Sunday, October 6, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Juba commissioner advises youth to refrain from tribalism and nepotism

By Isaac Vuni

April 19, 2009 (REJAF) — More than 300 young Christians gathered outside Juba to attend the opening session of a seven day conference under the theme, “Youth Eradicate Tribalism and Nepotism through the Gospel.” The religious event was also attended by religious figures, local officials, and the Rejaf chief.

Fr. James Konga, parish priest of All Saints in Rejaf welcomed participants and urged them to feel at home during the seven day conference.

Encouraging youth, Commissioner of Juba County, Dr. Pious Subek advised them to refrain from tribalism and nepotism for promoting insecurity in war-torn southern Sudan.

Subek emphasized that youth must seriously address issues that create division among southerners and come out with strong recommendations that would enable Government of Southern Sudan (GOSS) and church leaders to take necessary action as youth are leaders of tomorrow that should not be underrated.

The commissioner hailed Catholic churches for setting a good example of grooming future leaders. Speaking on behalf of the GOSS president, Dr. Subek assured participants that the gathering would be safe in Rejaf and pledged to closely monitor the conference till its outcome especially at a time when Sudan is transforming to pluralistic governance that requires tolerance especially from youth.

Likewise, the Rejaf chief Marino Pitia Marcelino, reiterated their readiness in providing security for the oldest church of southern Sudan, which was contracted in early 1936 and has roduced many committed Christians.

Responding to a question of Pastor Gunda Stegen, whose Pentecostal church now occupies the desk for women and youth in the Sudan Council of Churches, Commissioner Subek said that he and GOSS fully stand with churches that have moral authority on Sudanese societies.

Fr. Lawrence Lado Kose, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Juba, who officiated mass for the youth with eleven young priests as concelebrants, urged youth to reflect on the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ as a way for solving problems in Sudan. He had arrived in a motorcade of eleven vehicles comprised of six small cars and five buses

“You must come up with recommendations that will correct current lack of trust, and transparency and accountability in GOSS government created by some powerful politicians,” he said.

Fr. Hillary Morbe, chaplain, called on all Sudanese youth to promote common understanding while challenging parents to support their children’s desires for durable peace.

The parishes that participated are: All Saints of Rejaf, St. Theresan Cathedral Kotor, St. Joseph of Juba, St. Joseph the Worker of Lirya, Sacred Heart sister of Kworijik, St. Kizito of Munuki, St. Mary Immaculate of Terkeka, St. Vincent of Gumbo, St. Peter and Paul of Rokon, Our Lady of March Tali and St. Thomas of Maggala,

Invited neighboring dioceses are: Torit, Yei , Yambio/Tombura, Episcopal Church of the Sudan (ECS), Presbyterian Church of Sudan, African Inland Church of the Sudan (AIC), Pentecostal Church of the Sudan. No representative of the Muslim faith attended the gathering.

An annually rotating youth event initiated after signing of the CPA was first held at Kworiji in November 2007, but now is to be handed over to Saints Immaculate parish of Terekeka by His Grace Paulino Lukudu Loro.

The conference will end with the adoption of resolutions and election of new office bearers.


1 Comment

  • babadit

    Juba commissioner advises youth to refrain from tribalism and nepotism
    may God bless you for the wishdom that you have mr.commissoiner.
    you are the only people in southern sudan who talk to the youth of your area about peacefull co-existence and unity as a factor.
    i remember when the citizen of Magwi county were giving their compain to H.E Dr.machar in 2007 he said the man is the best commissoner in southern sudan, i completely disagree with his comment

    shame on him who promote hostilities in the south

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