Friday, October 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Security and humanitarian situation is desperate, S. Sudan’s Lou say



April 29, 2009


1) A group of Lou Community leaders and elders visited Akobo County from Saturday 25th – 28 April 2009 following the recent massacre of more than 253 people of Nyandit Payam by their Murle neighbours of Pibor County. The final figure is yet to be known as some villages have not been reached by the search teams that went to bury the dead. The victims included women children and the elderly who were found undefended. Thirty-three (33) children were also abducted and are still missing.

2) The Murle attacks were carried out on 18th April 2009 on the villages of Burmath, Chiban, Cikol, Wei luak, Nak, Langa, Obor, Ober, Wit, Kony and Burkamal.

3) The humanitarian situation in Akobo County is very desperate and appalling. There are 25, 000 persons displaced from the 12 villages of Nyandit Payam and some from Wanding after the County authorities handed over Wanding area to the neighbouring County of Nasir which is part of upper Nile state. The displaced have no shelter, limited food intervention from WFP and still feeling unsafe. Their villages and grain stores have been torched to ashes. Some families have been totally wiped out. Many children have been left without families and traumatized.

4) SPLA forces in the area are staying aloof and unconcerned because they say they have no orders to intervene to stop communities from fighting each other. The Police force consists of not more than 35 officers and men and cannot therefore make any impact.

5) It has also been noticed that an aircraft of unknown identity has been over-flying the area often between 4.30 and 5.30 AM. Its objectives are known. It is suspected of ferrying arms and ammunitions to certain locations in Pibor County. Furthermore, there is information to the effect that some soldiers of SPLA have left their units to take part in the community fighting!!

6) Therefore, as it is most probable that this vicious circle of violence between the Lou and Murle may continue to grip the two communities, we call upon the Jonglei State Government and Government of Southern Sudan to intervene in the situation to restore law and order and address the humanitarian situation by undertaking the following:

1. On the Security situation

Direct the SPLA to assist the civil authorities in the maintenance of law and order which have so far broken down miserably.

Increase the number of the Police in the area and to provide them with necessary logistics.

Carry out comprehensive disarmament of the civil population.

Establish border posts between feuding communities.

Make culprits accountable.

2. On the Humanitarian Situation

· Take immediate steps to address the deepening humanitarian crisis in the area through effective intervention.

· Urge SRRC, WFP and other humanitarian organizations to provide humanitarian assistance to the conflict stricken areas.

· Use some of the available strategic food reserve for this emergency before the setting in of rains.

· Secure both the river and land route for delivery of assistance to the affected areas.

· Provide tents, seeds, agricultural tools, mosquito nets and fishing gear to affected communities for survival during the rainy season.

3. On Peace and Reconciliation

· The State government together with the Peace Commission to support peace initiatives between and among the different communities.

· Carry out peace building measures and peace education among the communities.

· Encourage traditional methods of conflict resolution and prevention.


Lou Nuer Community Council

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