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Sudan Tribune

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Will S. Sudan reshuffled cabinet bring changes?

By Santino Fardol

June 4, 2009 — No one can predict with the exact accuracy the intention and the move by President Kiir to bring into his newly appointed cabinet new faces, inactive ministers and one of the most corrupted ex-governors. Whatever decisive factors and methods he used in the past to reshuffle his entire government; this time however, the President got it wrong and placed one of his equations wrongly. On the one hand, the reshuffle of the government has not come as surprise to many. On the other hand, deterioration in all services in the country, crumbled economy, discontent of the army, widely speared of corruption, deterioration in education system; internal conflicts between various ethnic groups and most dramatically the lack of food supply in many States are believed to be behind the move.

Notwithstanding, whatever happened, the question remains unchanged. Why has this move come so late at the time when everything in the country has flagged down? In addition, will the President’s move solve most of the country’s current problems and quell the growing inter-clans violent? Furthermore, why Kiir always insist in appointing corrupt officials such as ex-Northern Bhar el-Ghazal Governor, Lt. Col. Madut Biar?

Mr. President, the latter has not only disappointed Northern Bhar el-Ghazal population and youth but also the GoSS which appointed him.

During his governorship, a great number of Aweil’s intellectuals as well as ordinary citizens filed a complaint to you (President Salva Kiir) alleging the governor of corruption, nepotism, mismanagement, and failing to deliver a minim service to the Aweil citizens. To read the compliant, visit: http://www.madingaweil.com/appeal-letter-to-goss-president.htm

President, how can such a politician who had failed to deliver minim service to his own people be given such an important portfolio in the national arena? How will he be able to carry out his duties as Minister of Telecommunication and Postal Services or serves as an SPLM servant when as a governor he misled his people and discriminated them?

President Kiir, it is time to wake up and take things seriously. Ministerial posts are not for internal. Try other southerners who are first faithful to the country and to the people they love. Country cannot be ruled with emotions but with rules and regulations. No one should be placed above the law even the President. You need to screen your ministers before appointing them.

So, does the appointment of Lt. Col. Madut Biar means that your Excellency only appoints politicians who have well succeeded in destroying education system, health system, discriminate their own people and misused public money?

Dear President, the people of Southern Sudan are facing unprecedented shortage in all services, insufficient in food supply, internal conflicts etc.

The underlying challenges are the results of your government mismanagement of the entire country’s resources, wide speared of corruption amongst the GoSS officials, embezzlement of public money, lack of law and orders, nepotism and mostly the failure of your government to meet the minim needs for the entire population.

For four years, the State of Generals has failed the people it had fought for. Millions of our children are spending most of their precious years on the street polishing shoes or committing crimes bigger than their ages. This is now happening on the streets of Juba and in many other places in the South. What has your government done regarding the country’s basic needs “infrastructures”?

In fact, Mr. President, your reluctance to deal severely with reported cases of your corrupted officials, their mismanagement and other acts beyond description have damaged your entire presidency, reputation and led to the public discontent. As these unprecedented challenges are unfolding, people need not words but actions from you.

A lot of politicians in your government whom you always pleased by appointing them will be the first to hold you accountable for the failure forced upon your administration.

Let off most of your corrupted officials. Arrest them, remove and punish them for embezzling millions of public money. To give one example of mismanagement and embezzlement, look at the newly repaired roads? Do they worth millions of dollars your government has spent (awarded contracts)?

Please, direct faithful politicians to fix the economy and mostly to immediately meet the needs of the army.

These SPLA soldiers are the only country’s hope, most honest, loyal and safeguard of the country’s security (I am talking about juniors and some seniors). Teachers must be paid and trained so that millions of our children receive proper education. Immediate needs for the population (food) must be provided.

Furthermore, the growing inter-clans must be put to an end and those responsible brought to face justice. Why innocent civilians vanish at the time of peace.

With the exception to H.E Barnaba Marial Benjamin and few ministers in your newly appointed cabinet, people are tired of appointing corrupt officials.

Your Excellency, reshuffling a government may mean one of the followings. 1) Either you are dissatisfied with the performance of the servants you entrusted and empowered to carry out the job; or 2) simply they are not in the right positions; 3) have committed misconducts such as corruption, abuse of power etc.

Just to give an example, can you tell the public for example why you’ve relieved Mr. Kuol Athian Mawien, the ex-Minister of Finance & Economic Planning? Dr. Barnaba Marial Benjamin, the ex-Minister of Regional Cooperation and Mr. Gabriel Changson Chang, the ex-Minister of Information and Broadcasting?

There must be some explanations into why they have been removed? Inform the public so that you cannot be misjudged in the future. Also, there are plethoras of pending corruption chargers before your office for years. What have you done about it? And why does it take you years? Why those accused of misconducts freed without punishment?

Mr. President, the recent paradigm shift in your government needs to urgently deal with matter such as inter-clans conflicts, food, fix the economy as well as insecurity issues. Also, for the sake of the SPLM’s future in general elections, your newly appointed cabinet needs to work around the clock to bring back the lost confident among the public regarding your government mishandling of the national issues. Moreover, services such as education, health care and building infrastructures must be provide so that country function well. The army on the other hand needs to be taking care of. Finally, put an end to corrupt officials and get out from your current folk and try others.

The author is an ex-diplomat (Minister Plenipotentiary), holder of MSc in International Management and author of Southern Sudan and Its Fight for Freedom. He is currently writing a book called “Nation in Pearl”. He has been and will be supporter of the SPLM/A. He can be reach via: [email protected]


  • Ambago

    Will S. Sudan reshuffled cabinet bring changes?

