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Sudan Tribune

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Kiir appoints new army Chief of Staff, relieves deputies

June 1, 2009 (JUBA) – Southern Sudan’s President and Commander-in-Chief of the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA), General Salva Kiir Mayardit, has issued a decree appointing the SPLA’s new Chief of General Staff and relieving a number of his deputies.

James_Hoth_Mai.jpgThe move comes after the appointment yesterday of the former SPLA Chief of Staff, Oyai Deng Ajak, as minister of regional cooperation, the equivalent to foreign minister in the semi-autonomous government.

Major General James Hoth Mai, now promoted to the rank of Lt. General, has been appointed as the SPLA’s Chief of Staff, replacing General Oyai Deng Ajak, with effect from May 31, 2009.

General Salva Kiir Mayardit told the newly appointed Chief of General Staff that despite many achievements, there are still many milestones facing the SPLA that need to be passed. He said that the prime areas of concern include lack of discipline among the forces, desertions within the units and delay of salaries.

James Hoth Mai was born in Ulang County, Upper Nile State. He joined the SPLA in June 1983 and participated in various capacities including being the commando commander and chief of operations for Operations Jungle Storm between 1993 and 1995. He also participated in Operations Thunder Bolt. He served as the Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics in 2005.

Before his current promotion and appointment, Lt. General Hoth was the SPLA’s Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations.

He holds a Masters Degree in Public Administration from Fort Hare University, South Africa.

This is first change in the SPLA command since the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement in January 2005, which recognizes the former rebels as a conventional army of southern Sudan’s government.

Commanders and alternate commanders have taken on more conventional titles: colonels, brigadiers and generals. Also, the regional parliament in Juba authorized last year the establishment of an air force while other corps are being considered by its hierarchy.

However the SPLA, challenged with unsuccessful disarmament and resurgence of tribal fighting, is still facing some problems such as lack of discipline and integration of some thousands of former militiamen. The demobilization and the professionalization of the SPLA troops have been delayed since 2005 due to the lack of funds and fears that relieved soldiers without a profession or a job could create troubles in the south.

General Salva Kiir Mayardit also issued another decree relieving from their positions Major General Salva Mathok Gengdit, Deputy Chief of Staff for Administration and Major General Bior Ajang, Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics, though the two outgoing deputies were promoted in rank.

No new appointments are yet decreed to fill the positions of the three deputies to the Chief of Staff for Administration, Logistics and Operations.

Kiir also issued other decrees promoting the SPLA Deputy Commander-in-Chief, Lt. General Paulino Matip Nhial to the rank of General (1st Lieutenant General), promoting Lt. General Oyai Deng Ajak, the newly appointed Minister for Regional Cooperation, to the same rank of General, and promoting Major Generals Salva Mathok and Bior Ajang to the rank of Lt. General.

The SPLA Commander-in-Chief also re-appointed Lt. General Salva Mathok Gengdit as Presidential Advisor for SPLA Affairs. No re-appointment is decreed for the former Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics, Lt. General Bior Ajang.


(James Gatdet Dak contributed to this report)


  • ngwerajak

    Kiir appoints new army Chief of Staff, relieves deputies
    Welcome LT. Gen.James Holt,
    You remained to the movement as your brothers joining Khartoum Led by Riak Machar, the betrayer and traitor of the South Sudan fought a lone side Bashir, as resulted misleading Nuer community, leaving alone James with his brothers from other tribes to fought for liberation. Deserve credit for you stand. Dr. Riek Machir who never fought war with Arab north joined people SPLA in DEC. 1987 and back to Khartoum in 1991 when thing get hot women left but men remain. Holt joined movement before Riek and remained with it until CPA arrived.
    Many traitors who support big traitor Riek will not be happy with my praise for Holt. Am asking all Nuer to leave this traitor machar alone and support Holt. Not a man who is running day and night looking for witchcraft to make him leader of the South. by Ngwerajak


    Kiir appoints new army Chief of Staff, relieves deputies
    Hey Mr James Hoth Mai,

    Weer Thiaam Keen laat keeh chuu jeeh jaah keh hooh bah teke naai thang kieen teh koon bah wii duu nyuun keen!!!!. Raam mii cheeh keh jii hejen raam mii naan goor keh jii naai Junubni kehooh bah lah Kueer naai. Thiil raam meeh looh jii keh ngaai keh jii naai teh nguaan helong keh kuei ngooni teh gooh tehkon chii leel reei SPLA. Weer thiaam keeh laat keeh Kuoth Guaandong baah jii Pooth reei laat du mii naan chaah jii laath thiin naai Junubni.

