jonglei government, had affiliations with Free International University of Moldova (ULIM) which sent lecturers in 2008 in yet another accord that was only halted by a South Sudan presidential appointment of Prof. Agrey Ayuen Majok as chancellor and the decreeing of the Act of Establishment of the Institute on July 23, 2008.

Since then, the Institute functioning has been snaky – with ULIM claiming ownership of the Institute structures and full administration and Prof. Agrey Ayuen group on the end of the rope.

In a meeting chaired by Jonglei Gov. Kuol Manyang Juuk and attended by ASCOM Vice President and Prof. Majok, South Sudan will compensate the ASCOM for construction and other expenses. This would also means that ULIM has to negotiate new terms of collaboration with the new administration on the latter’s invitation, Majok said following the meeting.

“Officially, the Institute belongs to the new administration….and I will collaborate with them (ULIM) on new terms,” Agrey said. Asked whether the Institute faces possible collapse should ULIM reject the ‘new terms’ Agrey says; “I am not worried whether they [ULIM] come or not. We will be able to function.” When asked why he has delayed to start lectures on February 2, 2009, Prof. Majok responded that “it was not my program. It was ULIM program.”

Jonglei Governor Kuol Manyang told the Sudan Tribune on Monday that the Institute has not collapsed but rather stronger.

“It is now at the hand of Southern Sudanese. And I think they will announce when to begin,” the Governor said adding that Southern Sudan is fully committed to support John Garang Institute at all cost.

Frustrated by repeated delays to open the Institute timely, the students at John Garang Institute seek government complete negotiations with ASCOM and ULIM to set things right; once and for all.

“It is very hard. You remain uncertain whether the Institute will open or not? But what can one do – just hanging around Bor Town,” one student said adding “I hope the deal is completed forever.”



  • Nuer

    South Sudan takes full control of John Garang Institute
    I believe in peace and unity of southern Sudanese and not the unity of Sudanese since we are already united. But, some people within the Dinka community especially those from Bor area have made unity worse on the internet for the last three years since this website was establish. All their conversations were about Riek did this or did that. Or they were mostly about the naath nation.

    The naath nation have been quite on this issue because we don’t basically react in the beginning. A person would pick on a Nuer for more than one before a nuer would react. But when that nuer react, it is hard to stop him. It is what I’m doing here.

    Most of you are either predicting or assuming that someday these individuals will be known. There will never be time to know people like me since we don’t write our really name anywhere. Who to blame? The webmaster stupid Arab who have been allowing the dumb ass Dinkas to posed comments that represent the greater Nuer negatively. Now, some two Nuer are cross examing, everyone is crying and talking about unity.

    Dinkas are hypocrites because they don’t practice what they say. Today, they are talking about unity among southerners but at the same time representing other groups negatively. What a shame on them.

    You cannot talk about unity while at the same time representing other groups negatively. That’s why I’m on this game. In fact, you will never know who I’m for sure since everything I have used as my identity from my name to my email address are all fakes. So do most of you.

    My intention on this website was to raise awareness about the hiprocricy in this website but this Arab bastard does not listen to my advice and others. This website can be made better than how it looks right now if people would register their names and put down their confidential addresses.

    As a result of that people would be careful about what they write. But, as long as everyone on this website commenting is using a fake identity for instance that individual who call himself ‘James James’ there is no way this website is going to be clean.

    My advice goes to Dinka Bor who keep bringing up 1991 incidence, please if you’re interested in unity of southerners, you got to stop bringing that incidence into the public square because it is another way of insulting. If you guys believe in unity, let us start from here and start representing southern Sudan positively.

    Otherwise, I would assure you that there are Nuers every where in the world. Wherever you guys try to dehumanize the greater naath nation, there will be at least one Nuer who will question your thinking.

    Those times are gone when there were only few Nuers in diaspora for instance in 1991. Today, you can find Nuer in every corner of the world starting from Uganda here, Kenya, United States, Australia, and Europe. Whatever the Dinkas will say whether it is on the internet, publically in churches, schools, and etc, I gaurantee you my friends, there will be a Nuer.

    I’m interested in peace. But, we must start it here my Dinka brotheres and the rest of southerners. Let’s us start this week. Let’s take this week without saying bad thing about each other. Then we can move forward from there.

    Note: That’s my other person. I can switch anytime to my other person depending on how people are replying to this writing. Thank you. From Kampala.

  • Dauson Gieth
    Dauson Gieth

    South Sudan takes full control of John Garang Institute

    This handing over of the college may affect students who already started using European system in the institute

    GoSS has not yet shown the capacity of running education facilities. Look at all hospitals run by GoSS, in very bad shape

    I wonder if others who commented here really got the content of the message. Same game of tribal comments and so on. Those who try to portray themselves as this and that know why they are doing that

    Those who use their real names are helping a great deal

    Gentlemen, Lets grow and to maturity!!!

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