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Sudan Tribune

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Eritrean president slams former eastern Sudan rebels

May 23, 2009 (KHARTOUM) — The Eritrean President said former rebels of eastern Sudan should be held accountable of problems encountering the implementation of a peace deal they signed with the government.

Supporters-2.jpgOn October 14, 2006, Sudanese government and East Front rebels, composed of the Beja Congress and Free Lions, signed in Asmara a peace accord brokered by the Eritrean government and is aimed at ending a 12-year armed conflict.

The leaders of the former rebel East Sudan Front are to be held responsible of the failures in the implementation of Asmara Agreement, said President Isaias Afwerki in an interview with two Sudanese news papers today published in the Eritrean government official website.

“The problem should be properly studied and identified, and thus resolved in a constructive manner,” he added.

However President Isaias underscored the readiness of his government to contribute to the resolution of the differences between the former rebels and facilitate the full implementation of the accord that Eritrea sponsored.

Since the signing of the Asmara Agreement, there were differences, and dissidences between the factions of the former rebel group which includes Beja and Rashaidiya tribes.

In August 2008 Amna Dirar, a senior member of the Eastern Front, and a presidential adviser issued a statement suspending the membership of the chairman of the former rebel group Musa Mohamed Ahmed who is also a presidential assistant.

She accused him of trying to concentrate power in the Beja Congress and using the conference to form policies that would then be pushed through the coalition Eastern Front party.

Last week the Eritrean President slammed the former rebel Sudan People’s Liberation Movement which is the ruling party in southern Sudan.

President Afwerki denounced the corruption in southern Sudan and its unclear vision toward the unity or the establishment of an independent country in southern Sudan.

Eritrea in the past supported the SPLM and the Eastern Sudan Front in their war against the Islamist government in Khartoum which had backed the Islamist Eritreans.


1 Comment

  • Aduol Liet
    Aduol Liet

    Eritrean president slams former eastern Sudan rebels
    MR, Isaias Afwerhi.
    This Eritrean president has lost his mind, he left her country to talk about the Eritrean politics and he always jump to talk about Sudanese politics this is very unususally politic I had never seen in my life. We do know that, Omar Hassan al Bashir gave him money as a part of pay me to play the game and this is what he is doing now otherwise, the president of another nation will not going deepest to accused none Eritrean national party for corruption as he was making accusation to the SPLM Party and he is not a Sudanese citizen in the first place. He had punish his country by not having mulits relationship with others nations in the world.

    I am very sure that, this man will be the next get indictment after the Omar al Bashir gone to hell. What is their concern about the former Reble of Eastern Sudan, he has no right to talk about the Sudanese national. He is so stupid president in the world why Eritreans people rejected him and find another good politican guy rather than this guy who is taking money from criminal charge by the ICC Omar al Bashir so that he will speak up on behalf of Omar Hassan al Bashir killer man. Eritrean bribery president wait your time the world will tell you what you done. In addition to that, I think the Eritrean president is so jealous when he saw the Southern Sudanese people are having more relationship with out sider nations that is what I can say because there is no any reason to be include in the Sudanse politics if he want to be a Sudanese citizen I would reject him because he is very much supporting Somilia terrorest.

    Aduol Liet.

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