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Sudan Tribune

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Salva Kiir reshuffles South Sudan cabinet

By James Gatdet Dak

May 31, 2009 (JUBA) – The President of the Government of Southern Sudan (GoSS), Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit, has issued presidential decrees relieving and appointing cabinet ministers in the semi-autonomous GoSS.

FVP-_Salva_Kiir.jpgThe Decree was issued on Sunday and with effect from 31st May 2009.


1- Mr. Paul Mayom Akech, Minister of Internal Affairs

2- Mr. Kuol Athian Mawien, Minister of Finance and Economic Planning

3- Dr. Barnaba Marial Benjamin, Minister of Regional Cooperation

4- Mr. David Deng Athorbei, Minister of Transport and Roads

5- Mr. Anthony Lino Makana, Minister of Commerce and Industry

6- Professor Philip Yona Jambi, Minister of Cooperatives and Rural Development

7- Mr. Gabriel Changson Chang, Minister of Information and Broadcasting

8- Mr. Gier Chuang Aluong, Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

9- Ms. Mary Kiden Kimbo, Minister of Gender, Social Welfare and Religious Affairs

10- General (Rtd) Albino Akol Akol, Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports


1- Mr. Gier Chuang Aluong, Minister of Internal Affairs

2- Mr. David Deng Athorbei, Minister of Finance and Economic Planning

3- Mr. Oyai Deng Ajak, Minister for Regional Cooperation

4- Mr. Anthony Lino Makana, Minister of Transport and Roads

5- Dr. Barnaba Marial Benjamin, Minister of Commerce and Industry

6- Mr. Peter Abdel-Rahaman Sule, Minister for Cooperatives and Rural Development

7- Mr. Paul Mayom Akech, Minister of Information and Broadcasting

8- Mr. Madut Biar, Minister for Telecommunications and Postal Services

9- Mr. Gabriel Changson Chang, Minister for Culture, Youth and Sports

The newly appointed ministers with new faces in the cabinet include Mr. Oyai Deng Ajak, who served as the Chief of Staff for the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA), Mr. Peter Abdel-Rahaman Sule, chairman of the United Democratic Front (UDF) party, and Mr. Madut Biar.

The relieved ministers without new portfolios include Mr. Kuol Athian Mawien, Professor Philip Yona Jambi, Ms. Mary Kiden Kimbo, whose replacement is not yet appointed and Gen. (Rtd) Albino Akol Akol.

The rest of the ministers have been in the cabinet, but re-appointed in different portfolios.




    Salva Kiir reshuffles South Sudan cabinet
    GOSS system of reshuffling ministers every now and then is becoming Too Much.I wonder when His Excelency will fine the RIGHT people to implement his objectives.

    I think this is happening becouse people are put into offices because of WHO YOU ARE but Not WHAT YOU KNOW!

    Otherwise why is it that from all the Intelectuals in South Sudan, NO ONE is ABLE to SERVE Southerners SINCERELY and JUST?????

    Leaders, For you to be fully certisfied of what you do, See it in the EYES of who you SERVE not CHEAT!!!!

  • Kim Deng
    Kim Deng

    Salva Kiir reshuffles South Sudan cabinet

    What forced Mr. President of GoSS to reshuffle his cabinet at this time? Will it bring change to his corupt govt or not? With no doubt, Dr. Benjamin Marial was fired without any new position and replaced him with Peter Sule as a deal between the two leaders from different politcal parties with opposit objectives.

    Of course, Lt. General Oyai Deng Ajak was dismissed from the position he likes the most and given a new post without his consense. Yet Mr. King is going to appoint a new face from his kin to Chief of Staff position.

  • The Best Generation
    The Best Generation

    Salva Kiir reshuffles South Sudan cabinet
    Congra;H.E Salva Kiir,I am among the forefront supporters of your bold decisions since the inception of your leadership in South Sudan.This shows your potentiality to rule the whole Sudan following the up coming election.
    Furthermore,is my humble appeal to Your Excellency,if your esteemed administration could place H.E.Changson Chang instead of H.E. Kuol Athian because of his zeal and commitment that he shown us, the citizens of S.Sudan,when he Acted in the Ministry of Finance and Economic Plannning in this GOSS-instead of the former Minister H.E. Arthur K.in early 2007.
    To tell the least he did in his three month session in the office:He managed to restore the cut off portion the civil servants’ salareies and expelled the Islamic Banking systems in the south Sudan and replace it with the secular Banking systems and many more.
    So save the south from the current economic down fall,plzzzzzz,I beg Your Excellence,to name Him in that Ministry for the sake of your patriotism and nationism.

