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Sudan Tribune

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Two lawmakers sworn into Lakes parliament

By Manyang Mayom

May 17, 2009 (RUMBEK) — The Lakes state legislative assembly swore in two honorable members(MPs) on Friday, replacing two rival members who had been ousted in 2008 by Government of Southern Sudan President Salva Kiir Mayardit.

The ousted MPs were former Speaker Isaiah Alier Machinkok and former “13-days” Speaker Bullien Kot Beny, who had briefly taken power from Machinkok.

Hon. Elly Agook Ater was sworn in replacing Machinkok while Hon. Joseph Manyuat Mabor was sworn in filling Beny’s place in the presence of Acting Speaker Marik Nanga Marik and judge Daniel Deng.

Justice Deng himself last year was pushed out from a swearing-in ceremony of NCP members by group of MPs opposed to Machinkok.

Both new MPs are from Yirol East County. This move formalizes the replacement of Machinkok and Beny who became victims of their own power struggling.

The lawmakers will decide now as soon as possible who should fill the speakership.

In separate development, over nine thousand turned out to Rumbek freedom square on Saturday to celebrate the 26th SPLA May 16 celebration. Military units and organized forces plus police joined the parade.

SPLM County Secretary for Rumbek Central Abraham Mayen Kuch said, “we do gather every year to remember how we suffered a great deal for our own dignity ever since in the hands of oppressive and cruel regimes that have come and gone in the country. I hope there is no one among us who regrets such a noble duty.”

“The SPLM, your movement, shall stand up all the time to defend the rights of the people to coexist all over the country. We will not and hope we shall not sit and watch as someone is taking the CPA away somewhere, no never at all. We shall not allow for one more dishonoring of an agreement as done earlier with the Addis Ababa accord” he said.

Furthermore, former Minister of Finance and Chairperson of Electoral Strategic Planning Philip Marol Mading ensured that the politics of lobbying has now come to an end and is heading in the right direction of the democratic wave that should now be adopted.

He ensured politicians that their constituencies will make them strong politicians if they ground political motives with the public interest.

Talking on the sideline of the 26th anniversary event, the Lakes State Economic Advisor Matur Makuer Gol said that the time now has come for right politics as the elections are pushing our doors.

He pointed to the significance of Rumbek Central County since it has a population of 153,550, according to the census result.

Also focused on the election, Acting Governor Awan Guol Riak highlighted that the public would vote for the SPLM party.

Rumbek Central County SPLM Secretary Abraham Mayen Kuch had invited his county SPLM supporters and five motorcycle ATVs, all type GLX, were given to five payam SPLM secretaries. A further 19 bicycles were contributed to party personnel of the county and payam levels to support the party work during the coming general election campaign.



  • Busta

    Two lawmakers sworn into Lakes parliament
    Another two thievies again!!

    These two lawmakers are just sworn in the name of $$$ due yesterday I read in Monitor how they are carrying money with huge Fredge to Warrap State.

    To hell with so called Lawmakers or thievies makers.

  • Malual Jongbai
    Malual Jongbai

    Two lawmakers sworn into Lakes parliament
    “When the cat is a way the mice will play”

    Despite the replacement of this two MPs. The current situation in Lake States would still remain constant to my considerate if the “Top Man” (Governor) is not elected. In a society where law makers vs culprits at loggerheards, always stay in disorder and choatic and that seem disquietening to many locals who lost their loves ones’ every day through inapprociate missbehaviour,assault and lack of order due to ineffectivenes rules, laws and authorisatism in the Lakes State is still locked in the past while the society is transforming.

    Howerver, it is a great move in solving current insecurity issue for these 153,550 residents after electing these two lawmakers to bring peace and harmony in our society as there is no better place like home. Lakes states had been known for their great historical work in the past and this should be restored if we solved the current political lobby arena in the states by electing intellectuals. Perhaps it will never end despite Minister Philip put it, because our society is filled with trouble makers and laws would never be abid by individuals or groups unless stereotyping of individuals and how the law is enacted is respected and comprehensible.

    Morerover, all Lakes state law-makers or GOSS should look into big picture on how the law will affect other states fugitives who come to their states as well as the whole society of Lakes. Besides, the economic turn down, the state should careful maintain its financial position not to rely on GOSS if the state budget is misused – those red handed missusing public funds should face the music and avoid blaming the unstable GOSS government referedum. Funds should be allocated to rurals areas to provides medicals, food and shelter, schools utensils and roads as the world economics is deteriorating.

    Thank you,

  • Mr. Rat Rebites
    Mr. Rat Rebites

    Two lawmakers sworn into Lakes parliament
    Excuse Manyang,

    Are the two people sworn in as MPS? and why have two Mps from one county. I could remember the ousted Machinkok was the speaker of the Lates state legislative assembly and the Kuot beny was the deputy until earlier when Nanga marik became the acting speaker.

    Otherwise i appreciate the move made by the state government to replace the outgoing lawmakers as soon as there was need for one or two.

    My only advice to the two lawmakers is that people from Lakes state sometimes take little velocity(speed/time) towards change and you as new guys on board of lakes state government there is need to reduce your deliverables not limiting to curve the tribal clashes, unlawfulness of people within the state capital and corruption. Before handling these issues, please don’t attempt to change any constitutional draft of lakes. I know new people into lakes state normally bring with them new and fack laws which made lakes state one of the worse states in the world where the are no rules of law.

    herein, you are welcome to Lakes state legislative assembly or parliment.

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