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Sudan Tribune

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Humanitarian Action in Darfur Weekly Bulletin No. 21

Humanitarian Action in Darfur Weekly Bulletin No. 21

28 May 2009

Key Overall Developments

? Distributions for May are ongoing across the region. In West Darfur, WFP is working with Catholic Relief Services and the Sudanese Red Crescent to cover some of the gaps left by expelled NGOs for May and June. Elsewhere WFP continues to do direct distribution with more teams and staff deployed to assist and monitor. Negotiations are ongoing with new or returning NGO partners for longer term solutions as WFP continues to work with Food Relief Committees (FRC) to maintain food distributions. WFP is preparing a special operation to support re-establishment of field presence and operational capacity through the creation of humanitarian hubs in remote locations. Meanwhile, WFP continues to monitor closely the food security situation through its newly launched Food Security Monitoring System, which, together with UNICEF’s nutritional surveillance system, will form the strategy for the rest of the year and 2010.

? FAO reports that about 746,885 (149,377 households) in Darfur are left without much needed assistance. Expulsion of NGOs and changes in the operating environment for the Food Security and Livelihoods Sector Partners comes at a critical productive season for affected communities who were being supported on seasonal critical livelihood activities. These beneficiaries add on the vulnerable households that could not be supported as a result of overall low funding for agriculture and livelihood interventions for this year. Immediately there is a need for approximately USD 2,700,000 to cover time critical agricultural and livelihood interventions in Darfur during the main rainfall season starting in July and the on-coming winter season.

? UNJLC is working to ensure that the NFI Common Pipeline is once again fully operational throughout Darfur. IOM is ready to transport NFIs from Pipeline warehouses in North and West Darfur to distribution points; the implementation of NFI dispatches by IOM to distribution points in South Darfur is pending clearance from HAC.

? No cases of suspected Influenza A (H1N1) reported in Darfur. In all Darfur States, preparedness activities of H1N1 Influenza are ongoing. WHO/FMOH delivered doses of Tamiflu, 20 viral transport media, and ten personal protection equipment to each state.

Needs and Response by Sector


South Darfur

? ZOA – Refugee Care completed the construction of kindergartens in the schools of Shag Tabaldi (El Neem camp), Al Masane (Ed Daein town) and Um AlGora (west of Ed Daein)

West Darfur

Short-term response to NGO expulsions

? UNICEF and the Ministry of Education in Zalingei agreed that UNICEF would support eight schools in Nertiti area which were previously supported by suspended NGOs.

Food Security and Livelihoods

North Darfur

? WFP direct general food distribution (GFD) and Blanket Supplementary Feeding Programme (BSFP) distribution started for May and June in Shangil Tobay and Shadad IDP camp.

? WFP GFD for May was completed in nine locations in Hasahaba cluster with food distributed to 31,077 persons.

? WFP GFD and BSFP distributions for May and June were started in Kabkabiya town reaching 45,242 beneficiaries, with 10,847 children under five receiving assistance under the BSFP.

South Darfur

? WFP finalized verification of 389 households (HHs) with 1,961 individuals in Beleil coming from Muhajeria and will provide them with a ten-day emergency ration.

? WFP assisted 15,856 children under five with BSFP in El Neem, Khor Omer Assalaya, Al Firdous and in Abu Matariq.

West Darfur

? WFP food commodities have been dispatched over the week to Habila and Geneina.

? WFP food commodities were distributed for May and June in Mukjar and Bendisi to 31,124 beneficiaries.

? Triangle Génération Humanitaire (TGH) agro team launches seeds and tools distributions.

Health and Nutrition

North Darfur

? A joint WHO/SMoH/UNICEF/UNFPA/UNAMID mission was conducted to Sortoni in North Darfur to investigate rumors about children dying of diarrhoea, vomiting and cough. Preliminary findings indicate no evidence of an outbreak. A follow up mission is planned.

South Darfur

? A UNICEF supported and supervised meningitis vaccination campaign was started in Feina in Eastern Jebel Marra.

? With UNICEF support 220,000 anti-malaria bed nets have been distributed in camps across South Darfur with other 110,000 to be distributed within three weeks.