  • Nile

    Salva Kiir reshuffles South Sudan cabinet
    oh My G^d Salva Kiir is really confused, i mean come on what’s up with these reshuffles? this is not a good time to do the reshuffles and if those ministers have failed to do their duties why can he just replaced them with news ones insteady of switching them around? I think Salva needs some medical check up or something because anyone who has brian know very well that if a minister is removed from his or her position there are atleast some reasons behind it. however, in case of so called Salva Kiir Maryardit, he is doing things as he wishes so there is nothing we can do rather than wait for the outcome of these reshuffles. why he removed Kuol Athian Mawien? Or was it becuase he said that some govt officials who have borrowed huge rate of money from the Nile comericial Bank and if not pay back within 3 weeks their names will be publisshed in the media.

  • Busta

    Salva Kiir reshuffles South Sudan cabinet
    Thank God for Makana!!!!!!

    God has finally heard WES prayers due to the fact that, those who were there didn’t want to think about constructing road to WES.

    Now Makana (Minister of Road) please without fear or favor, the priority should first go to your people the same things Dinkas did when they were in that position and we are behind you.

    I am calling upon all WES people to cerebrate because Tarmac road is just at the corner and very soon we will see change believe me!!!!!!!!!!

    Makana oyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

    Logic boy am kindly asking you to deal ERM which you were about to start let see what come out from this man of God who has just come into power.

  • Othogomoi

    Salva Kiir reshuffles South Sudan cabinet
    this is good,but it will encourage those newly appointed ninister to grabbe and steal money for themselves,because their future is gloomy,and they imagine that one day,they will be on street like their friends.
    the poor relieved minister of finance was nothing and he did nothing and return to nothing.what a shame is he?
    can such people develop south Sudan.
    may God help south Sudan


    Salva Kiir reshuffles South Sudan cabinet
    Hey Mr Kiir Miyardit,

    It is not bad to make a reshuffling on Southern Sudan Ministers, but the problem of reshuffling Ministers all the times is become monotonous and awfull indeed from you Mr Kiir Miyardit. How many times you where been making reshuffling on Southern Sudan Ministers and nothing had appeared more substantially right? Second, these people whom you are reshuffling, are not new in their positions. Third, if reshuffling is made on these people, then why some other Ministers are returned back again to their position? I think Mr Kiir Miyardit, you are trying to learn the word “reshuffling” since it is new to him. To make it clear, why are you appointed Mr Gier Chuang again as a Minister of Telecommunication and Postal Services and he was already holding that position? Take example, if Mr Gier Chuang is a Minister of Telecommunication and Postal Services, then there is no needs that Gier Chuang has to be appointed again to that position as well as the same to Mr Paul Miyom Akech and the rests of the other Ministers.

    To me, it seems that there are no people working in the Southern Sudan Parliament, so that is why Mr Kiir Miyardit tried to rotate the Ministers’ positions. I don’t know why our leader vision is always contradicting the desire of the citizens?. Mr Kiir Miyardit, if you wants to do reshuffling, then why you don’t do reshuffling on Ministers in Northern Sudan since you are a Vice President of Sudan and a President of Southern Sudan?
    It is very an absurd if a leader always disproportioned himself in creating unmaterialistic thing that make no sense at all. Indeed, there is no different of being slaved by Arabs people in the Northern Sudan!. Kiir Miyardit,you needs to be curious by encouraging the right things to your people, otherwise if not, then the Southern Sudanese people will become “mooches” people in your hand Mr Salva Kiir Miyardit. Lastly, the simple word call “reshuffle” is a problem. Everytimes, reshuffling, reshuffling and reshuffling!!. Is that reshuffling of Ministers going to be done during an Election time with Khartoum Government? If reshuffling is the one going to let Southern Win the Election from Khartoum Government, then it is Okay, but I don’t think whether it will be so.


  • Mr Network
    Mr Network

    Salva Kiir reshuffles South Sudan cabinet
    Thanx to Mr.President Kiir!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,

    It,s good to reshuffles the ministres because we want changes in our land particular southern sudan has most of the people needs corruption in the Government please keep that up for those who did not fulfill their duties effectly have to be sake out immeditaily.

