Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Jonglei organizes first inclusive peace conference

Thon Philip Aleu

May 5, 2009 (BOR) — A peace and reconciliation conference for five Counties; Ayod, Duk, Nyirol, Twic East and Urrol is scheduled for May 8, the first huge inter-tribal convergence in Southern Sudan.

This peace and reconciliation conference, however, is not the first attempt in trying to unite communities in Jonglei where relationships are increasingly rough as cattle raiding; counter-raiding, child abduction and revenges surged in 2009 but officials hope for the best outcome.

Duk, a Dinka Bor County would settle some odds with Nuer Counties of Nyirol, Urrol and Ayod as Twic East witness the preceding, Canon John Jok Chol and the Advisor to Jonglei Governor on peace and Development, reveals. Mr. Jok Chol, who chairs the organizing committee, calls for peaceful resolution of tribal conflicts for the “night is too long and time has come for the day break.”

“We took up arms and fought Khartoum for the last 50 years in order to have peace and development but tribalism has kept us in darkness for the last four years,” he told a committee meeting today Tuesday in Bor Town in reference to tribal clashes which mar daily news of Southern Sudan. Quoting Martin Luther King saying tha ‘no matter how long the night may be, the day will come’ Mr. Jok awakes Jonglei state which he says will affect Southern Sudan directly or indirectly.

“In my best knowledge, I know beyond doubt that they [tribal communities] are going to reconcile…the night is too long enough and the time has come for day break,” he said.

Even though the agenda of the three-day conference are not officially disclosed, Duk and Lou-Nuer Counties of Urrol and Nyirol have a length past of differences step-up by competition over cattle grazing land popularly known as Toch during dry season. Urrol and Nyirol have no direct access to Toch except through Duk Ayod counties fro-and-to Toch during the time of needs. Fighting erupts routinely as cattle thieves distort peaceful co-existent math at the eve of every during season – prompting Duk County to bar Lou-Nuer pastoralists from entering their Toch in the last dry season of December, 2008 to March 2009. Thanks that some dams built by State government sustain water during throughout that period.

The last conflict between Duk and Lou Nuer was on January 11, 2009 when a business truck was attacked near Poktap leaving seven people dead. In May, 2008 clashes ignited by cattle barter trading between Duk and Lou Nuer left over 100 people dead.

A member of the delegate to the conference from Duk told the Sudan Tribune that his County could open the door of sharing available resources provided peace is paramount and respected by all. Possession of arms in Toch cattle camps, the source says, would not be allowed. This would all mean disarming Duk citizens for Lou Nuer to seal that deal.

Mr. Jok chol says Jonglei state is obliged to solving her affairs including bringing Murle and Lou Nuer tribes to around table in the series of conferences to follow. The two communities are bitter clashes – in retaliation, raiding and counter raiding as the situation remain tense in Akobo County.

Many peace conferences held earlier in Southern Sudan have a short half-life mainly challenged by possession of illegal arms by civilians. But due to the increase in death tolls, resulting from using of heavy artilleries, civilians are scared of finishing themselves depicting that peace turn will come after a great losses. Without disarmament, the future to ending intertribal conflicts in Southern Sudan lingers on.



  • Jonglei Kuereng
    Jonglei Kuereng

    Jonglei organizes first inclusive peace conference
    Let’s give peace a chance

    The pursuit of peace and progress cannot end in a few years in either victory or defeat. The pursuit of peace and progress, with its trials and its errors, its successes and its setbacks, can never be relaxed and never abandoned. I wish Jonglei State will in peaceful co-existence. No one can benefits from this fighting only I see is destruction of human life and precious resources. It is good idea to stop this in our time and not repplicate into next generation. No one can bring peace but only us. I know peace can come when we fine the root cause rather try to solve it when it happen. I hate what happen in Juba between Bari and Mudari when hear that people use heavy weapon to fight each other. let’s give peace a chance to prevail and let peace reign in hearts. God bless you all.



  • junub

    Jonglei organizes first inclusive peace conference
    No, Lou Nuer shouldn’t be allowed to grazed their cattle in Duk toch. This might open the door of hell to two communities which at the end could grow to Dinka and Nuer problem. Those Lou Nuer should graze their cows at Nyirol’s toch which might not cause any tribal conflict in the near future.

