Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Sudan says no explosives detonated at SPLM office

May 25, 2009 (KHARTOUM) – The Sudanese police issued a statement today saying they found no traces of an explosion at the offices of Sudan People Liberation Movement (SPLM) in Khartoum.

Sudan People's Liberation Movement (SPLM) spokesman Yen Matthew briefs the media in the capital Khartoum May 25, 2009 (Reuters)
Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) spokesman Yen Matthew briefs the media in the capital Khartoum May 25, 2009 (Reuters)
Earlier today the SPLM said that a radio controlled bomb was placed at the site on Monday morning by two unidentified men but did not explode.

However SPLM officials suggested that the target was Yasir Arman who heads its caucus in the national assembly.

Arman recently came under fire from NCP after he urged dropping the crime of adultery in the draft of the criminal code.

Sudan’s police said they received a complaint from an SPLM official at 10:30 am that an explosion took place at 3:30 am but that its forensics teams found no evidence of that occurring.

The statement contradicts that of SPLM which said that the explosion fell short of happening.

The SPLM spokesman Yen Matthew told Reuters said that two men jumped over a fence and left an object close to one of the building’s entrances then ran off after barking dogs roused the guard.

“The guard saw something flashing on the object and suddenly there was a loud explosion. Fortunately, it seems that only the detonator exploded, and no souls were lost … This was a definite attempt to kill people and destroy the building” he told reporters.

“We were very, very lucky” he added.

Planting bombs is virtually an unknown phenomenon in Sudan as well as political assassinations which have occurred only few times since independence.



  • Thomas Ader
    Thomas Ader

    Sudan says no explosives detonated at SPLM office
    Dear Yen Matthew, I think what you are talking is truc and is has been a second time for NCP supporters and its government of issuing the death threat against SPLA eliment who are living in Khartoum.however their police have deny the claims but these the facts. so my dear southern in khartoum, take deep breath and watch out of deadly attack against you by Bashir regimes and for your securtiy from the SPLA units that have been deployed in Khartoum.

    What they are trying to do is what so-call the last kick of deying horse because the think that South Sudan and their allies going to win the upcoming election.

    long live New Sudan! Long live SPLA/SPLM! lONG LIVE people of South Sudan! SPLA OYEE! VICTORY OYEE!

  • wen de kut-ajok
    wen de kut-ajok

    Sudan says no explosives detonated at SPLM office
    Hi out there,no matta how much the so called NCP tried to kills and threatening the South-bassed S P L A/M members, we in the Sudan are always after a peacefull party like the S P L M that always inlustrates the image of the Sudanese atlarge.

    However, its just a matta of annoucing the South as an independent country of her own, like any other country in the world,remember “two systems in one sigle country”
    We are more than enough to have a Nation with no Doubt, so why should we have to be lossing our leaders in the hands of known elements.

    Nevertheless, we are celeberating our may 16th on the 26th today simply because of the insecurity in the city some few weeks back.
    These misunderstanding in us, are planted and coused by our enemies who went on sponsering our sons and daughters in order to be destroying ourselves.

    This infact, means the explosive items and the explosers personel themselves are to day present in every corner of our city Juba and the Southern’s cities, were we are livings.
    please be carefull Middle East style of killing may erupt our lifes.

  • Mijocque

    Sudan says no explosives detonated at SPLM office
    This must be the reason why Salva Kiir fear to live in Khartoum

  • Dotcom

    Sudan says no explosives detonated at SPLM office
    Our people, that is the incident you must learn from an arabs government. This people you know where they came from and the culture of denial incident. Be careful the have no differents with iraqis and palestinians.

    By Dotcom

  • Hillary B.M.L,M
    Hillary B.M.L,M

    Sudan says no explosives detonated at SPLM office
    Yen Mathew with few English terms and Broken Grammer, Alnillien University dropped out, come out to be SPLA Spoke person, what nepotism is that? I know him better than you who commented here. I defeated him in verbal debate, again we were about to punch each other in a party (Kalakala Gubba) when i touched Khartoum for the first Time.

  • manis

    Sudan says no explosives detonated at SPLM office
    The result of this investigation by sudanese police is known previously because they are part of this evil crime, so why SPLA did not contribute its own police in this investigation.And how long this notorious regime has let along to commit all these crimes against the people of sudan? Is it not a time to the people of sudan to say enough for this regime?

  • Augustino

    Sudan says no explosives detonated at SPLM office
    Dear comredes,I thank God for protecting you among the population of terrorists,the Government of sudan is well known of killing its citizens so you should be very careful.

    I went to Khartoum last year for the first time in my life because I was born in the south and start fighting them from the south untill the peace comes. according to my observation the government and its agencies does not need us really mostly the supporters of SPLM particularly,for that matter we need to be very careful of their behaviours towords us. planting the bombs is the evil thinking and it must be address fully to the media as did by Comrede Yen.

    Again I thank God for his protection on our innocent members in that office by that time.
    Augustino M Deng in Australia

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