  • Manyang

    The out going chief of Staff is a true patriot and the successor is his junior staff who has learnt a lot from him
    I welcome the appointment of James Hoth Mai as new Chief of General Staff of the SPLA.The out going chief of Staff is a true patriot and the successor is his junior staff who has learnt a lot from him. Every southerner has a right to hold any position so long he/she is a true patriot and have a capability to do his/her job. James Hoth Mai is a real man who knows how the aspirations of the southern sudanese can be achieved. He is not like other traitors who walk bothside of politics. James Hoth Mai does not see himself as a Nuer but see himself as a southerner. This true Southerner (James Hoth), overcame the temptations of the 1990s.

    SPLM/A is now facing many challenges. One of the challenges is that new comers and those traitors who rejoined the people’s revolution are looking for top positions. The history will judge these cheap traitors who still have their dog vision of becoming leaders of Southern Sudan. How can traitors lead southern Sudan? You are foregiven to be with your brothers and sisters but the true patriots have never forgotten your weaknesses. The blood of innoccent southern Sudanese you killed and betrayed still hang on your kneck.

    What will the tribalist contributors to this webside say about this patriotic appointment. Nobody should hold position for life, and as such reshuffle is important so long it is done in the right way. Nobody is immune from being reshuffle or remove from his/her position even our president and his deputies can be reshuffle sooner or later. The masses in South Sudan are more powerful than individual politicians.

    By: Manyang Deng

  • Moses Kur Akech
    Moses Kur Akech

    Kiir appoints new army Chief of Staff, relieves deputies
    ‘Patience pays’ Mai joined the SPLA with the sole mission of service. He unequivocally, firmly and tirelessly served since he joined the Movement, and thus his sacrifices with the likes deserve to be always recognised and honoured in the history of the South Sudan. May God bless you and keep an eye on you in your new mission!

  • Hillary B.M.L,M
    Hillary B.M.L,M

    Kiir appoints new army Chief of Staff, relieves deputies
    President Salva Kiir is good in removing and replacing, what he is doing is copy and paste or in short copy paste. When will he be remove and replace? I wish the parliament use impeachment power against Mr. President.

  • marial mach aduot mach
    marial mach aduot mach

    Kiir appoints new army Chief of Staff, relieves deputies
    I appreciated the fact that President Kiir directed the SPLA where it belongs. The new chief of staff fought along side Kiir and others SPLA Generals with his all heart for the total liberation of our people against the oppressors in Northern part of Sudan. Gen. James fought the war free from bias on the bases of tribal and clans. He refuses to joint the like of currant vice president Dr. Riak and many other men of his tribal not only to staying away from the word (Nyangat) or betrayal, but to shows that he has target that could not be tempted by either money or position. The illusiveness of the former defectors has not sway him from his believe that government in Khartoum is the enemy of the people in the south. Dr. Riak broke this creed of our people in south when he Joint the enemy and fought back to his own people, but the present of Lt Gen James Hoith challenge the thinking capability of Dr. Riak and his culprits who had connived with him at that time. Hoith show many characters in the SPLA not only when he stop Riak with his army, but led many SPLA units to victory against Riak’s half brother Bashir.

    SPLA Oyeeeeeee!

    Marial mach aduotdit mach

  • Lual Garang De Lual
    Lual Garang De Lual

    Kiir appoints new army Chief of Staff, relieves deputies
    Bravo, Bravo Mr.President, Lt General, Dr. Salva Kiir Mayardit and congratulations Lt General James Hoth Mai for your new appointment as Army Chief of General Staff for Sudan Peoples’ Liberation Army(SPLA). I am mare Sudanese citizens who is very happy with Kiir’s move in appointing Hoth Mai because he is a brave character who has a vision for the cause of the Southern Sudanese. Where are those of Gatwec, Nuer, Rebecca Nyandeng and Tong Tong. I need your comments because you always criticise President Kiir as a man with lose vision for Southern Sudanese. I hope you are now happy because Lt. Gen. Hoth is a Nuer from Ulang County.

