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Sudan Tribune

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Sudan SPLM Northern figures sabotaging relations with Umma party says ex-PM

February 22, 2009 (KHARTOUM) – The leader of the largest Northern opposition party accused certain Northern figures within with the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) are working to sabotage relations between the two sides.

File photo showing Sudanese former prime minister and the opposition Umma party leader Al-Sadiq Al-Mahdi, left receiving Palestinian Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal in Khartoum, Sudan Sunday, Feb. 8, 2009 (AP)
File photo showing Sudanese former prime minister and the opposition Umma party leader Al-Sadiq Al-Mahdi, left receiving Palestinian Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal in Khartoum, Sudan Sunday, Feb. 8, 2009 (AP)
The former Sudanese Prime Minister Al-Sadiq Al-Mahdi told the conference for expatriate members in his party that they had maintained good and “cooperative” relations with the former rebel group.

However Al-Mahdi said that circles within the SPLM have “special agenda” that they want utilized “in creating contradictions” between both parties.

Furthermore the Sudanese opposition leader said that SPLM leaders misunderstood his criticisms of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) saying he is not against the gains made by Southerners through the accords but had reservations on other sections of it.

Al-Mahdi has persistently called in the past for the CPA to be broadened to include other political parties besides the SPLM and the National Congress Party (NCP). Both ruling political powers have rejected the proposal.

The NCP and the SPLM were the two main partners in the power-sharing deal that came out of the 2005 peace deal. Other Northern parties were given smaller portions of power in the government of national unity.

The Umma party chief said that he was the first politician to call for granting the South more than 50% of the national wealth and self determination rights.

However he added that the people in Eastern Sudan and Darfur should not be denied their rights in power and wealth.

He further said that the raging Darfur conflict cannot be solved through the CPA and warned that the government must agree to demands of Darfuris including calls for one region.

Al-Mahdi was ousted as prime minister in a bloodless military coup in 1989 by President Omar Hassan al-Bashir and has been one of the most outspoken critics of the government ever since. However lately he has taken a more favorable position towards the government saying the latter became more accepting of other political parties.


1 Comment

  • Akol Liai Mager
    Akol Liai Mager

    Sudan SPLM Northern figures sabotaging relations with Umma party says ex-PM
    Sadiq Sidig Abdrahaman is a liar! He took power twice in Sudan just by lying to people, failed and failed the Sudanese people with him.

    Sadiq rejected Kokodam declaration of which his party was the major signatory, but because the declaration was written in the name of the Sudanese people and not in the name of “Al Sayed Sadiq Al Mahdi” he assassinated it at an infant age.

    Sadiq got a chance to put his name down on peace document with SPLM in 1987 in Addis Ababa, he talked about SPLM/A stop using SPLM/A Radio instead of peace.

    Sadiq gave green light to Turabi his brother In-Law to stage a military Coup d’etat again simply because Garang – Merghani struck a peace deal in their names and Mahdi name was just invited.

    When NDA signed an historical deterimination moves in Asmara in 1996, Sadiq said Oh! that should be me, and made another deal with his brother In-Law to go to Asmara to spoil NDA effort of bringing down NIF and his shadow governments, but SPLM stopped him doing that.

    After Sadiq made sure that there is no top place for him in the NDA he rushed back to Khartoum through Jibuoti Umma – NIF minus his brother In – Law. Sadiq called it inclusive peace agreement because Mahdi name was on top of his side.

    Just before the end of 2008, Sadiq squeezed in another Umma – NIF still minus his brother In – Law and called it “national collectiviness”

    Now, as you can clearly see Sadiq is sitting with international terrorists top leader, he refused to focus on so-called Gaza massacre which i assumed that is what this man is there for, yet Sadiq starts swearing at SPLM.

    Finally, Sadiq must understand that he is on a dead horse. Umma party is dead and he has a choice between joining SPLM, NIF which is also a dying horse as well or retire himself because he is 86 years old, yet he don’t realise it as he is being driven by desires he will never achieve. Please, give yourself a break and leave SPLM’s men alone because they are doing a good job and it doesn’t matter if you don’t see it yourself. If you, Khartoum so-called Awallad Al Bellad sons and daughters were not taught liars by professional liars you will run out of liars one day.

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