Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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One woman dies in rape of 28 Bongo women in Warap state

By Manyang Mayom

April 23, 2009 (RUMBEK) – Twenty-eight women from the Bongo community were raped by Gok clan youth of Lakes State on Tuesday at a rural village called Agugui torretory of Tonj South county of Warap state. One young girl reportedly died as a consequence of the rape.

The Lakes State Deputy Governor and Minister of Local Government of Lakes State, Awan Guol Riak, has condemned the act.

Bongo is a community located at South of Tonji county of Warap state neighbouring Lakes state. The small Bongo ethnic group amounts to perhaps a few thousand households in Tonj district of Warap as well as smaller groups in Wau district in Bahr el Ghazal. This is the first time such a rape case occurred between Lakes and Warap.

According to a local official radio report, the Lakes state government has sent police to inquire about the rape and to bring the accused youth to face justice.

Governor Lt. Gen. Daniel Awet Akot has returned to Lakes state on Wednesday from Juba after attending the meeting of the SPLM Political bureau in Juba.



  • Pandit

    One woman dies in rape of 28 Bongo women in Warap state
    My message to Lake state citizens you must use capital punishment for everyone that have connection with crime. According my belief if you want your state to be peaceful those criminals should not be issued to pay compensation to recovering their crimes. Mr. governor also need to be ousted from his position because he failed to bring people together. He still have the same kind of behavior of 1997 when he supported AGar Yieth to fight with Agar Bar Pakeny.

  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    One woman dies in rape of 28 Bongo women in Warap state
    Jesus, When am telling the truth about this mad and lost community of dinkas, some idiots keep denying, but now why are the junglese proving their madness to the World?. This is not a first time and we cann’t take this as a surpirse. It is a publci practice that has been taking place in dinkasland, raping is legally to the community of dinkas, but stranger to the outsiders. Raping is junglese (dinkas) culture, the spirit of raping cattle has been turned into young ladies of this age. And this is another way for the poor people in dinkas culture to have sex with a ladies otherwise ending up sleeping with cattle. Really a BIG SHAME to this tribe of junglese, this is why notorious Garang from TONJI was assossinated because of his bad background. You dinkas, don’t ever think that it is an individual problem, your tribes as whole has thesame feeling of raping people without permission. This is what you have doing during the 21 years, but as jungle community, you claim to be liberators, what a jokes. To me i will give you a credit that, you just liberate Equatorians chickens, goats and etc from wild animals (4 legs) and roasting for yourselves.

    It is usuless that some peopel intend to support the lost tribe of dinkas, because you keep hiding your evils things , but still you prove it to the World. In UK one of you was arrested with $$$$ last time, In Khartoum your people are tiolet and street cleaners to earn some foods and, here in South what you do behind your houses (raping)still comes to the public by it’self. The lost of properties in JUBA at night are alll in your houses if there could be a powerful authority to make inspection one by one. There is no way to deal with this community of junglese, all i have to say is do it and you will all die like dogs in the streets of the World. I Hope your junglese Goss should come up with an accurate decision of taking the city to dinkaland, so that this evil culture of yours will just end within yourselves not to spread.

  • Mr Network
    Mr Network

    One woman dies in rape of 28 Bongo women in Warap state

    Sorry for the little girl which have gone under this due to luckly of their useless guy,s dinka,s will ever change rather life party death

  • Akol Kiir
    Akol Kiir

    One woman dies in rape of 28 Bongo women in Warap state
    No wonder the world sees us savages, the Arabs will laugh at us now.

  • Junobia

    One woman dies in rape of 28 Bongo women in Warap state
    What has happened in warap state is very sad but how do we prevent such incidents from taking place should be our major concern rather than criticising people’s tribes and so on. we need to be integrated as one people rather than making remarks that will only bring segregation and division amount ourselves. So far, we need to think carefully about our legal system? how are we going to deal with people who have or are committing unspeakable crimes? and are these people mentally stable? If these people have been damaged psychologically? then would punishing them be enough or treating them be the answer. today, it may be dinkas who were engaged in these inappropriate acts, tomorrow it may be an equotorian, after that a nuer or any other tribe. This is a time that we need to stand as one people to condemn these appalling acts together, look for solutions together, bring criminals to justice together, treating those who need treatment together and ensuring that we have law and order in our country together. Iam not a dinka or an equotorian nor do I need to mention which tribe i belong to, all I know is that we need to treat ourselves as brothers and sisters and stop this none-sense. Ask yourself, what are you doing at an individual level to make a difference? Are you educating your children or those within your tribes about equality and anti-discrimination? are you challenging your friends mentallities about certain tribes? when you jumb on the net to only criticise a particular tribe, are you really being logical or irrational? The matter of fact is that south sudan is for all of us to share regardless of which geographical location we are orginally from. God bless our souls and our nation.

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