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Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan president, Ethiopian minister discuss joint projects

March 21, 2009 (JUBA) — The Sudanese First Vice President, and head of Southern Sudan Government (GOSS), Salva Kiir Mayardit, and the visiting Ethiopian Foreign Minister, Seyoum Mesfin discussed today the implementation of joint development projects and bilateral cooperation.

Kiir_Mesfin.jpgMesfin arrived today to Juba in a two day visit to southern Sudan. He was received at Juba airport by Barnaba Marial Benjamin, GOSS minister of regional cooperation, Gier Chuang Aluong, GOSS minister of telecommunications and other officials.

In a meeting held at Home and Away Business Center in Juba, the two parties discussed the realization of joint infrastructure, development and trade projects as well as the implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA).

Ethiopia and south Sudan signed in June 2008 a series of agreements to develop joint projects in their neighboring states where tribes like Nuer and Anyuak are present on both sides of the border, in order to promote peaceful neighborhood.

The two parties plan to construct a network of roads connecting the three Southern Sudan states of Upper Nile, Jonglei and Eastern Equatoria with the adjacent Ethiopian Regional States of Gambella, Southern Nations and Nationalities, and Beni Shangul Gumez.

They also have to boost fluvial transport between Malakal-Jekow-Gambella and Gambella-Akobo-Pibor Post; besides adding Malakal to the current Ethiopian Airlines route of Addis Ababa-Juba.

Ethiopia also will allocate 50% of its cement production for export to Southern Sudan. Further Addis Abab will supply Upper Nile and Jonglei states with electricity to be connected from Gambella using transmission lines up to Malakal and Bor towns.

According to an agreement signed on June 18, 2008, Ethiopian experts will advise the Southern Sudan Ministry of Housing and Land on the development of housing, planning and construction projects in the southern Sudan capital, Juba.

In a meeting with Minister Benjamin and GOSS minister for presidential affairs, Luka Biong, Mesfin discussed issues related to technical assistance and bilateral relations between the two sides.

Benjamin praised the good relations between the two governments and underscored the strong historic and cultural links between the two countries. While the visiting Ethiopian minister reaffirmed the support of his government to southern Sudan and its determination to build strong bilateral ties.

GOSS minister of regional cooperation during a visit to Addis Ababa last February met with Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi and the minister of foreign affairs Seyoum Mesfin to discuss development issues.



  • Kon Paul Awenchol
    Kon Paul Awenchol

    South Sudan president, Ethiopian minister discuss joint projects
    congretulation mr:president,”Southern Sudan is Southern Sudan”,it is definitely atime for the people of the Southern Sudan to developed their own foreign policy inorder to acheive bilateral ties with other countries as well as the can also developed thier own economic security to stabilizes their situation in the South.therefore Ethiopia has since long been a friend to Southern Sudanese during our struggle and is our ally who can do better for us during that time.I have fall via a pleasure when i got this bilateral deal and we always advices you to contnue with that system,the “LATE VISIONS” are since espoused by the Southern Sudan community in general, externally and internally since you pave your line on that road.the “SPLM VISION”of taking town to people and not people to the town”is amemorable point followed by the community and SPLM is not out of that concept b cuz it is aparty that is freed from all angles of difficulties and is not at the page of totalatarian policies.save your good lifedoor and political views freely and comfortably JOINT SPLM.

  • Gatwech

    South Sudan president, Ethiopian minister discuss joint projects
    Bravo Kiir,

    Through Dr. Marial (Regional Cooperation Minister) I thank you for utilizing this strategic border with Ethiopia, particulary between Gambella region of Ethiopia with Upper Nile, Jonglei states of South Sudan. This Gambella region of Ethiopia shares every thing with Upper Nile state and Jonglei state. Same people, same culture, same language, etc, etc.

    For example in Gambella region, which is bigger than the size of Jonglei state, Almost 45% of its population is from Nuer tribe of Ethiopia, 35% from Anyuak tribe, 10% from highlanders (brown Ethiopians) and the other 10% from other smaller tribes like Burun and Ujang.

