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Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan close relations with Ethiopia triggered Afwerki criticism – report

May 26, 2009 (LONDON) — The Eritrean President criticized the southern Sudan ruling party because it has opted to deal with its arch foe Ethiopia, an opposition website reported today.

Eritrea's President Isaias Afwerki (Reuters)
Eritrea’s President Isaias Afwerki (Reuters)
President Isayas Afewerki slammed corruption in southern Sudan and SPLM’s lack of clear vision on the future of the country. The statements made by the close friend of the late John Garang and former supporter of his movement were largely circulated but remained without reaction from Juba.

An opposition website,, reported yesterday that Afewerki was angered by the close relations established by the semi-autonomous Southern Sudan government with Ethiopia.

“Isayas Afewerki believes that the Southern Sudanese elite – the academics, politicians and businessmen-have chosen Ethiopia over Eritrea as a better guarantor of their national and economic security and that this view is, at least for now, influencing Sudan at large.”

Since June 2008, Ethiopia and south Sudan signed a series of agreements to develop joint projects in their neighboring states where tribes like Nuer and Anyuak are present on both sides of the border, in order to promote peaceful neighborhood.

The two governments also signed a number of economic agreements related to housing projects, fluvial transportation, aerial flights between Juba and Addis Ababa and this year the State-owned Commercial Bank of Ethiopia opened a branch in Juba.

Barnaba Marial, Minister of Regional Cooperation in Southern Sudan, who visited Addis Ababa several times to discuss these agreements said the two sisterly governments have agreed to cooperate on a wide range of joint projects on social, economic, capacity building and security issues.

While Asmara was the headquarters of the Sudanese opposition alliance, the SPLA troops in eastern Sudan where supplied and received logistical support from Eritrea. At the time, Addis Ababa closed the offices of the Sudanese opposition parties and reduced to the strict minimum the presence and the movements of the SPLM office there.

Awate said Eritrea’s Red Sea Trading Corporation, (aka “09”) was the first to set shop in Juba, South Sudan, but lost out to the Ethiopians.

There is sizable number of Eritrean expatriates in Southern Sudan many own restaurants, and hotel businesses in Juba.

The Eritrean community in Juba celebrated the independent day on May 24 at Juba Bridge Hotel several miles south of down town Juba.




    South Sudan close relations with Ethiopia triggered Afwerki criticism – report
    Hey dear President Isaiah Afwerki,

    Your critism on Southern Sudan’s corruption, is true. I really I agreed with you that there is no vision, but the problem is that even if you said that advise, no one of the Southern Sudan Minister will take that advise of yours and put it into consideration.

    The only thing that I know some Southern Sudanese Ministers will said about you is to challenged you and allienated you that you are not suppose to intervene into Southern Sudanese business affairs. So, you are absolutely right about that because your point is serving a very great purpose to the future of the Southern Sudanese people, but who will understand you?

    Thank you.

  • William Okuch
    William Okuch

    South Sudan close relations with Ethiopia triggered Afwerki criticism – report
    We do not much care about saying more than the reality on the ground. I as southerner know the pain not anyone eles.
    In court, judge listens to plaintiff and defendant, likewise Dr. listens to patience.
    Southerners are the victims of SPLM/GOSS. Therefore, we know areas of pain very well than ourters.

    President Afawiki did not said from nothing. The situation in South witnesses his sayings.
    Eritrean president Afewerki deserve sincere appreciation from all Sudanese for his comment about SPLM/GOSS.
    However, many who benefit from corruption, nepotism, dictatorship and tribalism being practice by SPLM/GOSS becuase they are blind to the meaning of CPA will disagree with Afewerki.

    No human mind and heart can forget that Eritria, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda and other friend countires have been financially, militarily and empathetically supporting SPLM. Kenyan foreign minister said during celebration of CPA in Juba that, “we will not let you down, but we will continue to support you till you work as baby.”

    Why is military, financial and empathetical supports from those countries plausible during liberation period and now their constructive criticisms is unacceptable? Is it not like an issue of cut and run? Is it that we are already in conditionary offices that we do not need them anymore?

    The real problem to SPLM/GOSS is lack of administrative and intellectual capabilities to cope with management mechanism.
    Due to the president, SPLM has lost vision after the death of Dr. John Garang. I can correct the president in this saying that Dr. John Garang was a cheater and cheater always has stolen information on paper not in mind. If student use other student work, it is therefore cheating or plagiarism. SPLM was initiated with stolen ideas being inspired by enemy. The president of Libya Mammar Al Gadafi and Northern opposition played potential role by sending Dr. John Garang to replace SSIM notion with vision of New Sudan. Dr. Mansour Khalid who was personal advisor to Dr. John Garang admitted that during his interview with Al-Jazeera tv last year.
    So since there is no more northern opposition in SPLM and GOSS now and Dr. Khalid is not advisor to Kiir, the so called vision of the NEW SUDAN is gone with Dr. Khild and opposition not with Dr. John Garang, the cheater. That is the disadvantage of plagiarism or cheating because they only remain on paper rather than mind.
    I urge all Southerners to accept constructive criticisms from our friends because they are still too concern about our peace, stability and unity. That is second support which will enable us to emancipate ourselves from current situation.

  • Lokang

    South Sudan close relations with Ethiopia triggered Afwerki criticism – report
    Hahaha sympathy!!!

    Wounded lion always roar to scare predator from coming near. As for you Mr. PREZ, your criticism on South leadership won’t help ease the looming situation Eritrean and Ethiopian might be having. It’s good that you direct that sharp outcry to the right people and the right nation.

    Yah, I may agree with you on some of your input. For sure, the Southerners has lost their visionary direction due to the gradual impact of corruption in the government. I belief foreigh critizim like yours may help shape that country’s Eco-Socio-political weakness, but it wasn’t ease your relationship with your opposition country like Ethiopia.

  • afro kling
    afro kling

    South Sudan close relations with Ethiopia triggered Afwerki criticism – report
    Hi every body
    First of all we as eritrean do not feel jeaolous of the joit coopperation between southeren sudan government and ethiopia,the splm has aright aright to strengthen it is relation with any country for the beneifit of the southeren sudan.
    I am eritrean .i was born and grow up in sudan,i like sudan the some like eritrea,i have got alot of friends from S.sudan.Honestly all people of sudan are nice.
    all eritrean like DOCTOR GRANG and his policies which serving abig aim for the future of southern sudan and all other parts of sudan.i believe afwarki is not criticizing the SPLM of corruption ,but he is involving in the way that addressing issues which may implement the splm administration as aresult of the strong relation ship between eritrea and S.sudan to correct the current situation which seems to be corruption according to the evedence assumed by the facts on the ground coming up by the public openion of the southeren sudan .which lead to the lost of our father GRANG VISION and SPLM.
    We should not forget this words sudan union wyaya, sudan gadid wayaye,SPLM wayaye,and grang wayaye.


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