    Therefore point of Information to new appointment minister please do your best for the change not corruption anymore because this is the greater disease in the GoSS Office.

    Nonetheless,the future of is now seeing from far as president Kiir has take the clear decision by reshuffleing the cabinet by appoint new faces in the ministers office,and hope there should end the shifting of more $$$$$$$ abroad and dievert for personal use insteas of public use.

    Change Oyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

  • Sala Gai
    Sala Gai

    Salva Kiir reshuffles South Sudan cabinet
    Bro Dr Mayardit for your reshuffling

    Work hard and also see over head your system are facing you series ,however the reshuffles organise your the Government to work hard again, but Dr president why do you leaves some Minister which are suppose to be reshuffles likely an wasted Government funs Minister.

    Wise you president to go back to ministry of defenceas and do the same work you have done in your Government Minister

    A man with a good confident

  • Michael

    Salva Kiir reshuffles South Sudan cabinet
    I like other concerned citizens of Southern Sudan don’t see any reason for this kind of reshaffling.

    I hope this ministers are NOT only being appointed as job or position attendees but to really know what their positions require of them.

    I doubt this ministers were appointed to do what they know but to be attendees for monthly pay check.

    By the way who else from Warrap or adjacent states will fill the Chief of Staff position?

  • Sala Gai
    Sala Gai

    Salva Kiir reshuffles South Sudan cabinet
    Dear Dr president Kiir,

    Wise you President to go again to Undersecretary in the Government too .

    they are sending gocernment funs likely Dr wani of Road and Transport

    sign contruct with known aim of the governmet knowledge

    i hope this man

    Aman with A good confident

  • TutdeChuol

    Salva Kiir reshuffles South Sudan cabinet
    your excellency President Kiir, it seems as if there is pressurised you, which resulted to reshuffling of your cabinet.

    your ministers are too corrupt. those whose reappointment have not materialised yet are the most dangerious one. please thinktwice reappointment. the example is that one of gender, social welfare & Religious affairs who base all her ministerial deeds on one sector. The of clients of the ministry known as “the disabled, orphans, widows and many more” have suffered because of her sectorianism.

    It is good you have reshuffled them in order to help reduce the sufferings of the poeple. the public point of view is important as you must consider any account by the public and logical informants.

    where and when will reappoint either of the relieved ministers? some of them are your bags/ handcareship. But the question is do you value what the public gains? Or you value bringing both the private as well the public gains?

    Many poeple don’t believe that you are there to slove the public troubles because there are those ministers whose mentorship is increasing the public suffering the more.

    you have also appointed commissioners that will be engendering insecurity in county. E.g That one of Yirol East is a typical tribalist. you’ll soon hear of some crisis among the communities of greater Yirol because of him.

    And what about the Governors? some governors such as Awed Akot famous of their maladministration. They mess up their states as (Buoiwiraath) Lakes state is leading in term of insecurity among the ten state of Southern Sudan.

    politics is about creating a histroy through the application of power by a group, indivdual and organisation. please do….now

