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Sudan Tribune

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Humanitarian Action in Darfur Weekly Bulletin No.08

Humanitarian Action in Darfur Weekly Bulletin No.08

26 February 2009


– At the invitation of the Deputy Wali for South Darfur, a mission to Muhajariya and Shearia localities comprising HAC, RC/HC, DHC, OCHA, UNICEF, WFP and WHO took place on 21 February. The incidents in Muhajariya from mid-January to February have had a profound impact on the population in the town and the surrounding areas of Shearia locality and the Humanitarian Coordinator urged for consistent access to all areas.

– The Food Security and Livelihood Assessment – 2008 jointly conducted across Darfur by the Humanitarian Aid Commission (HAC), the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MOAF), the World Food Programme (WFP) and the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) was presented on Monday 23rd February.

– With 18,000 IDPs reported to have arrived in Zam Zam camp as of today 26th February, the camp has reached full capacity with no more space to cater for additional IDPs.

– Sector partners in South and North Darfur continue to identify, assess and support the NFI needs of populations displaced by fighting in Muhajariya as access opens up. In addition, rainy season planning is ongoing throughout Darfur to ensure essential NFIs are distributed in a timely manner to targeted populations using a needs-based approach.

– A polio eradication campaign was conducted this week in all the regions by the respective State Ministries of Health with logistical support from UNICEF, WHO and INGO partners. Final results are being prepared and will be shared soon.

– The field work for Food Security Monitoring (FSM) is on going in the three Darfur states.



South Darfur

– Rehabilitation of schools continued by World Vision; 85% of this has been completed in Diri School, 100% in Juru, and 98% of classrooms and latrines construction in Alzahraa Girls School.

– World Vision distributed seven hundred and nineteen (719) girls’ school uniforms to: Kubum Girls’ School, Umlabasa Girls’ school, Alaseer West Mixed School, Umdirso Mixed School, Gundi Mixed School, Noseba for Girls and Nomads school.

Food Security and Livelihoods

The Food Security and Livelihood Assessment – 2008 jointly conducted across Darfur by the Humanitarian Aid Commission (HAC), the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MOAF), the World Food Programme (WFP) and the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) was presented on Monday 23rd February. The results show that at the start of the harvest period in 2008 some 45 percent of the households remain food insecure (23 percent severely- and 22 percent moderately) whilst 55 percent were found to be food secure. This translates to 1.7 million people amongst the conflict affected population currently being food insecure, of which some 800,000 people are severely food insecure. It is however anticipated that the total number of food insecure may increase as well as intensify in severity during the lean season (usually April through September).

North Darfur

– Continued arrivals of IDPs from Muhajariya and Shearia areas in South Darfur into Zam Zam, Shangil Tobayi, Shaddad, IDP camps and Dar El Salaam in North Darfur due to insecurity were reported during the week. There is a growing concern among humanitarian agencies in regards to Zam Zam camp reaching its maximum capacity and inability to host new IDPs. During the week, 4,660 new arrivals in Zam Zam and Shaddad/Shangil Tobayi IDP camps received one-month emergency food rations.

– The Darfur Blanket Supplementary Feeding Programme (BFSP) meeting was held on 18 February to share lessons learned and discuss implementation strategy for 2009. WFP programme staff from the three Darfur states participated in this meeting in El Fasher. Furthermore, as a follow-up to the BFSP lessons learned workshop, WFP and Cooperating partners have started operational planning for BSFP 2009 implementation. Community sensitization and verification exercises have already started in Kebkabiya and Kutum.

South Darfur

– On 15 February, an inter-agency assessment mission composed of WFP, OCHA, UNHCR, WHO, UNJLC, SUDO and SPCR undertook a one-day mission to Beleil IDP camp, located outside of Nyala, South Darfur. The mission assessed the humanitarian situation and needs of the new arrivals from Muhajariya, who arrived in Beleil between 23 January and 14 February 2009. Urgent needs included shelter, water, food and health services.

