Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Rod of Nuer prophet to arrive Juba by mid-May

By James Gatdet Dak

May 8, 2009 (JUBA) – The Government of Southern Sudan (GoSS) has confirmed that a historical cultural artifact taken from South Sudan to England in 1920s is expected to be brought back to Juba by mid-May.

This staff is a type of object known to the Nuer as a dang. It originally belonged to the Lau Nuer prophet Car Koryom. It was taken from him during his capture by the British authorities, sometime between 11th and 19th February 1928 (photo Pitt River Museum).
This staff is a type of object known to the Nuer as a dang. It originally belonged to the Lau Nuer prophet Car Koryom. It was taken from him during his capture by the British authorities, sometime between 11th and 19th February 1928 (photo Pitt River Museum).
The rod, known as dang in Nuer language, belonged to Ngundeng Bong who was believed to be a prophet by many in the region.

Vice President, Dr. Riek Machar confirmed to the GoSS cabinet meeting on Friday that it would be brought to Juba on 16th May next week; a ten-day delay after the previous announcement of 5th May by Ngundeng’s family members.

Ngundeng Bong, who was born in late 1830’s and died peacefully in 1906, was believed to have connections with divinity among the Nuer and some other tribes in South Sudan because of his foretold prophesies which they believed to be divine and being fulfilled.

Machar explained that the dang (rod) was taken precisely in 1927 by the colonial British administration and ended up in London where it was kept since that time.

He said it was recently put on sale in England, but was recovered after the British national, Professor Douglas Johnson, alerted the Government of Southern Sudan about the fate of the historical artifact.

Dr. Douglas Johnson, who lived and worked in Sudan for the last 40 years, is the author of the book, ‘Nuer Prophets: A History of Prophesy from Upper Nile in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries’ in which he wrote about Ngundeng’s birth, lifetime and some of his prophesies.

He also served as consultant for the semi-autonomous GoSS on demarcation process of the North-South boundaries.

It was not clear whether the Government of Southern Sudan bought back the artifact or the British government simply agreed to give it back to South Sudan.

Dr. Douglas is expected to bring the dang in person to Juba. The artifact will be received by the Minister of Culture, Albino Akol Akol, among other senior government officials and community elders.

GoSS officials also discussed the location in which the rod would be kept for safety reasons until a concrete permanent national museum is built.

The Prophet’s headquarters called Bieh (pyramid) in Waat, Jonglei state and Juba, the capital of Southern Sudan, were suggested as possible locations.

Minister of Cabinet Affairs, Dr. Luka Tombekana Monoja, further explained that the Prophet’s dang is a national historical artifact for the people of South Sudan and should be kept at the Government headquarters in Juba.

A celebration would later on be organized at Bieh in Jonglei state by Ngundeng’s family where many clans elders from the Nuer community in particular and other South Sudanese communities in general would be invited to attend.




    Juba is not a Capital for only Nuer cultural divinity but all southerners.
    Dear readers,
    Juba is not a Capital for only Nuer cultural divinity but for all Southerners.

    I critize prophet Ngundeng and his Nath since his prophetic claims fall on Riak Machar to be the president.

    Please, Rhod wouldn’t be taken to Juba but it can be kept at Lou nuer home land or bieh.

    But Across stick for Jesus in Juba.
    [email protected]

  • Nal Dit Kum
    Nal Dit Kum

    Rod of Nuer prophet to arrive Juba by mid-May
    Ngundeng is for all southen Sudanese includind Dinkas.


    Rod of Nuer prophet to arrive Juba by mid-May
    I can’t believe this nonsense shallow belief from Nuer Lou tribe. What is that rod mean to the Southern Sudan? At the same time, why is it expected for this rod to be brought to May 16th? Watch out carefully you people of Southern Sudan especially the Dinkas people. Dr Rick Machar Teny, is very delightful because he think that he is trying to restore Nuer heritage, but he is too late to bring unification through that “FEIGN ROD”. Second, Dr Riak Machar Teny, want to use Nuer magician so that he can “charm” and get the chance of position.