? With UNICEF support 12 midwifery kits were distributed to El Salam and Kass IDP camps.

? WHO provided Tullus Rural Hospital with 33 different drugs, IV fluids and consumable supplies as part of its support for the free IDP access. During the reporting period, the state hospital received 9 cases of suspected meningitis (with 3 of them IDPs) and 10 suspected cases of visceral leishmaniasis from Hijar area.

? WHO were informed by UNAMID that 1500 people are in urgent need for health and sanitation services after being expelled by Birgit tribe from Shareia city and moved to near UNAMID base. Only women and children are allowed to enter the city and its hospital. WHO shared this information with SMOH who immediately assigned a team to visit the area and take the necessary measures by providing mobile health services and extend water pipe lines. WHO will share all related updates with partners.

West Darfur

Short-term response to NGO expulsions

? Eleven of the 13 Therapeutic Feeding Centres and all six Supplementary Feeding Centres that were affected by the suspension of the NGOs continued activities with UNICEF support.

Regular activities

? The meningitis vaccination campaign in Western Jebel Marra supported by UNICEF and other partners is ongoing. Almost 21,000 people between two and 30 years old were vaccinated in Golo and 3,600 people in Kelling.

? UNICEF and the Sudan Ministry of Health jointly conducted a workshop for 30 ministry and NGO workers on Community Based Management of Acute Malnutrition (CMAM).

? Help Age visited Mukjar and carried out eye surgeries for some 250 persons. Many of the patients came from rural areas. During the previous week (16-23 May 2009), Help Age carried out eye surgeries in Um Dukhun.

Non-Food Items (NFIs)

North Darfur

? With the assistance of the UNAMID Rwandan Battalion, a large tent from the new arrivals area in Zam Zam was moved to accommodate the most recent arrivals from Dar El Salaam. More shelters will be required in the coming days. In addition, communal shelters are needed for temporary schools in the new arrivals area.

? Mercy Malaysia supported health clinics in Zam Zam camp with plastic sheeting from the NFI Common Pipeline.

South Darfur

? Tearfund conducted a jerry can cleaning campaign and constructed 20 dwellings for the health project in El Neem camp last week. ZOA also constructed 10 other dwellings for the new arrivals in El Ferdous.

? WES distributed soap to the IDPs in Khor Omer and El Ferdous.

? IMC provided clinics in Kalma camp with plastic sheeting.

West Darfur

? Following a fire, TDH supported one household in Ardamata camp with non-food items and emergency shelter.

Protection and Human Rights

? The Community Radio Programme, supported by UNICEF, continues to broadcast a range of public information messages on various child-related issues reaching 120,000 people.

South Darfur

? UNICEF and the State Ministry of Culture and Information have agreed to produce radio drama and messages about child protection issues. UNICEF will pay production costs but the State Ministry of Culture and Information will pay the broadcasting costs. UNICEF also conducted and facilitated training on child protection issues for various partners.

? On 18 and 20 May 2009, UNDP sponsored two workshops during the graduation ceremony of the Faculty of Law- Nyala University. The subjects were Immunities and their impact on access to justice and violence against women respectively. Over 100 participants from law students, the academia, legal professionals and local communities attended the workshops.

? UNDP donated 560 legal references to the library of the Faculty of Law – University of Nyala on 17 May 2009.
West Darfur

? The UNHCR supported project of Child Friendly Spaces is ongoing. There are 11 centres in Mukjar and six in Bendisi. New ones are being set up in rural areas such as Wastani, Artala, Bendisi Shamal and Kabar. Two classrooms are being built in Mukjar with UNHCR support. These will be ready before the schools re-open towards the end of June.

Water and Sanitation

North Darfur

Short-term response to NGO expulsions

? During the last week UNICEF supported the State Water Corporation to chlorinate 13 water tanks and maintain and operate 81 hand pumps and 11 water yards in Abu Shouk, Asalam and Kassab camps for internally displaced persons, benefiting 130,000 people.

? With UNICEF support, 281 communal latrines were constructed and additional 213 repaired in Abu Shouk camp. In Kassab camp 56 communal latrines were repaired.