    Thank you my friend Santino Fardol for your intellect and boldness in pointing out the short comings in the current reshuffle.

    It is true that the current reshuffle in the GoSS as somebody puts is just a recycle of corrupt politicians. The former Finance Minister was relieved un-investigated just as his predecessor. BUT what actually warranted the recent kangaroo reshuffle? Was it the poor GoSS performance? Was it the huge public money looted by the Ministers? Was it the rampant insecurity and impunity that has now completely engulfed the south or is it the old tricks “signal right and turn left”?

    Anyway in case H.E Kiir is actually doing the right thing, then I would like to register a complaint about the FVP’s performance at the Presidency and his continuous absenteeism from the Republican Palace in Khartoum where the fate of the whole Sudanese nation is still being decided in the same pre- CPA era fashion. This office needs an urgent reshuffle. The other office is obviously none, but the top office in the Sudanese Foreign Ministry. The FM needs an urgent reshuffle as well Sir. Hurry up, the minister in question is now frustrated.

    After doing the two above reshuffles Sir and sorting out all the other mess then and only then that I can congratulate you.

    Otherwise non of your current moves are going to led us any where if we are not doing well in Khartoum where at the moment things are moving from bad to worse……Even the CPA is under threat !

  • Olatipol

    Will S. Sudan reshuffled cabinet bring changes?
    For sure, it really beats a right minded individual’s understanding of what is wrong with some of our brothers.
    At most, they will never accept their mistakes.

    Take the example of Mark WA. Why attack a patriot who has endeavoured to bring out what has happened and still happening in the country, yet the incumbent is “not -willing” to hear to the crying voices of the masses about the situations?

    How will the masses react when he continues making appointments reminiscent to the ones of a few days ago?

    Why do the appointments most of the time allocated to a given ethnic group?

    What has come to the potentialities of rest of the ethnic groups? Arent they part of the country such that their services and contributions are not welcome? No one surely knows!

    Looking at the new cabinet list, one wonders where the south is heading. I am tempted to conclude that reshuffling relates to rotating the old faces in different government positions, year-in year-out?

    Given the fact that is clear to almost every one to see and witness, why does the president re-appoint thise fellas who have failed to live upto the minimum acceptable performance standards of their preeding jobs?

    If these fellas are the epitome of capability(yet they have failed to meet the minimum performance standards that preceeded the current appointments), then only time will judge where this part of country is headed.

    There are capable individuals in the diaspora (Uganda, Kenya, …….etc)with the knowledge about the conditions in the south and who know what it takes for them to provide the much needed services to the yearning populace.

    People out here with over 15 years of service experIence in the south. These are the indiviuals we have long expected to be in the running affairs of the governmnet.
    It is unfortunate that some of these individuals are have lost the morale of working with the government becuase of what is traspiring.

    Comparing developments in the North to that in the South brings in the clear picture of where we are heading. Whereas the North is developed, to some extent it is not because of what we have complained about(inequivical wealth distribution).

    Even after getting the share, it is not properly channeled to developmental activities. The North on the otherside tries as much as possible to make the best use of its share of wealth.

    Not until we develop the right mind set of being accountable for the usage of our own resources( by putting them into productive ventures),we shall forever remain as be stuck where we are.

    Unless the “ill-advised|” president changes his work mechanisms, the future of our country does not seem bright.




  • Akurjok

    Will S. Sudan reshuffled cabinet bring changes?
    A thank you to you for your article,mr. Santino.But where is that Mark`s comment to which you reacted just after Ambago. The number of comments posted is three but only two are actually there.Could the third but missing one be for Mark and what happened to it-you erased it or something? Back to your article, it is unbiased in any manner and is topical.


    Will S. Sudan reshuffled cabinet bring changes?
    I don’t think if there will be change from the reshuffling ppple.I hope change will not come atleast they stop thinking of theirselves.If they don’t think of school which can bring up many pple and think of reshuffling.what is the benefit of while the Upper Nile is still off?
    I think Kiir need to think again on what to do about Upper Nile University.But the way Iam seeing there is agame being played but our people cannot see the game.And this one is from the NCP.
    I hope think will be ok if our people think of their community
    .Again the insecurity is all over and we have man power who can stop and missbehaving individaul but if we don’t make the use of them what is the reason of having those soldiers?if peoepl are fighting daily in Lakes State and in Jonglei and both Governors are just sitting enjoying and this are the very people who wll vote for them and the very people who can make the better Sudan tomorrow.If they finished what will be the benefit?I remember during the realising of census result people refuse it because the population is less,and here people are fighting and leaders of different parties are saying they are ready for Election.who will vote for them?and the very people are finishing?

  • Thokidine

    Will S. Sudan reshuffled cabinet bring changes?
    Dear Mr. Santino Fordol, all you have stated in here are true and acurrate,

    But first I am sending my greeting and thanks to H.E. Late Dr. John Garang, the hero of the year in his grave yard, his peacefully resident where he will hear no more ramous of failed and corrupt government of South Sudan; thank him for the very great services he had given to us, he has done his part and lifted his burden on to us and it is now our turn to carry it all long.

    I have no more to add then simply seeing them moving from chair to chair. let them corrupt and God who have created Souther will bring for Southern good and willing office who will work for people.

    Thanks for bringing these issues to the attension of him (H.E. Mr. Hat) who led the group of corruptors so that he may lower his corruption and appoint the right people to the right place

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