Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Conflicting reports about release of Darfur aid workers

March 13, 2009 (PARIS) — The situation of the ground remains unclear with regard to the release three aid workers, after the Italian foreign ministry announced their release.

Unknown gunmen abducted Wednesday five aid workers form Médecins Sans Frontières – Belgium (MSF), two Sudanese, a Belgian nurse, Canadian doctor and French coordinator. The Sudanese are released early yesterday with a demand of ransom for the release of the abducted foreigners.

Thursday the kidnappers had requested undisclosed ransom and the that the ICC cancels its arrest warrant against the President Omer Al-Bashir.

The Italian foreign ministry Friday said the three foreign workers had been freed. The ministry released later a statement to expressing its satisfaction for their release.

MSF Belgium has withdrawn its staffers from the region but some remained in El-Fasher to monitor closely the situation with the concerned authorities which had informed them about the release of the three hostages.

The kidnappers later Friday contacted the MSF and dismissed statements by the Sudanese government about the release of the humanitarian workers.

This telephone call prompted the aid group to not confirm the announcement made by Khartoum and to wait till their arrival to El-Fasher.

“Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) cannot confirm reports that our team, abducted on Wednesday March 11 from Serif Umra, North Darfur, has been released,” said the latest statement by the medical charity group.

“Since we heard this new information we have not seen our colleagues, nor have we had the chance to speak with them,” MSF added.


1 Comment

  • Aduol Liet
    Aduol Liet

    Conflicting reports about release of Darfur aid workers
    U.N. Must protecting Aid workers by making sure that, the Region particularly is secure for the foreigners workers otherwise, all foreigners workers must be staying a way in the Bhar EL Ghazal Regions where by the SPLA and the U.N Military are strong full prepared for any situations in the Sudan. MR, Omar al Bashir is already against Western Nations before the ICC Judges decision so I wish all our friends in the Western nations must be careful when visited to Sudan. I would recommand the Southern Sudan that, would be good for them if some one is willing to take a visited or U.N Aid workers who want to work there in Sudan with the organizations then they must stay in the Southern Sudan.

    Anger of Omar al Bashir will not help him from the ICC decision even it will make it worsen according to what I have seen. Sudan is my native nation but I hate the way Sudan government use to be rude to many others nations around the world perhaps, I am happy they Judges decision and I still want the ICC Judges to bring all numbers charges from Sudan government in to book this where they dictatorship from Africa will learn lesson. This is why they Southern Sudanese accepted 21 years suffering for long time civil war with Omar al Bashir’s government of the Northern Sudan, in the Northern Sudan we have had hundrd of thousand Southern Sudanese people disappeared every month and yearly like that, while the Sudan government is the one who have kidapping them for good as you know it is very hard to tell thsoe stroies how human beings are just dying like a Dogs in the Sudan. For example, in Western of Bhar el Ghazal State which is Wau there are millions humans bones left on the ground as well as in the South part and East same things like that and I would suggest all Towns in Southern Sudan have had lost unknown numbers of people like that.

    IT will be good Idea also if the ICC Judges will formed the Sudan groups studies to go around the Southern Sudan Towns as I have mention on the above, to find out what did Sudan government did when they were in Southern Sudan before the pecae agreement signed in Kenya. I know the Sudan government will say these are they bones left during civil war with the SPLA however, the SPLA Cdrs knows very well the areas they fought a bitter war any way so I need another proof like what we have seen during Saddam Hussein, there were hundreds of humans bones which have been found in the ground in Iaq. I appeal to all foreigners to be careful when going to Sudan or working there as you are trying to offering to some of they Sudanese people, be aware that MR, Omar Hassan al Bashir is not a human being, there is no even sign show that, he is An Arab faith beliefs otherwise people around the world were not talking about Darfurian people as we already known them they shared same Religion of Muslim but we had acknowledge another reason for killing was because they Darfurian people are not real An Arab believers in An Islamic that why Bashir painted An Airplane with U.N color to fool people of Darfur and then, drop bomb killing civilians in their vialleges thank ICC Judges and continues.

    By Aduol Liet.

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