Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Eritrea denies hosting Iranian forces

By Tesfa-alem Tekle

May 9, 2009 (ADDIS ABABA) — Despite growing reports,Eritrea on Friday has denied the presence of any Iranian forces in its soil.

Since November last year opposition websites and a number of western sources have reported that Iranian Revolutionary Guard unities have been heading to the Eritrea’s port town of Assab to establish a military base.

According to these reports, Iran has also anchored submarines and also deployed long-range missiles at the tiny red sea nation, to what the reports reason out was as a strategic preparation to confront in case a possible conflict breaks out with Israel or with the west in connection with Nuclear question, so it would be easy for Tehran to launch a “maritime jihad”.

But Yemane, Gebremeskel, Spokesman for Eritrean President Issias Afeworki blasted the reports referring it as “Disinformation campaigns” by Israel.

“Neither Israel nor Iran have bases in Eritrea. More importantly, Eritrea’s long-standing policy is not to provide military bases to any power,” said Yemane Gebremeskel.

Yemane termed the reports as “persistent disinformation campaigns by Israeli Intelligence officials.”

“Why would Iran deploy troops in Assab? This is a ridiculous story.”

Eritrea’s foreign Ministry also denounced the reports.

“The main sources of these relentless vilification campaigns against Eritrea are invariably the key western intelligence sources that have refined the art of disinformation,” the ministry said.

It added that Eritrea and Iran had friendly ties. But this is not different from the warm diplomatic ties the nation enjoys with all other countries in the Middle East.

10 percent of the world’s maritime traffic passes through the area, including 25 percent of the world’s oil.


1 Comment

  • Care

    Eritrea denies hosting Iranian forces
    This is a news created to distract the world from the trouble Woyane is in. The truth is Woyane is in crisis. Now it is trying to make Ginbot 7 a scape got. Historically Woyane is self serving and narrow minded tribe. Let’s see what it did when it controlled Addis Ababa with the help of the EPLF. It ordered Every tigrian associated to it to steal a car from the government ministries and drive it to Mekelle. I remember every store in a place called industry, Mekelle, was full of stolen Toyota cursers. For your surprise even a famous Tigrian singer who abandoned the TPLF long time ago was asked to steal cars. Weyane dismantled generators from Bahirdar and transported them to Mekelle. Woyane stole Coffee from Ethiopia and hide it in Zalambassa. The funny thing is Shaebia knew that and captured the coffee and exported it. Woyane stole Arms from stores in Addis Ababa and buried it in Endayesus Mekelle. Woyane is the cruelest and hated government in Ethiopia. Look what it did to the Somalis. It turned its Army base to burial ground of young innocent Somalis. What did those young and innocent Somalis did to deserve this. They never killed even one Ethiopian. The answer is Woyane did not care about them. It was looking at the donation it was going to receive as a reward for being a messenger. Woyane was created by Shabia. Rember what it did to Eritreans who used to live in Ethiopia for generations? First it used them to establish itself in Addis Ababa. They were asked to vote as Tigrians. Later it deported them without a night cloth. It sold their property and used it for its narrow objective. Remember this never happened even during Derg. Actually Eritreans increased their investment in Ethiopia thinking woyane was their liking. Yet the truth is woyane was their number one enemy. Somalis fed Meles during his difficult time and gave him a passport. Look now what it is doing to them. What about what it did to SPLM. Do you know the history of the lost boys of sudan. They were the reminants of Weyane Massacer of South Sudanese nationals at the hand of Woyane. Weyane killed women childern and the rest made them drawn in rivers. Weyane is inhuman whose objective is just to establish greater tigrai at any cost. It took land from wello, Gonder and Afar. It tried to do the same with Eritrea and it did not fare well. Weyane thought by blocking Eritrea from the Ethiopian Market and replicating Eritrea’s Manufacturing in Tigrai it will achieve its narrow objective. The factories in Tigrai that were established without plan and detailed feasibility study are now useless. Woyane has to come to its senses and recognize the right of others to live in peace. If not the fate of those who wield power and do not use it in a very responsible way will eventually lose it.

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