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Sudan Tribune

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Mvolo county delegations arrive at Lakes state for talk over cattle raiders

By Manyang Mayom

May 1, 2009 (RUMBEK) – The commissioner of Mvolo County Wilson Abraham Mariam, has arrived to Lakes state the capital of Rumbek responding to the invitation of Lakes state peace conference.

A Dinka cattle herd is seen at a camp in Abyei, Southern Sudan in this picture released by the United Nations Mission in Sudan (UNMIS)
A Dinka cattle herd is seen at a camp in Abyei, Southern Sudan in this picture released by the United Nations Mission in Sudan (UNMIS)
The conference that was about to take place in Rumbek central county for a period of two days between Lakes state counties that is comprised of Rumbek East, Yirol West and Rumbek central county.

“This peace conference has been unsuccessful due to some difficulties facing Lakes state government and peace conference has been adjourned to May 22, 2009” an official told Sudan Tribune.

In an exclusive interview with Mvolo county commissioner, he affirmed that many grievances of cattle raiders between Lakes state and Western Equatoria state (Yambio) peace conference of 2006 resolutions had failed as it has not been implemented by both two states government.

Mvolo peace seekers’ delegation is comprised of chiefs, women representative, youth representative, commissioner of police, head of SPLA proper of Mvolo County and commissioner himself as the head of delegation.

“Mvolo County is suffering from Lakes state youth cattle raiders daily, so I came here to Lakes state searching for lasting solution from Lakes state” Wilson said.

There is an estimated 12,000 to 13,000 people who have already been displaced by cattle raiders of Lakes state in Mvolo. They are now they are assembled at rural villages of Mvolo Waku.

“The displaced people are getting little food from UNHCR and no support provided to them from Yambio authority” Commissioner Wilson said.

Meanwhile, NGO Sudan Inland development foundation (SIDF) worker Mr. Sapana Agyuli Abuyi, has expressed regret over the death of primary healthcare technician who was killed in Wulu over the raiders between Rumbek east youth of Agar and Wulu youth inhabitant of county that resulted in over 414 displacement and over nine killed last February.

Abuyi said that “Only the solution that can actually free Mvolo county civilian from Lakes state cattle raiders is only Lakes state government to give us their lasting solution that must surely be implemented”.

This is not a first time Lakes state and Western Equatoria state held talk over cattle raiders, in 2006 a peace conference between Lakes state, Western Bahr-El-Ghazal state and Warap state was organized and attended by both states officials including MPs and conference came out with a resolution recommending that all cattle camp belonging to Dinka should not cross into Western Equatoria land territory during the rainy season because Yambio communities basically their live on cultivation farm while Lakes on domestic animals live.



  • khamis Isaac
    khamis Isaac

    Mvolo county delegations arrive at Lakes state for talk over cattle raiders
    Thank to Lakes State Governor for his hard working and invite Mvolo County Commissioner (Col)Wilson Abraham to lakes state peace conference to discuss current situation facing both Counties.

    pepole of Mvolo County are best people we never had, because they like to lives in peace where ever they live and they now lead by one of the SPLA respectful Officer called Wilson Abraham but Mvolo people are being borders by nasty and worse Communities of Agar of Rumbek and Atuoct of Yirol who do not like peace, howevr,the state governor is trying what he can to bring peace the people but he is facing cristism from within Agar senior SPLA Officers in the GOSS, Daniel Deng MONYDIT and Pual Mayom Akec by acussing the governor that he was behind the unsuccessful coup of last three years which lead to arrest of Motu Mumur

    According to experience in South Sudan during the 21 years war between South and North where I cope all south sudanese background and according to Dr Aduok Nyanpuoc statement by leveling all Bhar El Gazal as foolish majority and Nuer as people who blief on anythings is now happening.

    South Sudan has good who like to live in harmony and peace but due human scared has become big factor which place some of the best communities to borders the worse one.

    I were human creator I would place one of the bad tribes closed to each others, such as Agar of Rumbek, Atuoct of Yirol, Didiga of Chukudum, Pakeer of Twice East, Murle of pibor, Gorgarial peoples, Lou Nuer, Palek of Bor, Acholic and many so that people should not go to them.

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