Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Egypt warns against partition talks in Sudan

May 22, 2009 (CAIRO) – The Egyptian government said it will “stand firmly” against views calling for the partition of Sudan.

The spokesperson of the Egyptian foreign ministry Hossam Zaki told reporters that some unspecified parties are calling for dividing Sudan “as a solution to the crisis”.

“We are opposed to them [unspecified parties] trying to force their views” he said.

It is not clear whether Zaki was referring to internal parties or external ones.

South Sudan is entitled to a referendum in 2011 to vote whether they want to secede or remain part of Sudan. Observers say that Cairo is uncomfortable with a separate state in South Sudan over worries that it will affect its share in the Nile waters.

Egypt has sought to inaugurate several development and educational projects in South Sudan. Last year the Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak paid a visit to South Sudan, which is the first for an Egyptian head of state since 1962.



  • Kur

    Egypt warns against partition talks in Sudan
    The people of South Sudan are the only ones who can decide their fate. No power under the sun has the right to tell us what to do. We cannot live as a second class citizens in a country that we belong. For that reason, the history of Sudan must be rewritten. It does not matter whether it pleases any body or not, the people of South Sudan must decide their own future.


  • Jamjamez

    Egypt warns against partition talks in Sudan
    It is time for the Egyptian to learnt that we are a Wake this time, Its not the era where they used to decided the future of sudan anymore. those days are gone and they should no that. Comes 2011, The people of the south will have right to have their own country whether it interested you or not, we don’t care. Infact you kill our people and call them charcoal in Egypt so, there is nothing that is going to stop us from doing what interested our people in the south.

    If you are installing electricity, its our money you want or if not; GET THE FUCK OFF AND PACK YOUR MO***FUCKING ARAB ASS TO CAIRO.
    iam sorry for the readers please but every time I hear anything with the word Arab in it, my blood boil and rose!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Justin Chicago opiny
    Justin Chicago opiny

    Egypt warns against partition talks in Sudan
    Egypt has been a torn in the flesh for the suffering of southern sudanese just for the sake of the Nile waters.The White Nile will still flow the same course ,but South sudan will change its course.We want our freedom just as you are free.

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