Friday, October 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudanese aircraft bomb rebel positions in North Darfur

May 13, 2009 (EL-FASHER) – Sudanese Government aircraft bombed suspected rebel positions in North Darfur around the town of Umm Baru, according the UN-African Union hybrid peacekeeping operation, known as UNAMID.

UNAMID forces directly observed Sudanese Government aircraft bombing targets north of Umm Baru, a North Darfur town that has been the scene of recent fighting, shortly after 10 am on Wednesday morning, and also on Monday in the town area.

“Five shell explosions were heard in the vicinity of Farawiya and Mission troops and police advisers in the area are continuing to monitor the situation,” said a brief statement from the Mission.

The bombing follows operations in the area by the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM), which clashed with government-aligned forces in and around Umm Baru. The rebel force has claimed a victory Saturday over fighters loyal to former rebel leader Minni Arcua Minnawi close to Umm Baru.

Aerial attacks are banned in Darfur by a U.N. Security Council resolution but the government relies on such bombardments during major military operations, such as weeks-long standoff beginning in January when JEM seized the large town of Muhageria in South Darfur.

JEM and the government are at a preliminary stage of negotiations in Doha, the capital of Qatar.


1 Comment

  • Sierra One
    Sierra One

    Sudanese aircraft bomb rebel positions in North Darfur
    Bashir is Bombing people becoz he know he will be taken to hell in aminute time .
    Bashir although you are bombing people you will kill nobody ,if you are realy somebody who depending his right why you don`t accept going to court and you will be judge according to the Laws of the world .But remember you are still going to the hell wether you like or not.

    Sierra One

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