Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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SPLM figure Telar Deng urges breakaway leader to reconcile

June 10, 2009 (KHARTOUM) — A leading figure in the SPLM, Telar Deng, said that disagreements within any political party should be sorted out within the party structures, according to a statement he sent to Sudan Tribune. He urged southerners to close rank ahead of the coming general election.

Telar Deng, former State Minister at the Presidency, was referring to the recently announced split from SPLM by former Foreign Minister Lam Akol, who said he is forming a party called “Sudan People’s Liberation Movement- Democratic Change” (SPLM-DC).

Both Deng and Akol had been part of the coup within the rebel command in 1991, which formed an alternate faction that came to be known as SPLA-Nasir. They later reconciled with the SPLA-mainstream ahead of its 2005 move into a minority share of national power in the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA).

Following a political crisis between the two parties signatory to the CPA, Deng and Akol, along with former State Minister for the Interior Aleu Ayieny, were dismissed from their ministerial positions.

Also Telar and Aleu were relieved from the Interim National Council, the SPLM Political Bureau, the South’s army, and the SPLM party on December 3, 2007. Salva Kiir pointed out that their removal aimed at protecting and maintaining the solidarity of the SPLM as an entity.

In a manifesto issued Saturday, Lam Akol blasted the leadership of the South’s ruling party, saying that it “has chosen confrontation rather than partnership with the National Congress Party. This behaviour contravenes the CPA.”

Deng responded that Akol’s political differences with the SPLM as stated in his recent press statement should have been discussed within the Movement. “Today it appears that the history is repeating itself,” said Deng in reference to the split of 1991 and SPLM’s earlier struggle for ascendancy against the rival Anyanya II insurgency in 1983.

He further stated that the 2007 dismissal was made “without due process of law, yet we put the overall interest of our people above our own personal interests. Finally in April this year both of us were vindicated and were reinstated in the SPLM.”

He further stated that if he were Lam Akol, he would pursue his legal rights within the SPLM structures rather than forming a new political party

According to his statement, Deng feels that the move to form new political parties within the SPLM will further “fragment our resolve for self determination in 2011.” He concluded “the SPLM leadership and Dr. Lam Akol should be reconciled and resolve any differences that might have occurred.”

The formation of the breakaway party had drawn even harsher reaction elsewhere in the party. Ezekiel Gatkuoth, member of the SPLM National Liberation Council, reacted that the move proved Akol to be “a puppet and traitor.”




    SPLM figure Telar Deng urges breakaway leader to reconcile
    come on guys just wait until we seperate with the Arabs then you can form ur stupid political parties. by doing this now, you are just showing how disunited we are. SPLA OYEEEEE

  • Chol

    SPLM figure Telar Deng urges breakaway leader to reconcile
    For all marginalized people of Sudan, SPLM is not the perfect party and all the rest of the parties in the Sudan [not excluding the world] none is perpect, but it has came thus far through the people’s support. Therefore, it should be given a chance ,at least by somebody who was a member like Dr. Akol, so that we can see the power of the people in action at this critical times.

    In fact, most people would concur that all the differences should be sorted out within the party and make it more better than the way it’s now, but our brother Dr. Lam Akol has again shown us his weaknesses beyond the history as well as his lack of shrewdness to understand Khartoum’s tactics. He will understand it when it’s too late to save himself leave alone the SPLM or the South that he claimed to be fighting for.

    Moreover, we need to stop taking fire from the enemy his hands and burn down our own houses to ashes; let the enemy come directly to burn them without our own assistance.

  • Akoon

    SPLM figure Telar Deng urges breakaway leader to reconcile
    Dear Deng,

    Thank you very much for your wonderfull comments.Every body made mistakes but they don’t give up their party and should solves your disputes among your selves.
    thanks once again.

  • amokdoor

    SPLM figure Telar Deng urges breakaway leader to reconcile
    Telar Deng,politic envolves breakaway and resumption parties with in the SPLM,it is perrty for you to correct your 1991 nasir memebers to appericate the movement because you both with Lam and riak were the lost sheep newly found by the SPLM party organ.

    Dr lam has a wild mentality as a triator of the SPLM to collobrate with NCP party on ajeopardy of our cerified principal of Accounting (CPA)which had creat the link between the SPLM and NCP.

    for sure no one is not allow to rule southern sudan but our connection with sudan government is at cranky stage were we needs to have our leadership under one hand
    anyone who had been unfaithful during the erra has no trust to lead at this critical moment.

    Formation of multiple parties in sudan is not a bad ideas but the fact must remain that they are nothing to the development of southern sudan nor creating unity among sudanese people.

    look at 69 parties registered to contest for immenient feb election 2010,even in some independent countries like kenya,uganda has no such Exaggeration of mulity-partyism and this is playing and joking not a real

    The GREAT.

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