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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

BREAKING NEWS- Heavy fighting in Malakal upon return of militia leader

By Manyang Mayom

February 24, 2009 (MALAKAL) — Heavy fighting broke up in Malakal, the capital of Upper Nile State, since today morning between the southern Sudan army and a Khartoum backed militia led by Gen. Gabriel Tang Ginya.

No causalities yet reported from the troubled town. However, three people are said to be wounded with no death as the fighting continues.

Following November 2006 clashes, the President of Southern Sudan government described Tang as criminal and asked Khartoum to hand him over to justice. But he had been transported to Khartoum by the Sudan Armed Forces.

The fighting started when the General Tang arrived yesterday to Malakal and refused to leave the town. Eyewitnesses told Sudan Tribune that some SPLA troops wanted to capture the Gen. Tang alive or else shot him. But, UNMIS tried to intervene to convince him to move out with no results.

“Gen. Tang was flown into Malakal yesterday from Khartoum by Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) and rushed to the SAF barracks and this morning attacked SPLA. This is part of the conspiracy by the National Congress Party to destabilize the South and in particular Upper Nile State,” said Ezekiel Lol Gatkuoth in Washington, the Government of Southern Sudan Head of Mission to the United States.

Tang’s militia ” pushed the SPLA a bit from Malakal town of Malaki but as of now they are pushed back the SAF forces to the Airport and the fighting is continuing. The situation is very bad and casualties are high from the SAF forces,” he further said.

The situation is tense while most business houses remain closed and Malakal people are indoors.

Similar incidents occurred on November 27, 2006 when General Gabriel Tang and John Maluit the commissioner of Fangak had a fierce dispute over the commissionership of Malakal. 150 people were killed.



  • James

    BREAKING NEWS- Heavy fighting in Malakal upon return of militia leader
    Tang Ginya again!!, He must be send by Bashir to come and distablize the situation here in the south. Tang must be killed this time.

  • Mr Network
    Mr Network

    BREAKING NEWS- Heavy fighting in Malakal upon return of militia leader
    Shit! this is mother fuck!!!!

    Something must be wrong in upper Nile state according my observeing and SPLM togather with help of GoSS has to do something otherwise NCP is given no confidence to CPA and those are their tactics to break peace into pieces,SPLA cammander in Malakal has to give strong order to chase and capture this chameleon Tang Giny no joke this is seriously issue .SPLA has to teach them lesson,where is Commondos??? So that things never repeated itself again we got CPA throw boral of AK-47,let NCP not think what had been inked on paper in kenya is give us peace there are war fighters around .

  • Nuer

    BREAKING NEWS- Heavy fighting in Malakal upon return of militia leader
    Hi guys!! I proud for your comments. We are seeing a great change among southerners. I’m proud that most of you did not generalize as it use to be. This is all about one individual who is trying to destabalzie the southern Sudan but not SPLA/M. This is a war against southerners and it has to be stopped.

    It has to be stopped since those who are affected by these incidences in their daily lives are southerners and not just SPLM members. Some of the SPLM members are in the north. Therefore, to narrow this incidence to SPLM would not make sense at all.

  • Santino Nuan
    Santino Nuan

    BREAKING NEWS- Heavy fighting in Malakal upon return of militia leader
    If a single citizen lost lives in this incidnet in Malakal, SPLA force and its security organs are the one to be blame. How comes Gaberial Tang Giny entered into Malakal, the capital of the State, without being detected by security organs? Secondly, national security and security of citizens is not something to play with, GOSS should show enough to the citizens of Malakal and the entire southerners that it is capable of protecting them.

    Now Salva Kiir and Omer AlBashir are in Juba for serious meetings on issues pertenting national security of the country in the midst of arrest warrant for Mr President. We also heard that Riak Machar, the VP of the South and other high delegations arrived in Malakal to investigate what caused the tension. Now the question is, will Gaberial Tang excape again the justice this time? If he excaped it again then there will be no meaning of SPLM/A-NCP partnership.

