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Sudan Tribune

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UN expresses ‘serious concern’ at Torhech massacre

May 13, 2009 (JUBA) – An attack in South Sudan in which over 60 women, children and men were killed and 57 wounded prompted a statement of “serious concern” from a UN official.

Torhech (Tor Kech) village, inhabited by Jikany Nuer, was attacked Friday night by men affiliated with the Lou Nuer group. The village is in Jikmir Payam of Nasir County.

The attackers murdered 13 children.

“It is reported that 57 people were wounded in the attack, the majority of which were children, some in critical condition,” said the UN. At least 1,550 people have been displaced in Jikmir, Nor Nyariew, Banytik, Torpuot and Pandanyang. Some have camped in Wathwar (Nasir town).

Referring to the intra-tribal attack as “inter-ethnic clashes,” the United Nations said it was concerned. UN Deputy Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator in Southern Sudan Lise Grande expressed “serious concern” at the killing.

“The UN is seriously concerned about the increasing violence in the area and the continuing loss of innocent lives of women, men and children. We call upon the community leaders, and all relevant authorities to intervene and resolve the conflict through peaceful means and reconciliation,” said Grande.

The South Sudan Relief and Rehabilitation Commission (SSRRC) is mobilizing food assistance to be distributed to the displaced people.

Earlier reports had suggested that up to 49 died, with a UN official giving the higher-end estimate, but today the UN reported that the number of people so far confirmed dead is 66, including some who drowned while trying to flee across the river.

A team from Nasir Community Development Agency (NCDA) spent the day in Torkech on 10 May searching for missing people. According to David Nyang, an NCDA official, in March a fight between one group of Nuer and another resulted in the deaths of 14 people including women and children, thus prompting the revenge attack Friday

“Security in Nasir town itself is calm but people have fled the area of the incident. There is fear of retaliatory attacks in the neighbouring Ulang County, part of which is composed of the same ethnic groups fighting in Torkech,” said the UN statement issued today.



  • William Okuch
    William Okuch

    UN expresses ‘serious concern’ at Torhech massacre
    Fight is inescapable in any community especially in southern community which is emerging from tribal group into nation. When we are test, it is a test to proof our manhood and manhood here doesn’t mean physical ability, but mental capability.
    But it is unacceptable to fold our hands that there is nothing that can be done to deter the mortal situation into peaceful. Doing so is confession to our weakness and failure to deal with situation.

    I suggest and urge SPLM/GOSS who are current authority in South to summon all tribal leaders for urgent tribal conference table. Chief of king of tiny or large tribe must be summonLet take just some millions of our budget being looting by individauls to arrange such conference. Let even take the conference outside Sudan such as Rwanda or South Africa and take those leaders to the conference. Do this and all of you will see how tribal tension will be transformed into peace.
    Why do we southern intellectuals associate with our traditional leaders while the enemy like them and even bestow the high positions on them. Is it not because the enemy know power emanate from such tribal leaders?

    If Salva Kiir as leader of SPLM/GOSS is really looking for peace in South and the whole Sudan, let him do this now not tomorrow. But if he want the South and CPA to be blow into air, it is better for him fold his ams and keep silence.

  • Hillary B.M.L,M
    Hillary B.M.L,M

    UN expresses ‘serious concern’ at Torhech massacre

    I am sorry to say but i must,during 21 years of struggling for Freedom, Southerns were united than to the current situations which for me is Peace aftermath or the result of peace in which every body is trying to get hisher share, but instead of getting from the right people, we are doing the opposite. Attack here Attack there, Abducting here Abducting there, tribe by tribe, we people should see that change must occur in these activities which are unacceptable in our Time. Upper Nile States Educated Youths should try to calm down the Situation than adding wools in to Fire to increase the flame. We know very well that our Leaders are failing us, so we should also not follow their bad Leadership.

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