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Sudan Tribune

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Sudan SPLM, NCP legislators exchange accusations

May 14, 2009 (KHARTOUM) –Members of ex-Southern rebel group, Sudan people Liberation Movement (SPLM), at the National Assembly exchanged accusations with the speaker over a procedural dispute at a parliamentary session on Tuesday.

Sudan national assembly speaker Ahmed Ibrahim Al-Tahir
Sudan national assembly speaker Ahmed Ibrahim Al-Tahir
The head of the SPLM Yasir Arman accused the speaker Ahmed Ibrahim Al-Tahir of purposely ignoring requests for raising “urgent matters” including subpoenas to a government minister.

Arman was referring to a request by another SPLM member to summon the Sudanese minister for guidance to get his testimony on the Islamic scholar board.

The National Assembly speaker Al-Tahir reportedly turned it down telling Arman that “this is not a point of order”.

Arman accused Al-Tahir of running the National assembly in an authoritarian manner and added that the parliament is appointed by the president and his Vice president and can be replaced at any point.

Furthermore Arman alleged that the National Congress Party (NCP) uses its majority to force resolutions and points of orders during the sessions.

But the National assembly speaker said that the NCP’s majority is a democratic one and defended the record of the parliament in addressing urgent issues and subpoenas to government ministers. He also said that the National Assembly ratified 37 treaties.

Arman has recently came under fire from NCP assembly members after his remarks in which he argued that adultery should not be punished during discussions on the criminal law.

The SPLM figure also reportedly received death threats with some Islamic figures saying that he is guilty of apostasy — a crime punishable by death under Sudanese law.



  • Biden Osire
    Biden Osire

    Sudan SPLM, NCP legislators exchange accusations
    This is the real truth that even the speaker still behave wrongly and a lession to the SPLM but only if many other can join Yasir in protesting and support him till the dying horse(that is nail and tooth)the Arabs will never learn the lession only by force.

  • malow

    Sudan SPLM, NCP legislators exchange accusations
    Dear Speaker of National Assyembly at GoNU, You have to listen to the word called ”urgent matter”. Don’t take itlike what sudaness are saying ”Inshalla” eventhough it is urgent matter to addressed to the public.

    Ignoring of urent matter like subpoenas of a gonerment and minister others inportance matter will let to be punished by…… not your close friend by skin.
    shot up and accepted that urgent request,

    Bye bye,

  • Magos

    Sudan SPLM, NCP legislators exchange accusations
    Dear Hon Arman you are in right truck even if the NCP tried to post shara-law for conforntion but notthing could happen to you .We really encourage you to do the job of SPLM/A.It is not new to do exchange of words in Parliament,As we know SPLM is Democratic party of justice with freedom of spreeches.The SPLM might teach the NCP about the rules of law in reality. final dear Andand you have to shotup here, not Arab web.

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