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Sudan Tribune

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Sudan president says he will travel to the US if invited

April 5, 2009 (KHARTOUM) – The embattled Sudanese president Omer Hassan said today that he will travel for the annual UN General Assembly summit in New York if invited.

Sudanese President Omer Hassan Al-Bashir addresses the 61st United Nations General Assembly September 19, 2006 (AFP)
Sudanese President Omer Hassan Al-Bashir addresses the 61st United Nations General Assembly September 19, 2006 (AFP)
“If I am invited by the UN to attend in New York I will attend and nothing prevents me from doing so” Al-Bashir told the Sudanese satellite TV.

On March 4th the judges of the Pre-Trial Chamber I at the International Criminal Court (ICC) issued an arrest warrant for Bashir on seven counts of war crimes and crimes against humanity, which include murder, rape and torture.

Despite speculations about Bashir being a prisoner in his own country he managed to travel to more than half a dozen countries in the region even though they were not announced beforehand and none were members of the ICC with an obligation to apprehend him.

One of the highest profile visit since the warrant was one he made to Qatar for the Arab League summit in which its leaders issued a strong resolution backing the Sudanese leader and rejecting the arrest warrant.

Several Sudanese figures including the highest religious authority in the country have appealed to Bashir not to travel for the Arab summit.

Bashir said today his decision to travel to Qatar was a decision “he took and executed”.

“It was a message to the Western world that Sudan will not be isolated” Bashir said and revealed that he turned out a Qatari and Libyan proposal that the summit be held in Khartoum.

“This would have been a negative message that the ICC prosecutor achieved one of his goals which is that the president is unable to travel to attend the summit” he said.

The Sudanese president lashed out at the ICC prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo saying that the latter “crossed all limits” and that his tours prove that the case is political and not a legal one.

A trip to the US may prove far more risky despite announcement by the US that they have no legal obligation to arrest Bashir.

Depending on the route Bashir’s plane may take, a country which has ratified the Rome Statute can force him to land and arrest him as he crossed its airspace.

Last month the French ambassador to the UN suggested that Bashir will not be authorized to cross France’s airspace and that he will be apprehended if he does so.



  • Gatbentiu

    Sudan president says he will travel to the US if invited
    Omar must be crazy to go to USA to attend annual UN General Assembly summit in New York,the blood of innocent children and women in Darfur is taking him to New York.
    I am asking the UN secretary general to invite him to the Summit.

    [email protected]

  • Busta

    Sudan president says he will travel to the US if invited

    Be very very careful, your days are numbered. US which you want to joke with them have nothing with you in common the only thing they want see to is hanging you up!!!

    Take my advice or face the rope of Iraq.

  • Hillary B.M.L,M
    Hillary B.M.L,M

    Sudan president says he will travel to the US if invited

    This Man Called Omer, I some time consider him as Militarily Courageous and Politically Double Stupid, he believe in Military decision. under the Arrest Warrant, said he should go to USA if invited, this after defied for 5 Times up to now. In fact USA is not a member of Rome Statute if captured there then USA will lose its Respect World wide as a just, Democratic and Supper power Country. I am not supporting OMer Albashier but some time Facts can be said, we need him be captured and tried. But should not be captured in non-Member State to keep International Law unbiased.

  • Joseph Dut Gak
    Joseph Dut Gak

    Sudan president says he will travel to the US if invited
    Mr Bashir
    not Should joke ,like a kit , he have to use his common sense not just military leader ,USA govt is working for the world peace and you are just an individual ,don’t makes that risk Mr President.

    NY is in the heart of USA and you have been accusing them ,you need to interpreted properly.

    Dut Gak

  • aguthon

    Sudan president says he will travel to the US if invited
    My Dear President,

    Going to United States of America is not like masterminding Furs, Masalits and Zagawa deliberate and systematic killings. You are mishandling your war crime accussations by negative thinking, which merely champions by a scare campaign.

    While you are expecting your invitation from United States, try to find a person who speak both Arabic and English to translate the following statements to you: you are accussed of war crime, crime against humanity, rape, murder and other dangerous accounts.

    Therefore you are banned not to travel to any country which has signed a Rome Statut Treaty, can you think of that my leader?

    Besides, all liberal democractic societies such as United States and European Union member-states don’t want you in their countries because you are “axis of evil” Former United States President George W. Bush.

    You should not be inivited to attend such a forum because you do not value human’s life.

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