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Sudan Tribune

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Western Equatoria seeks peaceful settlement to Tambura-Nagero’s row

By Richard Ruati

March 2, 2009 (NAGERO) – The governor of Western Equatoria State urged the population of the two twin counties Tambura and Nagero to settle land dispute peacefully and to develop joint projects.

Tambura and Nagero counties have had dispute over the border demarcation, and land between the two counties since the inception of Nagero County.

The citizens of Tambura and Nagero, “must to cooperate and remain together in peace since they have intermarried amongst themselves; you should not separate because of the border demarcation, it was done for the counties to realize rapid development not to breed anarchy,” said the Govrnor Jemma Nunu Kumba in a speech delivered a Nagero today.

Kumba added that, the counties’ boarder demarcations shall be determined by the result of the fifth population census and the local government act which is not yet passed.

During occasion in Nagero, Kumba stated that, “the county chiefs, community leaders, church leaders should unite together and reconcile on this border disputes between Tombura and Nagero before the local government act is passed [we] are confident and able to solve our problem excluding the neighboring State nor the Goss.”

The governor’s motorcade and convey on its way to Nagero was spotted and welcomed at the banks of Yubu river, three miles from Tambura county, as sign to indicate where the Nagero-Tambura border lies.

Meanwhile the Governor promised address the issue of the HIV/AIDS in Nagero County by training VCT councillors and opening VCT offices in the infant county, she added that, “HIV/AIDS is more dangerous than the LRA and the Ambororo atrocities in WES and prevention is better than cure, therefore women and men need to be faithful to their partners.”

She also pledged 2,000 Sudanese pounds to SPLM women League and the SPLM Youth League of Nagero County and promise to send them two motorcycles for the facilitation of the SPLM mobilization and also grinding mill to the women association of Nagero.

The commissioner of Nagero county Joseph Natale Sabuni hailed the visit of the Governor as “a historical and unforgettable day in the history of Nagero county since the signing of the CPA in Naivasha 2005, this clearly show the vision of Late Hero Dr John Garang that ‘take town to the village now,’ indeed Mama Jemma Nunu Kumba has brought town to the remote village of Nagero.”

The Commissioner added that, “Nagero county doesn’t belong to Balanda, Zande ,Bongo but it belongs to all Sudanese nationality, despite their population estimated of 150,000, the ethnic tribes are the Balanda, Zande and Bongo who live harmoniously in this poor environment and sanitation.”

In a press statement, the Commissioner assured that potential of Nagero in terms of minerals is its richness natural resources; he said in five years to come, the county will be the leading in the state in terms of development.

Sabuni stressed on the border demarcation between Tombura and Nagero, that, “soon the county authorities will organize a reconciliation conference which will take place in independent venue in Ezo county to settle the issue of land dispute between the two counties of which the church leaders, the UNMIS, State Government will be the chief mediators and facilitators. ”


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