? UNICEF supported a sanitation promotion workshop for community leaders in Asalam and distribution of 285 cartons of soap to promote personal hygiene. In Kassab camp community based hygiene promoters reached 40 households with hygiene education messages and mobilised community members to clean 365 jerry cans.

Regular activities

? UNICEF supported the State Water Corporation to maintain and operate 61 hand pumps and eight water yards in Zam Zam camp benefiting more than 100,000 people. One water yard and 44 hand pumps were maintained and kept operational at other locations, in towns and rural areas in North Darfur.

? In Zam Zam camp, UNICEF supported the construction of 40 communal latrines and cleaning of 1,700 communal latrines. Also, 450 households were reached with hygiene education messages.

South Darfur

Short-term response to NGO expulsions

? With UNICEF support 237 communal latrines were built and 3,930 jerry cans cleaned in different camps across South Darfur. Cleaning campaigns were conducted in 21 camps in Kass.

? UNICEF conducted with partners a water quality control analysis in Ottash, Beliel and Musia.

? With UNICEF support the State Water Corporation maintained 31 motorized water schemes and 120 hand pumps across South Darfur. Also, to improve access to safe drinking water four hand pumps were repaired in camps in Kass as well as four bladder water containers, three elevated tanks and two former Oxfam water tanks were cleaned.

Regular activities

? With UNICEF support 10,000 cartons of soap were distributed in camps in Kass and Ed-Daein to improve hygiene among IDPs.

? With UNICEF support 259 households were reached across South Darfur with hygiene and sanitation messages and more than 5,000 people were reached through 214 community sessions about improving water services and hygiene.

? With UNICEF support two cleaning campaigns were conducted and twenty six new household latrines built in Ottash camp.

West Darfur

Short-term response to NGO expulsions

? UNICEF supported water provision at all nine locations where suspended INGO’s were formally engaged in West Darfur. This includes maintenance and operation of 24 motorized water schemes and over 200 hand pumps benefiting 260,000 people.

? In Mukjar, UNICEF supported the reparation of two submersible pumps and the installation of ten hand pumps in Gornei and Saga benefiting 500 people.

? The West Darfur State Ministry of Health with UNICEF support continued with solid waste management and promotion activities in Um Dukhun, Mornei, Mukjar, Zalingei and Nertiti. Sixty hygiene promoters conduct hygiene promotion sessions at these locations.

? With UNICEF support the State Water Corporation repositioned 100 household latrines in Krinding one and Krenik and conducted a cleaning campaign in Krenik.

? In Um Dukhun, TGH runs a general latrine assessment. All the water points in Um Dukhun are closely monitored by TGH team. Water quality tests are done regularly.

? Regarding hygiene promotion, TGH continues cleaning campaigns and Jerri can cleaning. Hygiene Promotion (HP) sessions, targeting children and women, are still going on in TGH HP centres.

? TGH HP team proceeds to door to door home visits and soaps distribution.

Regular activities

? With UNICEF support the State Water Corporation continued to maintain and operate 18 motorized water yards in Zalingei, Mornei, Habilla, Um Shalaya and Geneina benefiting more than 100,000 people.

? The State Water Corporation with UNICEF support maintained 12 hand pumps in Habila, Mornei and Foro boranga area and two hand pumps in Dorti camp, benefiting more that 4,000 people.

? With UNICEF support 600 households were reached with hygiene messages in Dorti, Ryiad and Ardamata. Cleaning campaigns were also conducted in Dorti and Ardamata.

If you have inputs for the next edition or questions and comments on this one, or other media and public enquiries, please contact:
Imad Hassanein, Media Officer, United Nations, Khartoum, Sudan, Email: [email protected], Telephone: +249-9-12178035
For other media and public enquiries, you may also contact:
Orla Clinton, Head Advocacy and Public Information/RC/HC Spokesperson, United Nations, Khartoum, Sudan,
Email: [email protected], Telephone: +249-9-12174454
Cecilia Attefors, Public Information Officer, United Nations, Khartoum, Sudan, Email: [email protected], Telephone: +249-9-12179084

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