Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Spearing the shadows of elephants

By James Okuk

April 22, 2009 — Mr. Luk Kuth Dak, a Sudanese journalist in USA and a former radio Juba anchorman is the most disorganized and contradictory writer I have ever come across. For example, in his recent article titled “The Kenana Conference- A Different Perspective!”, he wrote that it is the democratic right of Sudanese politicians or associations to express their views freely on important issues concerning the country, yet he astonishingly went out to call Dr. Lam Akol a real agent of evil in the South and a traitor, simply because this astute son of Southern Sudan was very instrumental in the Kenana blessed meetings and resolutions for the rescue of the South. It is known in African traditions and cultures that the wicked witches hate the truth and love duplicity that leads to the suffering of the people. I hope Luk is not trying to award himself a first class certificate here.

Let me rebuke the bad image that the dull journalist tried to draw about Hon. Dr. Lam Akol by stating the following major questionnaires, among others: Did Dr. Lam ordered the illegal arrest of Gen.Tang Ginnye in Malakal and killed innocent people in the town, including the Lost Boy from America? Did Dr. Lam burnt Shilluk villages and killed Shilluk civilians during the 4th CPA Anniversary in Malakal? Did Dr. Lam shoot down Equatorians in Juba during the Christmas time? Did Dr. Lam kill the Murle and Nuer in Jonglei State? Did Dr. Lam kill the Dinkas in Lakes and Warrab States? Did Dr. Lam withdraw huge sum of money in the Central Bank of Southern Sudan without being stopped by the Commissioner? Did Dr. Lam embezzle 60 Millions US Dollars in 2005 or bought GoSS vehicles with highly inflated receipts? Did Dr. Lam buy mansions in USA and Australia with stolen public money? Did Dr. Lam receive many heads of cows from 2% of oil money in oil producing states? Does Dr. Lam get drunk on daily basis and go to immoral beds with concubines and Brown East Africans beauties in return for incompetence employment or dollars? Why did Dr. Garang, Salva Kiir and Pagan Amum associate and eat on one table with the NIF cadres in Khartoum if the NCP cadres were untouchable evils? Who are the real evil agents and traitors of the South if we evaluate what our so-called SPLM leaders have been doing in the South since the signing of the CPA?

Please Luk Kuth, if you write your article when Johnnie Walker roams inside your head, do not expose your wicked sadism about Dr. Lam Akol to the public; keep it to your private evil heart. And if you do not appreciate the sincerer recommendations and early-warning message sent out from Kenana to help the SPLM leadership corrects its messing up over public wealth and power in Southern Sudan before it is too late, then you better enjoy your refuge in peace and silence. Do not expose your ignorance about the disturbing situation of our dear vulnerable Southerners. If the Kenana resolutions could be one of the agendas discussed in the extra-ordinary meeting of the SPLM Politburo, then you must be writing in a dream-world of America. If the Kenana recommendations were nonsense and utopian, the SPLM leaders would have not got worried to respond to them in a shorter time and order for immediate evaluation of SPLM popularity.

Mr. Luk, be ashamed to lie to your readers that H.E. Salva Kiir was elected by the people to hold the highest public office in the GoSS and in the GoNU. When did that election take place in reality if not in your imagination? Could you please wait, perhaps, until your man is elected next year if he passes the polls for the post in the first place? If Mr. Salva Kiir is shivering to contest with the one you call the criminal who is wanted in The Hague by Ocampo and his women, how will it be for him when he faces a race with a non-criminalized politician in the South next year. Will he be patient to allow the SPLM to promote free and fair campaigns and elections in the South as he wants the NCP to do it in the North? Is he prepared for the loss of elections if the people who have been suffering in silence rejected him in ballot boxes?

Please Mr. Luk if you are not a wicked witch; do not waste your time and energy spearing the shadows when the real elephants are just moving untouched. Could you tell your incompetent and corrupt leaders in the SPLM to repent and apologize to the people of Southern Sudan within this year before they face the wrath of expulsion from GoSS and GoNU offices by democratic votes next year? Without a doubt, it is people like your kind who are ruining the dignity of the SPLM by not telling the truth. It is not a joke when the wise people say that people must tell the truth if they want to become free from any kind of evil. Our dear Southern Sudan has been stroked by tripartite evils of tribalism, corruption and insecurity. Until the SPLM ruling party in the South admit this fact by telling the truth, it shall remain enslaved by these social evils. People shall run out of patience and kick out those who refuse to listen to their plight. Nothing is greater than the people’s power whatsoever the threats and intimidations.

