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Sudan Tribune

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Sudanese official blasts Juba meeting for opposition parties

June 14, 2009 (KHARTOUM) — A proposed meeting for several major opposition parties in South Sudan capital of Juba aims at impeding democratic transformation, an adviser to Sudanese president said today.

Sudan presidential adviser Abdullah Masar (left) & Mubarak Al-Fadil, the leader of the Umma Reform and Renewal party (right)
Sudan presidential adviser Abdullah Masar (left) & Mubarak Al-Fadil, the leader of the Umma Reform and Renewal party (right)
In late May the ex-Southern rebel group Sudan People Liberation Movement (SPLM) has invited more than a dozen opposition parties for a conference in Juba.

An alliance of the opposition parties held a meeting with the presence of representatives from the Umma National Party, Democratic Unionist Party, Umma Reform and Renewal Party, Sudanese Communist Party, Popular Congress Part (PCP), and other smaller parties.

The parties lashed out at the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) for exercising hegemony over wealth and power as well as refusing to amend repressive laws.

The presidential adviser Abdullah Masar told the government sponsored Sudanese media Center (SMC) website that the Juba meeting is one aimed at excluding all non-participants.

Masar accused Mubarak Al-Fadil, the leader of the Umma Reform and Renewal party (URRP), of standing behind the meeting “for political gains away from the interests of the country”.

He called on SPLM chairman to “be well aware” of what Al-Fadil is planning saying the latter has an agenda aimed at distancing the Southern movement from its allies in the government of national unity.

“The conference sends negative signals that will primarily impact the Comprehensive Agreement,” Masar said.

Masar and Al-Fadil both defected from the mainstream Umma party led by former Sudanese Prime Minister Al-Sadiq Al-Mahdi and joined the government.

However following the removal of Al-Fadil from his post as adviser to the Sudanese president, both men fell out after Masar refused to leave the government per his boss’s request.

Masar justified his position saying that Al-Fadil was sacked due his actions as presidential assistant and not in his capacity as head of URRP, which he said, did not warrant party members to leave the government.

This year Masar formed a new party under the name Umma National Party and will run in the upcoming 2010 elections.



  • Michael Malual Mawien
    Michael Malual Mawien

    Sudanese official blasts Juba meeting for opposition parties
    Please Mubarak Al- fadil of reform and renrwal party don’t accept to be influenced by that big lier of NIF/ NCP to work on their decision. That is the way of diverting someone from his main goal to nothing he should not call you to hold a seperate meeting of two parties with him. This time we need government change to happen in Sudan because it is not fair for one party to take the control of resources in the whole country, the chance has to be given out to other parties this time to participate or try their capacity in ruling the nation. iam confident that all the parties in the South and parties in the North Sudan a part from NCP will united up itselves and make sure that they have kick out this fucken tyrany and injustice government of bashir. iam sick of hearing always the agents of bashir accusing the situation all the time.

  • Nhial Reath Thoan
    Nhial Reath Thoan

    Sudanese official blasts Juba meeting for opposition parties
    You may have a point there for arguing , but our aim is to bring justice and democracy to Sudan. Who ever of you who is lying or telling truth about the democratic or Sudanese Unity will be upto you to detect.

    We have a mission and a lot of work to do forward nothing will prevent us to achieve our objective.

  • Garang

    Sudanese official blasts Juba meeting for opposition parties
    Dear southerners.

    At this point we are all aware that the Arabs in this country will never ever do good for southern sudan rather than coming and brain storming for democratisation in the country.

    for them to understand democratic then they should first of all go back and review how the system of government had been going on here in sudan since independent.

    shame on them, there is not democratic in Arab world let them leave us we shall democratise our nation.

    Garang Deng Anuei


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