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Sudan Tribune

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34 Lakes state lawmakers object to pull-out of security forces from Wulu

By Manyang Mayom

April 7, 2009 (RUMBEK) – The Lakes State Legislative Assembly passed a resolution against the decision made Friday by Governor Lt. Gen. Daniel Awet Akot to pull back security forces from Wulu County.

The decision was passed by the state council of ministers on Friday during their security meeting, without having provided information to lawmakers, said acting speaker Marik Nanga.

During the sitting No.08/2009, 34 honorable members (MPs) agreed to read out eight resolutions to the Office of the Governor, immediately recalling back all security forces who had been deployed in Wulu County.

The county was the scene of intertribal conflict from January 18 to 21, between Rumbek East County youth of the Dinka Agaar tribe and Wulu County youth of the Jur-beli community. Sudan Tribune confirmed more than 414 people were displaced by the fighting to Wau, the state capital of Western Bhar-El-Ghazal.

After the fighting, a further outrage was stirred up when one pregnant woman was shot dead together with her four children in Makundur payam.

Lawmakers resolved to deploy 250 police to the county for at least six months, in Makundur, Biling, Kombi and any other payam that has insecurity.

They also called on the state executive to facilitate bringing back the displaced population within this month; and to initiate a peace conference as soon as possible, one month after the return of displacement population.

All the culprits should be apprehended by the commissioners and put to the prisons within two weeks, said the MPs.

Also, the movement of the cattle camps should be regulated by the state executive, they resolved. Cattle of the conflicting clans should be distanced from the area of Wulu County.

Lawmakers noted that security and human right committees ought to be given opportunity to do their work of data collection and table it before the House.

Finally, they urged to speed up the implementation of the recently passed disarmament Order No.16/2008 in the conflicting counties of Wulu and Rumbek east.

“The Lakes state legislative assembly represents the will of the people of Lakes state and shall foster their unity and that of the state, exercise legislative functions, oversees the executive and promotes the decentralized system of government in the state,” said lawmakers, pointing to powers accorded to them.

In separate reports, there were speculations that the deputy governor and minister of local government and law reinforcement agency, H.E. Awan Guol Riak, had resigned from Lakes state cabinet. But according to an official source within the Government of Lakes state, the deputy governor had just traveled to Nairobi for his personal duty but he has not resigned from his position.

Another rumor said that the commissioner of Wulu County was suspended on Friday during the ministerial security meeting, but this also was denied by the official.



  • Tilling

    34 Lakes state lawmakers object to pull-out of security forces from Wulu
    Humanity is aquiring all the right technology for all the wrong reasons, I am now woundering why the councile of Ministers are pulling back their decision of depolying the security to all those places which are now have the insecurity, My question is, what is the Government?

    My dear MPs of Lake’s State, Data is not information, information is not knowledge, knowledge is not understanding, understanding is not wisdom. What data are you talking about? Will that data help/control the both youth of Jur and Agaar not to fight again?

    Please Lake’s leaders, think twics on how to handle that issue, since the begining of creation, Jur and Agaar have no reasons of conflict, Jur are meant for fishing and hunting only while Agaar are for cattle, where is now the juntion of conflict?.

    My dear youth of Rumbek East County, look in to your wounded, this issue of fighting with Jur is not a solution to the matter, if one of you can lose his/her live like others, non of Jur can compensate you, you will just be compare to the person who have been attack by the monkey and eat him

    Tilling Maborkuei Tilling


    34 Lakes state lawmakers object to pull-out of security forces from Wulu
    Hey my above two friends mostly namelessa true democrate can express his feeling undoubtedly.
    The comments of above man or boy mr. maluach , is very intresting in the consitution of our government here in Rumbek, only I can correct you mr. maluach to do away with one point that say’you are very disagreable with depriving Rumbek East cattle from going to WULU, the causes of their conflicts is related to cattle destruction to Jurbeli’s crops.

    The government shall recieves some usefull ideas and work on them but never resist advise from out siders. Your friend Maluach Madit is very correct in his comment otherwise he will one time help you in governing.
    Hey maluoch, don give up you didn’t say any thing bad except shortminded vulnerable people may hate it.

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