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Sudan Tribune

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SSDF president calls for unity of southern parties

By Isaac Vuni

April 25, 2009 (JUBA) — The second national convention of South Sudan Democratic Forum (SSDF) kicked off today in Juba, the capital of southern Sudan, drawing 50 delegates from each of the ten states of southern Sudan and Khartoum representing northern states.

The theme was: “To be a nation we must be united, to be united we must espouse equality and freedom to all our people regardless of their clan, gender, region, religion or political affiliation.”

Highly delighted, party president Martin Elias Lomuro, who is also minister of parliamentary affairs, said they are for better democratic change in Sudan as stipulated in their convention.

He called for unity of Sudanese particularly southerners who had suffered 50 years underdevelopment at all levels while north developed at southern expense, then he declared the convention opened at 11.25 a.m.

Speaking on behalf of the southern government and SPLM party, Dr. Luka Monoja explained that SPLM has signed the Comprehensive Peace Agreement with the Government of Sudan, not with the country’s ruling National Congress Party (NCP).

He reiterated that SPLM is committed to implementing the CPA in letter and spririt, paving the way for southerners and Abyei’s people to decide either for unity or separation from the north, as the ruling government in Khartoum bids to “make unity attractive” by sharing wealth with the south.

Hon. James Surur, speaking on behalf of Union of Sudan African Parties (USAP), reiterated the objective of establishing USAP at a time when northerners were not willing to listen to southerners concerning a call for unity of Sudan, then told delegates that it was now appropriate to live as good neighbors with northerners.

He added that southerners are no longer slaves and will never be cheated again by northern Sudanese. Surur appealed for unity of southern political parties to enable southerners to “reach the Promised Land” in the coming referendum on January 9, 2011, in which they can vote for self-determination.

Similarly, a representative of SSDF, Hon. James Anderia, elucidated that suffering of southerners started since 1820 under the Anglo-Egyptian colonial administration. In 1898 the Mahdiya revolution collected southerners as slaves to extend Khartoum into one of the biggest slaves centers in Africa, he said.

Then he referred to the 1947 Juba Conference at which southern chiefs and intellectuals were “cheated,” until in 1955 southerners became aware of their rights and revolted at Torit, beginning 17 years of bitter war.

He further recalled the Addis Ababa agreement that only lasted for 11 years of relative peace, until again in May 1983 another revolution erupted in Bor town of Jonglei, beginning 22 years of destruction. Therefore, SSDF calls on southern parties for unity of purpose in order to defeat their common enemy in Khartoum.

Yet a representative of the National Congress Party, Joseph Maluwal, called on SSDF to consolidate unity within political parties in Sudan since they have strong ties with SSDF on common principles on Sudan.

Ayuel Paarmena Bulkoch, member of the national Political Parties Affairs Council sent to witness SSDF’s second convention, advised that according to Sudan’s laws only a person from 18 years and above is entitled to join any party of his/her choice to vote.

So SSDF should indicate the age requirement for registration, he said, but President Lomuro downplayed the omission, blaming the occurrence on a typing error and pledging to rectify it immediately.

Then Ayuel assured the delegates that he sees no other obstacle that would hinder registration of SSDF because all political parties are required to register before May 5 this year otherwise they would be declared an illegal party in the Sudan.

There are 119 parties in Sudan including 12 from southern Sudan, only three of which are in the registration process to meet the deadline, disclosed Ayuel.

SSDF’s first national convention was held on September 20, 2001 in London, United Kingdom, while this three day convention will end April 27 this year with recommendation and resolutions.



  • mathem jech amer
    mathem jech amer

    SSDF president calls for unity of southern parties
    Mr. President of the party

    You are really a cheater to say,”To be a nation we must be united, to be united we must espouse equality and freedom to all our people regardless of their clan, gender, region, religion or political affiliation”. People should say things that they are practising. The same party calling itself SSDF was formed against Dinka rule. How come that you need all people to be equal? It has already appeared that you are reserved that’s why TRIBE isn’t mentioned in your address.

    This party won’t be active till it respects all tribes especially Dinkas. Any party against Dinka should consider itself a ‘Failed Party’.

  • Justin Chicago opiny
    Justin Chicago opiny

    SSDF president calls for unity of southern parties
    southerners should look upon themselves as southerners regardless of party affilations.We have died enough and want to go home to “CAANAN”.No party in south sudan is a tribal party that is why every party is asking for the unity of southerners a united front to defeat the common enemy which is the Khartoum Government.

  • Dinka Aliap Chawul
    Dinka Aliap Chawul

    SSDF president calls for unity of southern parties
    I rejects any tribalisms been played here by some colleagues since i supports all the parties that stand-up for the succession of Southern Sudan as an independent state and it must be independent by all course if we unites dear Southerners.


    SSDF president calls for unity of southern parties
    This SSDF must be the sponsored party from Khartoum Government. When did they learn that unification bring good stability amongst the community? Where did the get budget to form that party? Was this party so call SSDF existed during the war between the SPLM/SPLA and Khartoum government as well as SSIM of feign Dr Riak Machar Teny?

    I believe that SSDF is a non existing party because if it was a party which fought to “manicipated” the people of Southern Sudan, then it should be known by so many people like the way SPLM/SPLA is all known around over the globe. I know that this party was already formed in Juba during the time when Arabs still controlling the garison town of Juba. And the reason why I said that is because most of the people within this SSDF party, are from Equatoria region and they are the people who used to come and attacked the SPLA in their barack’s habitates. I believe that some of them were the people who shot us when we were in Magooth in 1992 killing about 5 red army personals and wounded 5 red army from the Panyido’s red arm as well as Tharpaam’s red army and Dimo red army too. Some were the people who were been also send by the Arabs authority to attack people in Mareng-Agipi, Kapoeta, Nai-rijil and so forth.

    I know myself that this party is being steered by the NCP which is the dominance party in Khartoum. There voices was really silent that time and now they are trying to raise up their choas that they are going to bring a good innovation to Southern Sudan. “That is a big lie completely”. SPLM as a party, need to watch-out about this party and they shouldn’t give them entrangement to further their “fake” authority to be practiced without confident.

    Shame on this party!!!!!!!!!!. By Augustino Deng.

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