    My support for Lt. Gen. James Hoth Mai is highlighted as follows:

    1. He remained loyal in SPLA despise their brothers defeation from the Movement

    2. He is upto the task and never think like the tribal minded people of South Sudan who are tribalize.

    3. He is a perseverance man and hard-working elegant.

    On the otherhand, I wanted to comment on what he said during the gathering of Nuer and I quote, that as a community, we must respect our cultures as South Sudnese and let not others undermine our cause. He also repaired to some individuals who tried their best to stab the movement at the back and have been pardon by the CPA peace with positions NOT to agitate the movement but just eat and keep quiet because the played their best to unravel the peoples’ struggle through their desires for leadership and top post. Wow to them because they failed in their foil defection from the movement. As people we must accept our bad deeds and appologise for the matter. But narrow minded people refused to appologise to the intened people that he claimed to rule.

    God bless the perseverance of Lt. General James Hoth Mai, Congratulation for the post and the tasks ahead

  • Spla Commando
    Spla Commando

    Kiir appoints new army Chief of Staff, relieves deputies
    Bravo, President Kiir for the appointment of new Army Chief.

    This will inject new blood into SPLA ranks and its activities, because we still have a huge mountain a head.

    keep up the good work

  • Makol Dhal
    Makol Dhal

    Kiir appoints new army Chief of Staff, relieves deputies
    The appointment of general Hoth to rank of Lt gen and new Chief of Staff for SPLA Will push South army on the track.
    I am happy for the news Mr. Hoth you deserve it and let your first plan be the machanism of bringing tribal conflict into zero level.

  • Kur

    Kiir appoints new army Chief of Staff, relieves deputies
    Patience and humility work. Mr. Hoth, you’re a humble and patient man. Please, if you can, turn the SPLA around and make it what we expect it to be, the army of the people, the defender of our freedom.

    Riches never last but good name and legacy last forever. May God bless Southern Sudan.


  • David R Gatkuoth
    David R Gatkuoth

    Kiir appoints new army Chief of Staff, relieves deputies
    Congratulation to both of you Oyai Deng Ajak, as minister of regional cooperation and James Hoth Mai for your appointment to be SPLA’s new Chief of General Staff, I khow both of you have good adminstration.

    Thank, you all
    David R. Gatkuoth


    Kiir appoints new army Chief of Staff, relieves deputies
    The southern sudan has started to the stablish the good governance that is foreward to the succes.Dear president Salva kiir we thank you for great job you have done to us.


    Kiir appoints new army Chief of Staff, relieves deputies
    I welcome the positive move made by Salva Kiir Mayardit, I strongly agree to the appointment of James Hoth as the chief deputy of staff. Bravo Salva, you are on the path to change the destiny of South Sudan, but Hoth should remmeber that he has become the chief of the united army forces for South Sudan(UAFSS). Indeed, we can still remember that a good move is always a change because all living things go under a change. I hailed the formers officers like Oyai to remain vigilant and n true to the faith of liberating the South in other capacities not only in military.
    Red Army

  • Kuanlualthoun

    Kiir appoints new army Chief of Staff, relieves deputies
    General Hoth is a millitary man, his appointment doesn’t need any mention of that fake master degree from the so called Fort hare in South Africa, how could one do a master degree without any formal basic degree? If general Hoth that I respect very much is appointed to this post because of his huge contributions during those bitter days of the war of liberation, that is fair enough, but that shouldn’t be diluted with that false academic achievement. General Hoth is capable of educating himself to even PhD level forget about MSc or MA.

    If that post being occupied by General James Hoth, needs a formal Master degree qualification, please don’t lie to yourself by putting this right man in that wrong place, look for someone who will handle it, no wonder why we always fail to attain our goal, no wonder why we lost 2 million Southern Sudanese during the war, because we don’t appoint people base on their capablities rather than because we know or admire them (nepotism). My people let us learn from our mistakes, tomorrow will become an independent state, how are we going to govern ourselves if we are failing to do this right now, when we are still just an autonomous system!!!! If we really want to succeed, we must get rid of the culture of nepotism or favouritism, or else we will never progress!!

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