    The regional government of Ethiopia has about 9 Ministers, 4 from Nuer tribe and 4 from Anyuak tribe and 1 a small tribe. Its civil service employees are almost divided along those lines, with the Nuer getting slightly higher number than the Anyuak, etc. The Nuer have about three to four counties in the Gambella region and the Anyuak have about that number. Both Nuer and Anyuak also have representatives in the national parliament in Addis Ababa. They also have representatives for Ethiopian government abroad, for example Dr. Koang Tut who became the Ethiopian Ambassador to Japan and Malasia for several years. He is the D/Chief Advisor to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ethiopia.

    This explains why the relationship between Ethiopians of Gambella region and those of Upper Nile and Jonglei state has been progressing. This is historical relationship. Even when John Garang went to Ethiopia, he was first welcomed by the former Governor of Gambella Region, Mr. Thowath Pal Chai who is from Nuer tribe. He was the governor of Gambella region until their government was overthrown when President Mengistu Haile Mariam left the country.

    Upper Nile state citizens have been traveling frequently between Malakal and Gambella town (the capital of Gambella region). I myself have traveled three times to Gambella region in 2008. I am very happy to hear that they want to connect their electricity to Malakal and Bor. They have already connected their roads up to our borders, it is only the GOSS which is late to connect our part. And if you see the town (Gambella) it is more developed than Juba, because it has tarmacked roads all over and new buildings are springing up every where. They have 24 hours electricity supply all over the town, and even in the counties. Itang refugee camp which the SPLA made its population base is one of the counties. The former headquarter of SPLA (Bilpam) is located within the Jekow county (of Ethiopia) which is inhabited by the Nuer tribe. Across the borders of Gambella to South Sudan, you can see the Nuer on both sides Jonglei, Upper Nile and Gambella. You can be amazed to see the Nuer immigration officers on Ethiopian side and see them also on the South Sudan side. If you travel through Pochalla you see Anyuak on both sides. Is that not a big blessing to utilize? Salva Kiir should work very well to take advantage of this relationship between our states and Gambella region of Ethiopia.

  • Raan Chol
    Raan Chol

    South Sudan president, Ethiopian minister discuss joint projects
    Hi South Sudan president and Ethiopian Foreign Minister I can say to both of you,well done and I’m pride for your bilateral ties as you both said,I hope you both will keep your diplomacy ties.I perspective that you both have a lots of backlog to be done befor you even talk about construction and construct a network of roads connecting,for a point, those who are going to construct and connecting roads network are people like you and I,the reason is I have been ear,read and listening about insecurity,most of the time, particularly south Sudan since pace sign,for Ethiopian Gabellar particular has insecur day and nigh,so for you and I,I think is a losing of constrction, business and e,t,c heroes if you guy do it with a just do it, with out safety.I will like to see all of you,seriously to work on escurity issues,what ha hell people are still dying on some areas on th roads too.

    I wonder how business gonna growup in this both two courties now a day, with out more resources,example;Agriculture and e,c,t are better than manufacture things you trust you to make business with.South Sudan presrident if you abolishes insecurity in your counrty and perspective persuade your people to start little agriculture,livestock and keep all living things in a peacfull way not to violence on them so that they can grow and breed, than you free to have diplomacy,bilateral with any courty you want.This abound if you sign any busines and e,c,t, in today they will benefit on you and you won’t!!!!!!!
    By Raan Chol, Sudan’s future generation,I don’t want you loss I want you possess any things about you your self future life and family!!!!!!
    Thanks son of new Sudan particular south for ever!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Kuanlualthoun

    South Sudan president, Ethiopian minister discuss joint projects
    It is a very good thing hearing Mr. Kiir talking about the developmental projects in Southern Sudan, but for this to be materialized, Mr. Kiir needs to stop his people from looting the country’s wealth, he must also encourage rule of law and accountability in the GoSS, otherwise it will be just talking without deed!!

  • omons stephen
    omons stephen

    South Sudan president, Ethiopian minister discuss joint projects
    Infrastructure is the top priority in nation development; hover, it would be pretty good if that project is implemented rather than ending as just a words. If south Sudan is connected to Ethiopia, it will boost the trade and enhance the government revenue. Southern Sudanese regions have never been developed due to luck of proper roads and electricity since the creation; therefore, this is the chance for GOSS to benefit from this bilateral cooperation.

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