Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Is the U.S. Selling Southern Sudanese Down the River?

By Roger P. Winter

May 26, 2009 — “Selling “ someone “downriver”, according to any U.S.-savvy thesaurus, has the clear connotation of “sell-out” and, with reference to the shameful U.S. history of slavery, of angry masters selling uncooperative slaves down the Mississippi River into harsher conditions further south. In the context of Sudan, of course, the great Nile River flows north through Khartoum. Selling the people of Southern Sudan “downriver” thus would clearly connote selling them out to the Khartoum-based National Congress Party cabal (formerly the National Islamic Front) that purports to ‘govern’ Sudan.

Is this the direction in which the U.S. is now headed?

That conclusion is not at this time clearly justified, but concerns are growing. It is clear that the new U.S. policy on Sudan, which has largely been kept under wraps, has significantly shifted away from the previous policy of confronting the NCP over the gross mistreatment of its opponents, particularly those of African lineage and culture. Beyond the hundreds of thousands of dead Darfuris are the all-but-forgotten two-and-a-half million dead Southern Sudanese and allied populations who are no longer among the living because of the policies of those currently in power in Khartoum. Since coming to power by coup in 1989, President Omer Bashir has presided over the deaths of some three million of his countrymen, qualifying his regime as runner-up to the Holocaust in body count, without paying any price whatsoever. He was rightly indicted by the International Criminal Court for Khartoum’s miscreant performance in Darfur, despite the whining of a morally-deficient African Union and Arab League. Suddenly though, it appears the U.S. Administration wants to make nice with him and his cabal.

There are good reasons to engage Khartoum. The previous Administration’s efforts to bring peace to Southern Sudan were energetic and successful; its efforts on Darfur were not. It seemed unable to ‘walk and chew gum’ at the same time. Its efforts to isolate Khartoum were a miserable failure. A new approach was clearly needed, one that genuinely helps to bring peace, justice and development to the people of Darfur and which also ensures the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) which brought peace to South Sudan and its allied regions is fully implemented. There are and, given the track record of the National Congress Party, will surely be reasons to pressure and penalize Khartoum for its frequent unconscionable behavior. But if the Administration’s approach actually includes a full range of tough options for responding to Khartoum duplicity, it is a too well-kept secret. Publically, it has only “made nice” with Khartoum. That track record, especially when reinforced by words of ‘niceness’ by Senator John Kerry, Chairman of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, should greatly concern anyone who yearns for a ‘New Sudan’ of peace, justice and development.

Bashir’s twentieth anniversary as President of Sudan will be this June 30th. Ever since he came to power, the leadership group in Khartoum has largely remained intact. That leadership element is very able and also very committed to their divisive vision for Sudan and the region. They have seen scores of American diplomats come and go and have outfoxed and outlasted them all. They are masters at creating a crisis and then, at American insistence, partially ‘resolving’ that crisis and thereby creating amongst those Americans an image of being “someone we can work with”. This, for example, is what Khartoum has done recently concerning the recent expulsion of humanitarian nongovernmental relief agencies from Darfur. That tactic in the past has usually been followed by a pattern of NCP promises made and then broken. It is an established NCP approach that routinely blunts, even shatters, every untutored U.S. diplomatic strategy.

The Administration is, I believe legitimately, intending to reach out to the Arab and Islamic worlds to seek seriously to improve relations. In fact, President Obama is expected to give a speech reaching out to those peoples while he visits Egypt next week. While legitimately engaging responsible leaders and communities, it is terribly important that he not simply lump the NCP with them. As long as an unfettered NCP remains in stolen power at Sudan’s Center, marginalized Sudanese-North, South, East and West-will be at risk, subject to NCP whim. Humanitarian assistance and protection of the NCP’s civilian victims, while critical, are not a solution per se to this kind of problem. Peaceful change in governance at the Center can be a solution and is the one already agreed to in the Comprehensive Peace Agreement.

A U.S. policy on Sudan that does not solidly seek to assure full implementation of the CPA would amount to selling Southern Sudanese and Darfuris for that matter, ‘downriver’. It would also be an unmerited happy birthday present to Omer Bashir.

The author is the Former Special Representative on Sudan


  • William Okuch
    William Okuch

    Is the U.S. Selling Southern Sudanese Down the River?
    Dr. John Garang was illusionary leader or he did esacped from getting into solution for other reasons.
    It took long time for US, IGAD and friendly countries to find a way to end the was because case for war was so complicated. After many findings that were the only way for peace, US had appointed John Danforth. Danforth had labored hardly till he forced SPLM and NCP to signed CAP.

    But US thought it was over because South has its own government. Surprisngly, US, IGAD and friendly countries found SPLM the real enemy to CPA. Many of you here may wrong me. But the situation in the South and extension of election date will proof what I’m writing.
    Because SPLM and NCP are willing to take Sudan back to war, US is back again to push both parties to implement all provsion of CPA. That why arrest of Basher to America is not a solution, but to force them to work for the Sudanese peace.
    US is not selling South as writer put it, but she is coming back for second redemption. I know those who eat night and day in Juba are not happy because they do not want to share power and money even with orpahns, widows and veteran.
    US must be welcome to Sudan and China must leave Sudan.

  • Akol Liai Mager
    Akol Liai Mager

    Is the U.S. Selling Southern Sudanese Down the River?
    Without doubts, Obama’s Soft approach and appeasement policies with Middle East terrorists may hurt African Sudanese and Southern Sudanese in particular, but 100% those ploicies will hurt United States of America this time more than Sept. 11th.

    American must stop this guy before it’s too late. Mr Roger have genuine reasons to be worried about South Sudan, but for me Obama will lead this world into chaos with his mother touch on her baby’s head diplomacy and the whole world will suffer including South Sudan.

    SPLM too, shoud not let those who are trading with its name to get away with it.

  • Thyinka

    Is the U.S. Selling Southern Sudanese Down the River?
    Well said Liai. Not to be simplistic here but what can you expect to be someone who was brought up by a woman. Anyway, Obama seems to be like a son who grow up hating everything his father stood for(read former president Bush) and now needs to do thing in an opposite manner but he has to be selective in applying his blanket “soft diplomacy.” We need the old carrot and stick diplomacy because it is the only one that works with the like of Khartoum Regime.

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