  • Sala Gai
    Sala Gai

    Salva Kiir reshuffles South Sudan cabinet
    President Kiir mayadit

    Good Governmence made by Dr Kiir

    To his people
    The care of human life and happiness and not their destruction is the first and only legitimate object of good government
    “The only orthodox object of the institution of government is to secure the greatest degree of happiness possible to the general mass of those associated under it” The first object of human association is the full improvement of their condition” The happiness and prosperity of our citizens… is the only legitimate object of government and the first duty of governors” The energies of the nation… shall be reserved for improvement of the condition of man, not wasted in his destruction” Here… will be preserved a model of government, securing to man his rights and the fruits of his labor, by an organization constantly subject to his own will” The freedom and happiness of man… arethe sole objects of all legitimate government “The equal rights of man, and the happiness of every individual, are now acknowledged to be the only legitimate objects of government” To preserve the peace of our fellow citizens, promote their prosperity and happiness, reunite opinion, cultivate a spirit of candor, moderation, charity and forbearance toward one another, are objects calling for the efforts and sacrifices of every good man and patriot. Our religion enjoins it; our happiness demands it; and no sacrifice is requisite but of passions hostile to both” All religions are equally independent here, our laws knowing no distinction of country, of classes among individuals and with nations, our [creed] is justice and reciprocity
    The Necessity of Society and Government
    “Society is necessary to man’s happiness and even existence” It will be said that great societies cannot exist without government” Without society, and a society to our taste, men are never contented” It is a problem, not clear in my mind, that a society without government, as among southern Sudanese is not the best. But I believe it to be inconsistent with any great degree of population
    A Society’s Self-determination
    “Every society has a right to fix the fundamental principles of its association, and to say to all individuals, that if they contemplate pursuits beyond the limits of these principles and involving dangers which the society chooses to avoid, they must go somewhere else for their exercise; that we want no citizens, and still less ephemeral and pseudo-citizens, on such terms. We may exclude them from our territory, as we do persons infected with disease. Individuals are parts only of a society, subject to the laws of a whole Society
    Has a right to erase from the roll of its members any one who rendered his own existence inconsistent with theirs; to withdraw from him the protection of their laws, and to remove him from among them by exile, or even by death if necessary. Every people may establish what form of government they please, and change it as they please, the will of the nation being the only thing essential. The proposal to establish a new form of government… is a work of the most interesting nature, and such as every individual would wish to have his voice in… Should a bad government be instituted for us in future, it had been as well to have accepted at first the bad one offered to us from beyond the water without the risk and expense of contest. The provisions we have made for the support of civil government and the administration of justice are such as please ourselves; they answer the substantial purposes of government and of justice, and other purposes than these should not be answered.
    Government Adapted to the People
    “The excellence of every government is its adaptation to the state of those to be governed by it” Shall we mould our citizens to the law, or the law to our citizens? And in solving this question their peculiar character is an element not to be neglected .The laws… which must effect a people’s happiness must flow from their own habits, their own feelings, and the resources of their own minds. No stranger to these could possibly propose regulations adapted to them. Every people have their own particular habits, ways of thinking, manners, etc., which have grown up with them from their infancy, are become a part of their nature, and to which the regulations which are to make them happy must be accommodated” Such indeed are the different circumstances, prejudices, and habits of different nations, that the constitution of no one would be reconcilable to any other in every point
    Comparison to Governments of South
    “I sincerely wish you may find it convenient to come here to South. The pleasure of the trip will be less than you expect, but the utility greater. It will make you adore your own country, its soil, its climate, its equality, liberty, laws, people and manners. My God! how little do my country men know what precious blessings they are in possession of, and which no other people on earth enjoy. I confess I had no idea of it myself. While we shall see multiplied instances of south going to live in Sudan , I will venture to say no man now living will ever see an instance of North Sudan removing to settle in south and continuing there. Come then and see the proofs of this, and on your return add your testimony to that of every thinking South, in order to satisfy our countrymen how much it is their interest to preserve uninfected by contagion those peculiarities in their government and manners to which they are indebted for these blessings” Though there is less wealth in my native country than in North Sudan, there is more freedom, more ease, and less misery” While the great mass of the people in South were thus suffering under physical and moral oppression, I have endeavored to examine more nearly the condition of the great, to appreciate the true value of the circumstances in their situation which dazzle the bulk of spectators, and especially to compare it with that degree of happiness which is enjoyed in America by every class of people. Intrigues of love occupy the younger, and those of ambition, the elder part of the great. Conjugal love having no existence among them, domestic happiness, of which that is the basis, is utterly unknown. In lieu of this are substituted pursuits which nourish and invigorate all our bad passions, and which offer only moments of ecstasy amidst days and months of restlessness and torment. Much, very much inferior this to the tranquil permanent felicity with which domestic society in America blesses most of its inhabitants, leaving them to follow steadily those pursuits which health and reason approve, and rendering truly delicious the intervals of these pursuits

    A man with a good confident

  • J.James

    Salva Kiir reshuffles South Sudan cabinet
    Mr. president

    Thanks a lot for your swift and briliant decisions. We also want to go ahead and thank you for your flexibility and keen listening to the request we put it here last week.

    Please continues to reshuffle till we find pure hearted citizens tp put our country together. don’t listen on what those bitter mouth frogs are saying here and there because some of them may not even get satisfied though you give them all your family.

    God bless

    The writer is always peace activist.

  • Matot de Akech Matot .
    Matot de Akech Matot .

    Salva Kiir reshuffles South Sudan cabinet
    Hon, President Thank a lot . When are you going to do other reshuffles in Lake state ? sir we are really watchdog of looking forwarded to hearing its rushuffles Please . Therefore in they above reshuffles names iam very happy to see and heard it in that way . if you do that in Lake your government ministers shall be in considering full .
    May God bless your government and its people .
    Matot de Akech

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