    Thon Philip, please tell that naive anonymous figure from Duk county that his ideas are short sighted to any problem to come. Bellow is unwise quote from that figure from Duk:

    “A member of the delegate to the conference from Duk told the Sudan Tribune that his County could open the door of sharing available resources provided peace is paramount and respected by all.”

  • Busta

    Jonglei organizes first inclusive peace conference
    Nothing positive will come out!!

    Jognlei people will never do something human than killing one another.
    These are the people who consider animals to be more important than Human as the result they too, behave like their animals.

    That peace is organize as the way to steal Government money.
    It is hard to predict Dinkas outcome!!

    Jonglei copy from Equatorians or other countries.

  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    Jonglei organizes first inclusive peace conference
    To me, whatever you are trying to do as a sign of bringing peace is just wasting of time and consuming of GOS $$$$$. How many peaces have been struggling to bring peace and where are the positive outcome of those peaces? Just mad and lost should remain as been created, it is a mistake of God and no one can find a real solution to your madness. You always do stupid things, money that should be used to help other people and still been wasted on peace and bla bla bla. Time that should be used for planning with strategies decisions is also been wasted on fake peace about bla bla bla. Every single work is going opposite not accurate to the desire World of South. This is when i express myself aggressively about the backwardness of my country. Then some idiots will shed tears that am aganist them. You dinkas and junglese, if you don’t refresh yourselves from this madness and join the peaceful World you will all endup like dogs been poison by a piece of meat. Deny for now but you will regret the facts at that time.

    Jonglei Kuereng
    The fighting between Mundari and Bari was just a fake information which was created by some idiots and dinkas in particular. Last week i was in Eastern Equatoria (Hiyala) during the donation of motorbike ambulances by Unicef, it is a remote area where I in my agender, I consider it to the most place that need attendtion in development. After i left from E. Equatoria, then i came through Tali upto Tombura, but nothing has been heard in those areas like breaking of conflict between ” the twin communities of Bari and Mundari”. If that was a fight of kids or girls am not sure and condemn it althought you have been praising. But the exact remours of that conflict was heard from you dinkas, your number one liers and people who like gossip. Stop backbitting this is why you don’t recover from your own madness.



    Jonglei organizes first inclusive peace conference
    Hey Mr Thon Philip Aleu,

    If you are the one who decided to call for a peace conference amongst these counties mentioned above in Jonglei State, then you are entirely wrong and wrong. How come that you call a peace conference to these counties of Jonglei State and you omitted Pibor county of Murle tribe? If you think that these counties need a peace reconciliation amongst themselves, then why Pibor county of Murle is not included? Do you think that they don’t have any problems like the other counties that you have mentioned. Last two months ago, Nuer-Lou emerged and evaded Pibor county leaving number of 453 people from Murle dead and 360 from Nuer-Lou dead too for the purpose of retaliation. Do you think that this is not a disaster to Murle and Nuer-Lou? It is supposed for Murle in order to have a peace reconciliation with Nuer-Lou instead of calling other counties.

    Mr Thon Philip Aleu, if you are trying to play a game, then go a head with your game anyway, but bear in mind that you are not serving any political wing in Jonglei State at all, therefore, I do really understand why you was removed out from the position of a governor last year of 2008 in Jonglei State. If you was really a good leader, then you should not be able to alienated the Murle tribe from joining the conference. Likewise, it seems that Murle are not part of Jonglei State and at the same time, they are not considered as a indigenous people of Jonglei State. So, what kind of leadership is being practiced in Jonglei?

    Second, if you think that you are the peace mediator between Murle and Nuer-Lou of Maiwut county then you need to find out why Nuer-Lou attack Murle or Murle attack Nuer-Lou. Mr Thon Philip Aleu, you are far away from managing the internal crisis between tribe to tribe, thus, it is good in order to be voiceless and leave this problem to somebody who can manage it good in a right way.

    You are totally unawared to bring an impeccable tie and a good integrity to Jonglei counties, otherwise, you will be the cause of war to these counties if you continued with “Micro judgement”!!!!!!!!.