– On 18 February 2009, a one-day joint assessment mission comprising WFP, UNICEF, MSF-Holland and the Humanitarian Aid Commission was conducted in Labado, South Darfur to assess the situation of the IDPs who fled Muhajariya to Labado due to insecurity. According to Cooperating Partner Samaritans Purse, some 1,300 individuals (267 households) have arrived in Dito from Umalkayrat in South Darfur.

– 6931 food ration cards were replaced by World Vision (WV) in Mershing, Krumji and Manawashi. WV distributed food to 105,267 people and a total of 1,315.95 metric ton of food in Almalamm, Kalma and Otash camps.

– 29 households displaced from Muhajariya to Asalam IDP camp were registered by World Vision for general food distribution.

– 66 farmers received training on vegetable production and planting techniques in Kirkeir, Manawashi and Nitega, and 110 others were also trained and supported with vegetable seeds and provided with shovels and hoes.

– Fodder production and improvement training targeting 42 farmers was given by World Vision that also provided them with seeds. Three other fodder farmer groups were trained in Aldqmbaloyia and Juru villages.

– Accessories for the irrigation pumps were distributed by World Vision to three communities at Umdabazi, Aldambaloyia and Diri. Seed collection has also been performed in Abgarajil and Abualmaki for seed banking purposes and a total of 2.3445 metric ton of various grains collected.

– 4500 seedling bags were prepared and filled with fertile soils by World Vision for planting seeds in Khor Abeche nursery.

– 200 women in Manawashi and Mershing were identified by World Vision for chicken restocking, while 180 others received 180 kilograms of concentrated chicken feeding in Mershing.

– 3000 fruit and shade trees were sowed by World Vision in Mershing community nursery.

West Darfur

– In West Darfur, food distributions for February are in progress. Distributions included advanced March rations for Armankul IDPs, as a precautionary measure to address potential insecurity in the area. Pre-positioning of general distribution and supplementary feeding food requirements for the next 2-3 months, are planned in anticipation of the expected insecurity constraints in the coming month.

– UNHCR undertook a visit to the villages surrounding Kulbus, West Darfur to verify presence of Chadian refugees. Findings indicated that a total of 45 households (315 individuals) were present in Umgorcho village and are in need of humanitarian assistance. WFP plans to undertake further verification to identify required food needs.

Health and Nutrition

North Darfur

– Relief International, supported by UNICEF, undertook community HIV/AIDS awareness sessions around El Fasher with some 200 religious and community leaders. UNICEF has also provided a range of information materials on HIV prevention including fact sheets and posters to youth and women’s groups as part of peer-education activities. UNICEF has also provided new furniture to the Berengyia youth friendly centre, where some 1,500 young people can access a range of information including HIV/AIDS educational materials.

– With 18,000 IDPs reported to have arrived in Zam Zam camp as of today 26th February, the camp has reached full capacity with no more space to cater for additional IDPs. Discussions are ongoing with authorities for alternative sites to receive the new caseload. Health services are still coping but with some reports indicating a six fold increase in consultations at one of the clinics (HAD)
– Orientation session for 14 medical officers on polio surveillance has been conducted for one day at El Fasher teaching hospital to build up a sensitive system on polio detection at all facility levels.

– Vector control plan for Zamzam camp has been finalized jointly by WHO and SMoH North Darfur. The implementation plan will be supported by Federal ministry of Health and UNICEF with technical supervision from SMoH and WHO.

South Darfur

– More than 10,000 people benefited from health and hygiene education sessions facilitated in Otash, Mosai and Asalam camps for internally displaced persons, led by the State Water Corporation with the support of UNICEF.

– 1270 people have been examined in World Vision clinics, 583 children received treatment and 0.9 metric ton of high energy pre-mix food was distributed among them at World Vision supplementary feeding centers (SFCs).

– 66 of children and 78 mothers were vaccinated by World Vision and 15 births were supervised by its trained personnel.

– The staffs, essential medicines and supplies were allowed by authorities to reach MSF–H in Muhajariya health centre during the week.