    Believe me my dear brothers this rod is a magician rod that Omar Bashir use to carried with him every time he traveled and I believe some of you have ever seen that rod before. That rod was designed by General Tumbara of Equatoria and gave it to Jeffer Nimeiri in 1983. Then after that, Jeffer Nimeiri gave it again to Sur-daap and then from Sur-daap to Sadiq-El-Mahidi. After all, Sadiq-El-Mahidi gave it to Omar Bashir on 6/30/1989 and that is why Omar Bashir captured Kurmuk Town in 1989 and the rest of the other towns such as Pachalla, Maridi, Kapoeta, Lyeria, Yei, Gogrial, Akobo, Nasir, Ayod, Madingbor, Kejo-kejo, Gemiza,Torit, Panrieng and Abiemnom town and so many more in year 1992. From there, Omar Bashir gave it to General Tanginya and then General Tanginya, pass this rod to Shilluk and Nuer magicians in Malakal and then again the rod was passed to Lou Nuer of Maiwut. Lou Nuer of Maiwut passed this rod to Dr Riak Machar Teny. This rod is full of magician charms which is in tend if Salva Kiir Miyardit touch this rod during 16th May, then Salva Kiir Miyardit will die and Dr Riak Machar Teny will take over the leadership and run an Election with Omar Bashir during an Election time. So, it is good to informed General Salva Kiir Miyardit in order to distant himself away from touching this rod, otherwise if he touched it, then that will be the end of Salva Kiir Miyardit completely. I know Nuer people very well. They are full of so much magicians. They are like Equatorian people who use snake poisons to kill the people!!!!.

    Dear brothers who will read this article of mine, please bear in mind that the fighting that took place in Malakal during that time was because of this rod. During that time, Dr Riak Machar Teny went to Malakal and tried to calm down the crisis of Malakal, but in reality, he know that the rod was already brought to Malakal and given to Dr Lam Akol. Therefore, went noticed by Dr Riak Machar Teny that the rod was given to Dr Lam Akol, then he tried to pretend himself that he is going to capture General Tanginya. First of all, Dr Riak Machar Teny was a Dominance Rebel of the SPLM/SPLA. So, according to your own view guys, do you all believe that Dr Riak Machar Teny was really interested to capture General Tanginya? In fact, it was not true. General Tanginya was a captain in Dr Riak Machar Teny movement call SSIM, which is stand for SOUTHERN SUDAN INDEPENDENT MOVEMENT. Dr Riak Machar Teny’s philosophical view is to look for the way in which he can deterioted the SPLM/SPLA foundation and surrendered himself to the Arabs like he did it on 8/28/1991.

    If some of you believe that this rod is for prophet Car Koryom of Lou Nuer, then that is completely wrong and a misleading news to those who will believe it. If this rod was a rod of Prophet Car Koryom, then why is this rod pass to Jeffer Nimeir and from Jeffer Nimeiri to other Arabs Generals. I completely denounced this brutal news from a “Micro”-nuer people who lack of thought and integrity that can bring unification to the Southern Sudanese. It is a big lie completely and don’t ever pay attention. Again, why is this rod taken to British? Is British a land for Prophet Car Koryom of Lou Nuer? WRONG, WRONG, WRONG, WRONG, WRONG and WRONG COMPLETELY.

  • Leymidiit

    Rod of Nuer prophet to arrive Juba by mid-May
    Who all you are? Son of men! For how long you will stop criticizing one another by tribe!. In my decision, as I assume that you are all young men, you are the one expected to bring change in our country. Please stop this and try to encourage each other. You are all brothers and this can not bring change in our communities.

    I hope the most educated man among you will appreciate my idea and stop these stupid words you are always posting on this site.
    Haramaya University, Ethiopia.

  • jamesakok

    Rod of Nuer prophet to arrive Juba by mid-May
    Juba is a Headquater Capital City for the Government of Southern Sudan, we have the problems like Northern Sudan Government, LRA, and the land people of Juba city.

  • Nile

    Rod of Nuer prophet to arrive Juba by mid-May
    Great news to the people of southern Sudan except some lost boys from Dinka Bor because they always oppose anything that has to do with Nuer.

  • Controller

    Rod of Nuer prophet to arrive Juba by mid-May
    The Bow or Dang is belongings to all Southerners, not only nuerians alone.

    God sent Prophet NgunnDeng to Africa as his messanger, like his sent Jesus to preach his messange to his people in Western World.

    However, some Dinkas will not listen because they expect someone from heaven to come and tell them that NGunDeng is a Prophert and Son of God.Overall, some Dinkas whom I know will not wait somebody from heaven to tell them the truth about NGunDeng.
    If you believe in Jesus Chris make sure that you believe in NgunDeng too.

    Thank you all for believe that NgunDeng is a Greatest Prophert in the whole World.

    We are the Greatest people in the in whole World, and We shall remain strong.

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