  • J.James

    Jonglei organizes first inclusive peace conference
    Hi Mr. Deng

    I know people like you are the real southerners who want to bring permanent peace to the state. But there are a lot of people who live on war, yes there are people who want the wars between communities to persist for them to stay mentally healthy and to get their pockets swell.

    However, the point you raised has very clear and simple answers. Yes everybody knows therere serious problem between Bor and Murle, Murle and Nuer but as I said many people don’t want to propose reconciliation conferences between Bor and Murle or Murle and Lou Nuer because of the following facts:

    1. Mere ignorance

    2. Some politicians who are against Kiir adminstration want Murle, Bor and Lour Nuer or Nuer in general to clashe such that the Kiir goverment is tarnished.

    3. Some politicians want Murle community to remain hostile against other communities untill (a) government is going to get frutrated and decide finally to send troops to Murle land to destroy them, and (b) for Murle to be seen as the worst people among southsudan communities.

    4.Some leaders within Bor circle are trying to reconcile Bor and Nuer such that Murle remains as the only enemy in Jongolei for every tribe in the area.

    Some folks don’t want even peac between Murle and Dinka Bor such that Murle don’t have access to developement and the leaders in Murle has to remain occupied by the worries of being in wars between them and other communities instead of thinking or complianing about poor developement, lack of roads, lack of schools, absence of medical infrastructure etc.

    5. Believe me, some people also don’t Dinka Bor to have peace with her neighbors so that they don’t gain political popularity.

    6.Some from Dinka Bor are afraid to face Murle in peace conferences because the all issue of child abduction and the fact that Bor used to sell children to Murle don’t pop up again and mark as the reality among other rumours.

    These are the reason as to why some people in Bor don’t want peace between them and Murle. As for this case, we as community are away head familiar with all the stories and what is everybody in the government or Jongolei include governor hold in his own intestines and at the same time we are ready to face anything till the truth come in place. We will never beg for peace till peace is brought to as through fair and genuine process.

    For the developement, we don’t want government help if government think that we don’t belong to southsudan, we will get things through different means. God bless Murle land with various resource and we have full right to sell hese resource to whoever want to build for us a hospital or school for our children. We are going to stop using Bor road to or from Juba and begin to pass through whatever road possible with full readiness to confront anybody trying to stand on our free way.

    I hope that works for others.

    God bless

    The writer is a peace activist.

  • J.James

    Jonglei organizes first inclusive peace conference
    Hi again

    Tell haters that the world will hate you more than you hate its creatures.

    That goes only to the greedy food lovers who don’t mind about their own mothers, brothers, sisters, and the countrymen.

    God bless

    The writer will be future president

  • mariar

    Jonglei organizes first inclusive peace conference
    Thank to Mr Jok Chol and the rest of Jonglei leaders for trying their best to bring peace to all these Counties of Jonglei.We all need to have peace and a better Jonglei. But i’m iretated by the so call Twic East, it is rediclouse to be cowardic like that. You better stand up and be a Twic instead of Twic East,otherwise or you should go to Bar-el-gizal so that you become a Complet Twic because I don’t find Twic west here on the Webside, even in the News paper or any where ealse and I don’t know where Twic West is in Jongglei State. Because the only Twic I know is Twic Bor.

  • Dengtaath

    Jonglei organizes first inclusive peace conference
    I have read some of the irresponsible articles, which are not supporting the call of peace from the very real citizens whom their concern is to stop the constant lives lose in Jonglei.

    I thought what we need is back up the peace initiative as proposed rightly by the Jonglei officials and the citizens of the Territory.

    My dear brothers and sisters, who ever crying for the revenge, make sure the community that you will make revenge against will carry out the same, and who ever citing the past as the base of his reference in the civilian conflict, let him make sure the time for human migration had finshed since last 2centuries.There fore no any Southern Sudanese will be displaced like Leo in Kenya, please we better embrace our diverse cultures, it the source of our strength that we exerted during our conflict with our legitimate enemy.

    It would be unreasonable when few people insert such unwanted comments in relation to peace process in Jonglei. I believed that Dinka, Nuer and Murlee since creature in the Land of Sudan had never been in any mojar disaster, I belief now what ever misunderstanding happening are politically motivated between politicians ( referring in to past occasions).
    May God bless Jonglei and South Sudan!

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