– The displaced population from Muhajariya in Khazan Jaded has not been accessed yet. Discussions are ongoing to reach the population to assess the humanitarian needs and deliver assistance accordingly.

West Darfur

– UNICEF supported a State Ministry of Health workshop for 90 community members on iodine deficiency disorders and the importance of consuming iodised salt in Zalingei.

– UNHCR, Mukjar transported two Chadian refugee patients, one suffering from severe acute malnutrition and another from congestive heart failure, to Garsila for treatment upon the recommendation of Mukjar PHC doctor.

Non-Food Items (NFIs)

North Darfur

– Distributions to newly-displaced populations continue this week in North Darfur, CHF International supported 413 households in Zamzam camp, El Fasher, with blankets and plastic sleeping mats.

– Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)-Spain also provided blankets, plastic sheeting and jerry cans to 240 newly-displaced households in Dar el Salam, El Fasher.

South Darfur

– The first two trucks participating in the CARE Common Transport Service (CTS) left Khartoum for Nyala on 19 February. The second dispatch is expected to leave shortly comprising three trucks of non-food items for CARE and Cooperative Housing Foundation (CHF) international. The service, which is coordinated by UNJLC, is available exclusively to NGOs and is free-of-charge thanks to direct donor support.

– Norwegian Church Aid (NCA) distributed jerry cans and women’s clothing to 500 households of newly displaced populations in Beleil camp in Nyala.

West Darfur

– NFI assistance was provided by UNHCR to the 8 households affected by fire in Ryad camp on 13 February.

– After fires in Ryad camp, Terre des Hommes (TDH) provided 11 households with essential household items and emergency shelter.

– Health clinics in Abujar camp were supported by International Medical Corps (IMC) with sanitary material from the Common Pipeline.

Protection and Human Rights

South Darfur

– The State Committee for Combating Gender-Based Violence, supported by UNICEF, has established a sub-committee in Kass locality. Its 17 members undertook a range of initial training activities, with UNICEF facilitating a session on psychosocial support to survivors of gender-based violence.

– Recreational and Child Friendly Spaces (CFSs) activities were continued by World Vision. A total of 464 of children attended them in Asalam and Galdi camps.

– Psychosocial activity training was conducted by World Vision. 131 people attended the exercise in Asalam center.

– In collaboration with UNAMID Rule of Law, UNAMID Civil Affairs and the State University the UNDP Rule of Law in South Darfur organized a workshop on the “Elections Act of 2008” in the Peace Studies and Research Centre of the University of Nyala on 21st February 2009. Over 85 participants attended the workshop and engaged in a fruitful discussion around the subject. The Chief Justice, Attorney general, representatives from the political parties, judges, lawyers, Wali’s Advisor for Women and Child Affairs, Imams and Sufi leaders were among the participants in the UNDP Rule of law workshop.

West Darfur

– UNHCR conducted GBV training to Habila SAF soldiers. About 14 soldiers attended the training on 18 February.

– UNDP Rule of Law in West Darfur conducted two seminars on Sudanese Criminal & Procedural Law and Child Protection in National and International Laws in Mornie from 16 to 18 February 2009. The seminars attracted around 45 participants from Government of Sudan (GoS) police, community police and central reserve police.

– UNDP established a mini-legal library in the Rural Court in Mornie and equipped it with books and furniture. It is hoped this library will support the police as well as the general public.

Water and Sanitation

North Darfur

– The State Water Corporation, backed by UNICEF, supported local mechanics in the repair of 14 hand pumps in Abu Shouk, Al Salaam, Zamzam and Kassab camps for internally displaced persons. Four new boreholes were also drilled in Zamzam camp to support the needs of newly displaced persons.

– Also in Zamzam camp, the State Water Corporation and UNICEF supported the construction of 55 communal latrines, benefiting more than 1,000 residents. In addition, UNICEF supported the distribution of more than 320,000 bars of soap to internally displaced populations in Abu Shouk, Al Salaam, Zamzam, Kassab and Fata Barno in partnership with the State Water Corporation, Oxfam, GOAL and Relief International.

