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Sudan Tribune

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Darfur rebel chief regrets remarks by Libyan leader

February 24, 2009 (PARIS) — A Darfur rebel leader today expressed “regret” over statements made by Libyan president Mu’ammar Qadhafi today in which he accused Israel of standing behind the conflict in the Western region of Darfur.

Libyan leader and chairman of the African Union, AU, Moammar Gadhafi attends a ceremony in Tripoli, Libya Tuesday, Feb. 10, 2009 (AP)
Libyan leader and chairman of the African Union, AU, Moammar Gadhafi attends a ceremony in Tripoli, Libya Tuesday, Feb. 10, 2009 (AP)
“It will be no surprise to anyone when we say that we have found unequivocal proof that the Darfur crisis was fomented by foreign powers” Qadhafi said in a speech to an African conference organized by the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

“Key rebel leaders have opened offices in Tel Aviv and meet frequently with the [Israeli] army….If Tel Aviv among others is behind the events in Darfur, why then call Bashir or the Sudanese government to account” he said.

Qadhafi was referring to an imminent decision by the judges of the International Criminal Court (ICC) on a case against Sudanese president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir in connection with Darfur war crimes.

Abdel-Wahid Al-Nur chairman of the Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM) who is residing in France urged Qadhafi’s “to refrain from indulging in sideline battles”.

“Brother Qadhafi should focus on the challenges confronting the African continent and Darfur in particular in his capacity as African Union chairman” Al-Nur told Sudan Tribune.

“Peace in Darfur can be attained through halting the killings of civilians, rape of women, disarming militias, return of IDP’s to their villages after ejecting the new settlers” he said.

“This is the way forward to put an end to the crisis in Darfur. If he [Qadhafi] can secure these conditions he can then blame us for refusing to sit at the negotiating table” the rebel chief added.

Al-Nur had maintained a long standing position on refusing to attend any peace talks without achieving security on the ground frustrating the efforts of world diplomats.

He boycotted one of the peace rounds held in Sirte, Libya along with Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) throwing the talks to collapse.

“We have seen a handful of signing ceremonies over the last six years which did not solve any of the outstanding issues. The Darfuris have certain demands and we must see that they see the lights. Otherwise all these signed agreements only cause dismay among them”.

Commenting on Israel involvement in the Darfur conflict Al-Nur said that he had offices in Libya and made visits to refugees living there “but that did not fuel the conflict and no one said that Libya was provoking the war or that we are agents of Tripoli”.

Al-Nur acknowledged last week that he “visited Israel recently in a move to boost social normalization between the Sudanese and Israeli peoples, pledging for strategic relations between the two countries”.

According to the UNHCR figures, there are some 600 Darfuri in Israel whom local authorities have granted all asylum and work permits.

The Israeli daily newspaper Haartez had said he paid the visit at his own initiative with some French Jewish, to attend a security conference there. The report also said he met with a senior Israeli security official.

Khartoum have said Al-Nur’s visit is proof of Israeli involvement in the six years conflict that killed 300,000 people and displaced 2.7 million after ethnic minority rebels in Darfur rose up against the Arab-dominated Khartoum government in February 2003. Sudan puts the death toll at 10,000.



  • Magos

    Darfur rebel chief regrets remarks by Libyan leader
    You Libyan president Mu’ammar Qadhafi today ‘s for President Bashire and Tommorow ‘ll be you because you ‘re against Israel. they ‘re n’t standing behind the conflict in the Western region of Darfur. I tusth the Israel as people of God os do’t abuse them.We know your planning president Mu’ammar Qadhafi indeed you want the unions of Islismic in Sudan and than if you ahieve it in that way,all the muslism ‘ll come back to destory a christenity in Southern Sudan but never ,never never happen again mr Qadhafi.


  • Rebecca Nyandeng
    Rebecca Nyandeng

    Darfur rebel chief regrets remarks by Libyan leader
    It’s good Qadhafi is heading the club of dictators( AU) but you should recall that we here in sudan don’t like your bullshit dictatorship,nor do we support your stupid idea of united states of africa,we in sudan would better prefer to get united with israel than staying with bustards like the arabs. I quiet believe that you have been frustrated when your stupid request has been turned down by your fellow dictators.
    You need to put this in your mind that you are support the ongoing genocide in darfur organised that female gay criminal bashir, that’s why you are against the struggle of darfuris to get their rights.

  • DAVID N.
    DAVID N.

    Darfur rebel chief regrets remarks by Libyan leader
    It is free will, how ever any African can achieve the relationship with ISRAEL. For example: Ethiopia is always sideline with Israel and has close connections with Middle Eastern Countries, specially in Yemen and Saudi Arabia. So, it is neutral in Middle Eastern politics for decades. For instance, Mauritania, Egypt, and Jordan, but today only with Egypt and Jordan, also with Qatar has strengthening relationship with ISRAEL. In EGYPT and IRAQ, KINGS were from Jewish descendants.
    Mr.Qadhaffy, I heard your brother has married to a Libyan Jew and how you say not a good words against ISRAEL?
    There are Jewish descendants in Darfur, and God who knows them, that I believe God showed the way 600 Darfuri JEWS into the Promise Land…
    It is the promise for every Jews around the world, but Mr.Qadhaffy should know Libyan Jews loves you, Mr King of AFRICA… Mr.GADi, “A One JEW represent millions Souls”

  • Lu'bang Galaya
    Lu'bang Galaya

    Darfur rebel chief regrets remarks by Libyan leader
    I say shame on you Mu’ammar Qadhafi. If the arrest of Bashir hurts you, go and hang yourself. The fact is Bashir is going to hell. And let me assure you, Israel has no hand in Darfur. Had it to be so, our brothers in Darfur should have been successful by now. I know you one of those Muslim Arabs who hate Israel, but for your information, Southern, Eastern, and Wetsren Sudan are friends to Israel. And Soon Southern Sudan is going to protest publicly against our passport which is indicated that we are to travel all part of the world but Israel. We are against this and we don’t like it at all, Come 2011.

  • Buk Dan Buk
    Buk Dan Buk

    Darfur rebel chief regrets remarks by Libyan leader
    President Gadhafi made a good statement.
    Darfurian are yet aware of what the want. So why don’t we give them a choice now. Firsr thing, this people need to unite and then Sudanese people or Sudanese government will then decides what they can do for them.

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