    Suppose Tang Giny is a pro-SPLA/M militia and he played the same dirty things in northern Sudan territory like what he did in Malakal, what would the NCP do to him? I think they would bitterly demand this man until they make sure it is handed over to them in any cost. Look when Yen Matthew who is now the SPLM spokesperson, fired a bullet in front of University Compus in Khartoum during student fighting. What happened to him? The NCP security personels pressurized SPLM/A leadership to hand over Mr Yen Matthew whether SPLM/A likes it or not. So why not Gaberial Tang cannot be arrested or handed over in any cost? If I were Salva Kiir, I would rather ask Bashir nothing than handing over of Militia Gaberial Tang otherwise the Juba meeting should be cancelled.

  • lotueng Junub
    lotueng Junub

    BREAKING NEWS- Heavy fighting in Malakal upon return of militia leader
    Who! General Tang Ginye Again? The SPLA Soldiers must step up fierce fighting to either killied Ginye or capture him alive and be executed in public cheer-up in Juba. he is a traitor and agent of Bashir who wanted to destablize our Governemnt and victimize our people in Malakal.

    Shame on him and his bloody-money, May Almighty God brought his head on to an SPLA BULLET this time around, SPLA Oyee! and to hell with traitors and spy militias.

    Lotueng Junub.


    BREAKING NEWS- Heavy fighting in Malakal upon return of militia leader
    Dear all Sudan Tribune users,

    How are we going to judge this kind of a person call Gen. Gabriel Tanginya? Do you all believe that Gen.Gabriel Tanginya, is fighting for liberation in Sudan? One thing for you all to know about is that Gen.Gabriel Tanginya is being stirred by the Khartoum Government which is under Omar Bashir. So on this point, I don’t see why Gen. Salva Kiir doesn’t cooperated himself with the ICC indictment being imposed on Omar Bashir. You know that this disaster or heavy fighting in Malakal, is something which Omar Bashir and his members in Khartoum Government have already accessed in order to use Mr Gen.Tanginya against his people.

    But,to tell you all the truth, Mr. Gen.Gabriel Tanginya, deserve a position in the SPLM/SPLA like other SPLM/SPLA Generals who rebelled from the Movement. For example, Dr Riak Machar Teny, Paulino Matiip Nhial, Gordon Kong,Gadet Yak and many other rebels were joined in to the SPLM/SPLA as officers. So why not Gen.Gabriel Tanginya also? In fact,SPLM/SPLA, is a very strong Movement, but to get a position in the SPLM/SPLA, one have to rebel first in order to be full initiated in the SPLM/SPLA as an officer. So that is what happening. If you are not rebelled from the SPLM/SPLA, you can not get any position at all. I believe no one can disapprove me that I’m wrong.

    If someone disapproved me that I’m wrong, then here are some evident to assured you about; Dr Riak Machar Teny, rebelled from the SPLM/SPLA and now he is a Vice President of Southern Sudan. Paulino Matiip Nhial, rebelled from the SPLM/SPLA and now he is Dupty chief of staff of the SPLM/SPLA. Gatdet Yak, rebelled from the SPLM/SPLA and now he is a field operational commander in the SPLM/SPLA. Taban Deng Gai, rebelled from the SPLM/SPLA and now he is a Governor of Unity State of Southern Sudan. So what are we complaining about? Mr Gen. Gabriel Tanginya, is also claiming his right to be positioned in the SPLM/SPLA like he used to be together with Paulino Matiip.

    If trial is made on Mr Gen.Tanginya, that is fine to me, but don’t leave the other commanders who rebel like Mr Tanginya. The same thing that Gen. Tanginya is doing in Malakal, is what the other commanders whom I had mentioned their name above have done previously before they were positioned in to the SPLM/SPLA. Lastly, Dr Riak Machar Teny, should not go to Malakal in order to mollify the problem, he is supposed in order to let Salva Kiir, go and see the problem since he is against the ICC indictment on Omar Bashir arrestment. “I don’t like what Mr Gen. Gabriel Tanginya is doing”, but I have to said that as a point to everybody.!!!!!!!!!!.Fairness should be shared together you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

  • Hillary B.M.L,M
    Hillary B.M.L,M

    BREAKING NEWS- Heavy fighting in Malakal upon return of militia leader
    Gen. Gabriel Tang is to follow Mr. Bashier to face ICC,now this is his last sabotage. But fellows, let me ask this question, are there still SAF Barracks in south Sudan?

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