– An assessment mission was conducted to Zamzam camp, the main objective being to assess the water and sanitation situation in the camp. With support from UNICEF two boreholes were drilled for the new IDPs including repair of five hand pumps in the camp. 55 new emergency latrines have been erected in the new arrival area with the target being about 250 latrines.

– The clean up campaigns and garbage collection were conducted during the week in Zam Zam camp.

– 30 additional hygiene promoters were trained to conduct hygiene promotion activities in the area of new IDPs.

– Water quality monitoring was conducted to Abu Shouk, Al Salam and Zam Zam camps. All the 9 samples from water points in Abu Shouk (six tap stands & 3 tanks) and 13 (tap stands) in Al Salam were found to have the normal range of free residual chlorine (FCR). In Zam Zam camp, 11 samples from the households among new arrivals were tested and three of them were found to be contaminated. Corrective measures were taken including safe food and water handling. Two samples from two water tanks had normal FCR.

South Darfur

– Pumping tests were carried out and hand pumps installed by World Vision at Marfaena and Almogran villages.

– Two participatory hygiene and sanitation techniques (PHAST) trainings were conducted by World Vision at Altaror and a total of 43 households made up of 18 men, 20 women and 15 children participated in the training.

– Four broken down hand-pumps were rehabilitated by World Vision in Zongo, Alghaba East, Alghaba West and Asalam villages.

– 40 latrine slabs were made by World Vision at Altaror community for distribution to forty households, while 95 others prepared in Khor Abeche and 93 were lined and superstructures construction was made for 77 latrines.

– 308 persons participated in two clean up campaigns organized by World Vision in Duma and Karere. Moreover, World Vision visited 83 households and gave them hygiene messages, sensitized them on water and food storage and hand washing. In addition to that and as apart of hygiene promotion, World Vision distributed 100 cartons of soap to 77 households in Karere- the soap donated by UNICEF.

– Joint WHO/SMOH team visited Otash camp to conduct water quality control. 100% of the checked five water points had normal FCR. Three samples from household level had two of them with nil of residual chlorine, while the third was 0.1 mg/l.. Remedial action was taken to ensure continuous chlorination.

– Eight samples taken from tap stands had FCR within normal range. Five samples from four households, one pump were checked for contamination (H2S bacteriological test). All four from the household were contaminated and one had a low risk. Remedial action is taken with education on safe handling of water.

West Darfur

– The State Water Corporation, with UNICEF support, drilled two boreholes in Arokom and Zalingei Shareg villages, while the partners worked with local hygiene committees to maintain three hand pumps in Teer, Daba Nira and Nertiti, serving some 1,500 people.

– The State Water Corporation and UNICEF also repaired 150 household latrines, serving 750 residents of Ardamata camp for internally displaced persons, as well as implementing household hygiene promotion activities reaching 164 households in Ardamata, 137 households in Al Ryad and 232 in Dortei camp. The two partners also reached over 192 people with hygiene education activities in Terij. Three environmental cleaning campaigns were also conducted in Ardamata and Dortei camps.

– Joint mission of WHO/OCHA and SC-US and the Sheikh of Kringing camp was conducted to assess environmental health sanitation situation in the camp. Poor hygiene and sanitation was observed in the camp. Recommendations and action points were identified for the partners. WHO committed to facilitate clean-up campaign with provision of tools, T-shirts, boots and gloves for the coming week.

If you have inputs for the next edition or questions and comments on this one, or other media and public enquiries, please contact:
Imad Hassanein, Media Officer, United Nations, Khartoum, Sudan, Email: [email protected], Telephone: +249-9-12178035
For other media and public enquiries, you may also contact:
Orla Clinton, Head Advocacy and Public Information/RC/HC Spokesperson, United Nations, Khartoum, Sudan,
Email: [email protected], Telephone: +249-9-12174454
Cecilia Attefors, Public Information Officer, United Nations, Khartoum, Sudan, Email: [email protected], Telephone: +249-9-12179084

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