James Okuk, PhD Student, University of Nairobi. [email protected]


  • John Costa
    John Costa

    Spearing the shadows of elephants
    No matter how you defend the Kenana conviction, Southern will still have doubt in trusting anything coming under the Khartoum’s wings. If these group want to have some accountability in influencing the public’a view, they must earned it from the people of the South, but their histories do not tell that. I am simply not writing to defend SPLM, but at least they were never bowed to Khartoum or seek refuges from Arab, let them be thieves, murders, or whatever you implicitly call them. South Sudan need Southern leaders inside the region to develop the country. With due respect to Dr. Lam and to you as his faithful supporter, I think this time suppose to be for rebuilding, and not for pinpoint certain group or tribe.

  • Akol Liai Mager
    Akol Liai Mager

    Spearing the shadows of elephants
    Dear Mr Okuk,

    All evil acts and spread of hatred in Southern are the make of Lam Akol, but you don’t have to force yourself to believe it.

    Lam Akol deprived himself with his own actions. So, blaming here and there, even with your fierce defending would not bear and positive outcomes except only one thing, reversing his thinking and respects where he belongs otherwise you will be seeing more articles like that of a wise journalist Mr. Luk Kuth Dak.

    The policy of re-naming our national patriots as Communists is malicious and no less than an insult.

    Long live New Sudan’s Wise journalists! Long Live Kuth Dak! Victory for Truth is Certain!

  • William Okuch
    William Okuch

    Spearing the shadows of elephants
    You will hold me wrong for generalizing here by using name Dinka. But still you can force me to have right to gereralize Dinka because no one Dinka can accept what is being write by non-Dinka and it is you in your very respond that proof it.
    For Dr. Lam Akol, I said before if Lam had done wrong, he must be hold accountable for his act. We have moral power to reason.
    But till now, no one among you is logically able to proof what Dr. Lam has done wrong during his leadership.

    Your insane accusation against this decent man began during split in 1991 that Dr. Lam Akol was the mastermind of breaking SPLM/A into Naser and Torit factions.
    If that was true, it had happen in definite time for certain reason.
    We have went to fight to kill and be killed for the same reason and to do that, all contributing members have philosophy to follow which was violated by dictator John Garang. Dr. Lam and Dr. Raik had tried many times to correct Dr. John Garang to keep the objectives of the movement that is democracy, freedom of opionon, justice and equality for which those guys went to die. But Garang as Dinka who does has ear to listen and accept other people opionon had disdanded and refused their point of views and that had caused all of them heavy prices.
    That was a time when they all have disagreed about certain issued mentioned above. Therefore, if it is the reason to hold Lam a failure, it is a moral responsiblity of critic to mention such reason, date and time Dr. Lam has commit errors and for what reason.

    Again, James Okuk has listed down 12 questions in the second paragraph of his article above. You should read it carefully and answer accordingly. But because you are born to bite and run like snake, you were not able to follow the moral questions asked there.
    Lam is being well known now by all Sudanese and there are justification toward any single accusation and soon or later, there will be a sincere vindication and right man shall gain his reputation while cursing tongue shall dry and remain without blood. It will cause dumb to it preacher because it produce no fruit. Before, people from around Sudan all were wrongly mobilze by wrong leader Garang. Make sure you are not in jungle as you were alone, but you are with people with different attitude, approach, culture and religion. Be careful, black Sudanese consider Arab did not know the Arab intention, but they are now politically aware and it is the same that Dinka was not know, but evolution is emerging from every corner.
    Stop barking!!

  • Luke Kuth Dak
    Luke Kuth Dak

    Spearing the shadows of elephants
    To James Okuk:

    I am sorry! But it seems to me that, perhaps you could use an anger management counseling, here, as you continued with your vicious personal attacks on my character. However, criticizing Dr. Lam Akol, a public personality, on his heavy involvement with the [INF], does go with the territory, even a dull journalist- as you always referred to me- has the right to weigh in. If your pal, Dr. Lam Akol, were just an ordinary Southern Sudanese man, my article would not have been born.

    Luk Kuth Dak

  • Alier

    Spearing the shadows of elephants
    Mr. Okuk don’t and will not understand the point Luk is making because he is study tribalistic PhD at University of Nairobi. He will graduate with PhD in treachery and nyegatism.

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