Thursday, December 19, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Toll from Warrap-Lakes fight said to be 24 killed, 22 wounded

By Manyang Mayom

April 2, 2009 (RUMBEK) — The chairperson of security and public order in the Lakes state legislative assembly, Hon. Joseph Maker Mathiang, confirmed on Thursday that 24 people were confirmed dead as well 22 people critically injured in a clash reported earlier this week between Jalawau pastoralist youths of Warrap state and Lakes state pastoralist youths of Cueibet county.

Awet_by_body_of_Agaar.jpgLast month Jalwau youth of Warrap state made a deadly attack on Gok-Panyar youth of Cueibet county, taking a herd of cattle. This more recent attack was organized by Gok youth in retribution for the first attack done by Warrap youth, according to a cattle keeper youth member of Cueibet county, Mathiang Maker.

According to a source in Warrap state, 16 people are dead and the number of wounded persons is still unclear.

The fighting broke out on Sunday night at 3 o’clock at a place called Kolkou territory within Warrap state when Cueibet pastoralist youth of the Gok clan launched an attack on the neighboring town of Kaujok.

However, the Lakes state parliament acting Speaker Hon. Marik Nanga Marik condemned the incident. The peace initiative between Warrap state and Lake State, which reached a landmark agreement this month, must continue despite the misunderstanding being caused by the two states’ pastoralist youths, he said.

“We must act as diplomatic leaders and let us build a better nation for New Sudan without discrimination or putting the young generations into the generation of conflicts and confusion,” said Nanga.



  • soldier boy
    soldier boy

    Toll from Warrap-Lakes fight said to be 24 killed, 22 wounded
    For all southern Sudan people what going on in fuckin Lakes state?? what a fuck is Goss doing there ?? what a fuck is a Cattles that people are killing them self like animals there??
    Goss must act extemlly to see what going in that fuckin state..every one in South should think how are we going to get ride off of mother fucking Arabs in north and you are killing your self over animals. you guys make me sick really. there is no hope that southern will be come one nation with out fight.. Goss you need to think about this matter wiselly before it’s get fucking wors . i hate this state.

  • don dinka
    don dinka

    Toll from Warrap-Lakes fight said to be 24 killed, 22 wounded
    foremost i want to send my condolences to those that have lost their love ones in this conflict in the lake state as it is uncomprehensible and sometime it is very important that we let our freedom fighters know that they are not fulfelling their duties of protecting the citizens and south sudan after war need leaders that are well equipped with modern ways of protecting the ones that sometime adore them and soon those that elect them, but not those that appoint them. I wish that our freedom fighters should just copy Nelson Mandela and retire as icon that we as southerners will remember for generations.
    as a dinka I thinK that GOVERNOR DANIEL AWET AKOT is putting lives of lakes state people at stake and he should just resign and let somebody that will do the job take over.
    Sorry my fellow county men but this is how things should work but i still have mush respect for the governer

  • Busta

    Toll from Warrap-Lakes fight said to be 24 killed, 22 wounded

    It is pity that Dinks are showing bad behaviors in their mother land yet they claim to be the one who fight to Liberate Southernese!!

    You should know that without peace among Dinks, we will vote for Unite than seperation due to that fact that you are just mother fuckers animals.

    Learn before it come to 2011 otherwise time is running out and we are running out of patient!

  • Makeer

    Toll from Warrap-Lakes fight said to be 24 killed, 22 wounded
    It’s so sad to see realities as in the picture above. GoSS is a failure to Southerners. States’governemt had also fail the people. 22 people dead in Lake-Warrap youths clashes; more than 700 died in Murle-Lou clashes; More unreported dead in all the ten states of South Sudan and Goss with its uncouth weak policies is keeping quiet. Shame onto them who hold positions just for titles unlike to render much needed services to their subjects. Look here, Awet Akot, governor of lake state hail from Chueibet; Kiir Mayar, Goss president is from Warap,(where these big men hailed from is, where the current clash is) so,if the big men/women clans are not awared of what South Sudan mean, then what would be the reason to blame other clans or tribes.


    Toll from Warrap-Lakes fight said to be 24 killed, 22 wounded
    Dear Almighty God, I curiously asks you to please stratify your hands and power upon these people of Warrap and Lake States. Protects them indeed dear our heavenly father who created heaven and earth from doing all these mischievous deadly atrocities amongst themselves and please guard them from practicing devil things through the power of your Holy Spirit and the name of your son Jesus Christ.

    Almighty God, you are the only person we hope and put our trust in you. Without your power Almighty God, we can’t live happily on this earth like you can see what happened in Warrap State and Lakes States. We need you dear our Heavenly Father to put your best endeavour to help these people of Warrap States and Lake States from preaching things that are beyond to human capacity. We need you Almighty God to give them your strength,love, passionate, and joyous of the heart.

    Lastly, I pray and pray dear Almighty God to blessed the soul of those people who were killed in riot between Warrap State and Lakes State and put their soul on your right hand side like you put your son Jesus Christ.
    Almighty God, Father of heaven and earth, we need you and need you to pour your power on these people of Warrap and Lakes State and to those people whose parents lost their life in a riot. In name of your son Jesus Christ, I pray. AMEN

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